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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... -i ''-rii CANY, of ETv1 ejlik it'd five fllowing EXTrN1INCs il i i--pt It ii, herr, p-f~a'ntcd ?? a, N(oTle LI ii is Lrcn , ld en i.1 -'ci p rw -I Coimb 'lil~it, All. Niei-ccrae- it all t I' i n~lcpii vocalIC Pe.t-'-tnt-s'.-.jIla obU-' -- *. ?? liti Mrs rti- ?? t A,-'4C ll .A i-l- ?? of ACtion 1, Mt%7'`Ic.I'Uctks ?? 6pT~lCH LOVF;,Pl;ni cj;, r i oilsall-in, andI( Laurent; MrsA-e- i a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vrTT0'Ir;P.To 'tic let, Fuirnifli .cd or TEASE It (s- 1411e? fold, anl execolicit HOUSE, NC). a89, o'-b Cc'- l' tvo ciraw iliroan'i 'WIL dining it lthlull'l ofllcti,&loublle hti-c'''id garden. si .. i ; u ftw., 2,t ct vit I t!so gco .~ i .,sw~ng1-rno!ns, 'I Pit(irI ' aid I a Mtcat ?? I at 'c,iC. a, *it ?? dci r . nmo a ua. ainnt- - ' 'ci' P1 '1 ~Aaq to No, y5 in Cork ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T lt- lElC4 H71'H NIGH ?? N TbOULI - h-~ Alhlorjt) ofi'ii- Rt. It Ofl Itt ?? a C i; M 3 LAtN. 1-N I flUR8tIDAY\ ii Vt Jabnuayi,~ow !/ pre-(fntclteI, At S,3NS SOUri Lcl.Zelr place Weilla :11 lnteriiaiii-o mt, ci ?? P., l-'c.Dregles etl i l I ?? 1 3-olg. 5PpetptutaI Youth t-~v Conjut'al tt ttct e. a ~ f. 'The` Lot~cry a'iffedlotlt _R-. A Trial oti itti' cesmO' A~ n'13, Ann, ?? Nauce,, *- k ,' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'A FURNISHED 1-IOTJSE', *ANTD 1I17toAIrEZLT. A Spaciuus FAMILY HOUSE, comtpletely Fur. .- ~hd 0any airy ?? ?? ill the WCII'ern Irs Cf Metropollis, oi- in any- of -- Viilcc,_cg 'Wift North ors SOLcce, -ithin 4, eile.i of L joldo. -if tive ha~rry fide, Clap- halll .cr. CthN,e'rw l eyill bi. p Th-ril ldatc f inuft Tbe eecal.y 'for Il-c itiottiedhate raccoelon of ci lr~ Family.. Ploefu to fnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAWTI!OR~ . eIRCTIfLATING I1BRART, No. 13z, Strand, mcar Exete7 Change. t1'HE Proprietor begs leave to inform the Sub- fcrihcrs and all thofe who devote a portion of their leifure hours to Reading, that tle ;,bove Library, to which donfiderable Additions have been lately made, iind a New Catalogue printed opened on Monday the i2th of January, for the Difpatch of 1111ineft; it having been fhut ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES 'B AUG 710C'79N. i CU%;s -1:OLOi 1YUR'lT'IP ?? KiARi('5ICHGRT, I,;C- 1 JRH 1GLA/LiJ PR:rN', && Xty rMr.VrEW..!., - alis 'cio20hi ls-Rooms, No. :00,LangAcre, oil arday nflet, at Ii Otcock. LL e nui-ne HOUSEILD FURTNI- A TUR' UR}, FL rplifnhorrl, l'idturcs, ( lazedt Prints-a ?? which are the Dcath of Gceneral Wolfe Laid Pcilro's treaty, fine impreulaons, and other leitrs, the property of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kRANE1.AOTI. Ulie t`11Q THE OF H OA -IGHINISSTH'l'H PRI'NCE OF WALES, '1T LDA net h ohif.will be given -~ oueth M Q!IE~r)1in' horlour of the BlIRTli- ,f her M , t 4-try ?? in the centre 6f the Ro-' ?? apprtprtateO, -.or tra, coffee, &e. and at one o'clock, box.wil I o pmen wvith the. follo'viltg regulat Supper: bolt, 11 it ldirionl to %vhich Will be given (iupon the 1clltc received Ittg i p ...


... y is pumilied, Price A. 29.E .n three large volumes, 8v:o. with a copious Inldex, DIGEST of HINDU LAW, on CON. A TRA.'-CeS and SLICCIiKS, 11NS; with a Commentary. By JAGANNAT'IA TEiKC APANCHANNA, Tranflated frorn the Original Sanferit, a By R.T. COI.FVIrLOOKE, Efq. L judge of Mirzapore, R-fident at thle Court of Berar, and Mern- bar of the Ahatci -,ociecy -IAituoted at Bengal. N This work ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IATRE. LONDON HOSPITAL. IZARD and Mr. THONMAS BiT- V A b i their COURSE of L.EC'TUREi:S on 'AATOM~y, PptiYbOIO GY, 3nd the 1'RINCIPLES- and O~pERATI)NS of SURGERY, on TURSDAY tim 2cthl in-' etanc, at nine in thc snornitig. An^ roas5CAL DEM;ON ST SATION5 daily, by Mr. R. HEa- 91N CGTON. - ELI HAM ACADEMV. rjr lE Anriverfary Mceting of Gcntlemen educated T !aV -1tr lRINALD's, will bc onl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Dal; is publiflied, triee zs. the 0ift litio, oE U, 1 RVATILONS on the VENEREAL DI)S- ` ;ASE, and certain Debilities, occaiioned by the indul- :- of a folitriry vice. ioing the refsilt of Experience in the I (if thefe diforders for the lkft feven years. ?? MAR [IN BREE, Mlembcr of the late Corporation, and ot the prfcent Royal College of Surgeonq of Loridonu. To be haid of J. Matthews, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v10 ,lEvt:n~rg, January 17, t8ot, will * , c- .. tt oct '1trirelynew, C~alled The C'A ?? Ii HOUSE. -L ?? -CC. Pr e'p 'nid hi. Villa-Song. *'Perpect i Yout Cl:t~l~ltrwt '1 t4't'- -lttflg ~'i'hC Lottery a Wedlock of itt In-unie--Song. Annja, ArNnn, Naulic, I c ?? C omlpitny.-Song. ~~I eoveatnd Rea- F to ki' I \At,,sSng1' I'lie Poet and the EC1 LA : t' c cate Song.'lhc Grand Ballet. pj,r i~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOtTSES.-To ke Let, Furiifhed, a Capital , HFlQSSE., No. a8, in Old Vurlington4tree,, with two harndfome dr.isvmwi-roorns,. good dining parlour, ditto kitchen, fuitable offices, ?? itaircafe and gardecl. Alfo No. 24, in ft1ame ftreet, with two dravino-rooms, larfc dinling parlour, f god kitchcn, and oiots And a nuat Houiie, No. r6, in Cork- ftrect,threc rooms on a floor, Latcly painted and ...