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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :~~E Lainhr, Mr. Jonathan Humnphfeyss of. Norley, to MISS Ra- 0b 5-of kitley, Ckeshire. ; I : I Q aufesfn the 6th Cstant, at Waverharn, Mr. R. Noun- fleld, of Kinisley, to Miss WAlright, only daughter of John Wright,' Norley, in Cheshire. on 'rThursday last, at Overton, by tle'tev. J. Fletcher, Mr. ttqnry Rowsotl; of Widnes, to NliWs Gregory, of Woodbolses, .aoa~r sodshatr. issuie day, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , MARRIED. On Monday the 19tiinst Mr. Thomas Shlaw, toin M 1iviesey, On Tulesday tae 20th inst. at St. e ames's, Ttsonsan' sto, , -Esq. of Bourn, Lircolnshire, to Missi itowes, dlaughterof-Wun. miowes, Easq. of W mhiferaven. On WYedlnesday tise 21st inlst. Msr. John Thormpson, enmsglrerr, Coot-bronsshlalei-ound~ry, to Mbitss~i~ SottonCavend5Ohh-treer: On Susnday last,:Mr. 3os Norris, yrinter, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yoeterdav, at Rairiford, by the' Rev. William Eilam, Mr. Johr. Marr6w, of this town, to Mis 'I ckle, of Vrlatto helathj, in th~is county. At the Man~se of Row-abbey, on the 3d illstalit, Willirm MO- ns nies, Esq . of Notlherwood , in l)an,,frierlire, to Jane, yourigemt i laughter of the rite Dr. James Wright, of the mt.ih rogiroent ;~ of t'aor, ard grand daughier of the Rev. WIiliarn Wrighit, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? On Friday last, At aibtton'Pa&', -seA it, the Z5dU al- btabianEgertan. hse M4 ?. nf a 5aEo - t Festardar, ?O!r. john.Bilbrouli, of rnmt-clif, near Lecds, te ElizabetL eldeatdaughtet Of Mr. &eksPrietly, St.Anne- Lately Mr. Ml~es,,i tf. !tlarybo!i4 to M1 Nlssl(6U , mor daughter of Mrv& i snsieter;te. Qn Thu sday e it. h at-yveilhams. unl, orcernses ?? am 0f owh eelsis Keigh, of ar. Oa Sundaa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED.; On Sunday, the l6th instant, at Grensfor, 'Thomas Sherlock, 1- r.s4. f tlies rosn, to Miss Royle, of Liay Cottage, Delsigh- Sown dine, at St. Anne's C rc-h,;Mr' TrheThoas Nicholson, to li 'eS. Gtied 3!1l, Mill -street, Toxetdli Park. a15, at .t. Peter's Church, by the RbV. 3. Pailord, t Mr' s , n. of Vs-de, De rbv, to MIbss Davies, of Lowv-bill. ?? 1nursday liat, at iowidens Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -11ARRIED. On Sunday, the Ad, instant, at St. Paul's Church, Mr. Wil- Hlam Higginson, butcher, prirCNwStycet, to Miss Sorah Evans. On Wednesday last, at St., Anne's Church, Mr. Johil Harris, to Miss Elszebeth Jones, both ef this tow n. On rhirsday last, air. 7. Clemison, of this town, to Miss Bishop, of Shorrow, near s'lefficid. Latel, at Badcliff, near Manch ester, Mr IMatthlew Sand- ford, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l .- MA~RIED. * _~ t. stS 4efl~h iut.t St. Ann's clitjrh, Ur. Tho- 15jo .temd~fr.toMary Ann, deantsddlhtetof thie ?? b Et:;6£ f't!riht> nil:*d 05 : ~. O~ - ase~atCh~stC rnch. Mr. Jahn owstead, of ?? at S ohn's ChIrt, Mr. Andrew Buchannan, . 5 Saker, nliN Fb'Ozpc ?? teatetMr~hii~ps, boot ?? ; ~ dmo5eefthig41oUS52 imef~reet £~i-> ovscb~y, idur, RD ashael Gbatr, both of thi . r- dayo ;. .th= r ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~,s~late ?? trb Rohe-g r ott& Dkenport,'Of Bawt,' Bro:, Ons~dvl~iat Gae' hwh sr iaoskell,i s on ?? Taylor,nttol.udell, c El the i~th ya r of bhis 4A leaving ine. fwsi the brsr um.lin eroe hesninlfg goohhl coreet 10 they ricil , mei'tnlseoefivod .from die-!vpredih~e~hsi the ipesCRDY Miccar, te pravem.. lt.- side wan bito '.se ., one ntor o sa' ter ?? L adivingenio pic*s. o wz>8 elu p. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? ?? losterdaymorning thyfbe R ev. J.T. A. en,at the Cgileglate Chrc. Manchester, Joseph broo6 Yatesrnicdsantof this town, t Mis TayrdauiOteraf tlelate i omasTaylor, C PJqt of Blackiey near bfaichester On T'esdaiythe 1(1ttl Inst. atSt.Ane s MChu tr,-. E. t Evans to Miss Frances Jones. t On the 15th inst, at St. Peer's Church, Capt. J..Cxjanlprd, of th e Brig Har aony, to Miss Mi. Prye, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d BIRTH. IS On Saturday last, at the Chapel-house, New-streee, York, of lt twins, the wife of the Rev. John Reynolds, in tle Methodist. n connexion, being their 19th and 20th children. a ?? d OnTuesday,the 2()th silt. at Cockram, near Lancastei,Mr. John Coward, slate-merchant, to MissMarv Gradwellboth ot ll Gawtliwai.j, im Furness. , Lately, at St. James'Church, Mr. John Taylor, locker in the, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Wednesday the 21st ut. Mr. John Milij, 2d Dragoon Guardo, to MJss Jane Haye, Ryley s-galden. : On Saturday last, at Wigan, Mr.Toinse Mawdsley, to Mbtas Bryan, eldest daughter o: JosepisBevaP, Esq. of Springfietld near Wia n. On Sunday lat Mr. David Foulkes, tailor, to. MMis Elizalstll Rowlands. . .. Same day, it St Anne's church, Mr. Thomas Ramnsden, fita riet~sM.Jones. few d vs ago, in St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O tn lWeiinesdav, ?? 17111 lint al gcresi6 Mr john Wfiltby m derclays of thss town to Mrs. Barclay of Got ' Cottabtf Pdtrycroft. - -- On Saturday last at Walton, Mr. Robert I(awlirson, timber meerolesne of Ibist tovW, to NMis Polding, of Edge-hDil.- On Monday hlst,at St. Peter's Church, Mr. Jolm Turner, weaver, of Ldicester, to' Blisg Margaret Ses tred, 51m-akeri Dale~ -street. Qn FrIday last, ...