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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... i~~ij POYAL I i'1 ?? _ 01 JiSRVJI1lG-U-lNU ES THI lIP IINCE Or WATLES, 14TUESD NY ncx- 7Y otb inft. will, be. givcn o i uptti MAW .ATLI: in honlour of :1w1iRji of, hfr Nl~ , r V Tl'l'r hi thc Centre of ~he RD- ,,nda siill be approratcjj ?? .~aI colflie, &cC. and at ?? o'clock, tb J~tis will be Oprod --I N wi'~I th followill rrgu tlar Supper Pftryufiit, Lk I ti!ddn to w!A ii' will he givenl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIMAR PrCC~~DTU,EY. m-O b- L11FT an elegant )fnurniflteel HOUS, fit' for 1'- rec' don of a Fan thiiy of Fafihion, VIitlermnediate Tof . ?? k-ce I-cfor Viviewigy' od Irir a' myb 15(I of ?? y 1i ±. lkl)641arljrk pl ;; the ?? Edition, of 0BYVATIONS' on tire VENtCREAL 1)18- I.A ?? 'ert ji' Jdh ilirti-, o~rafolaed by the indl F.CitF ii i t It 1 \ a e .rrn the rvfa It of Itn.Pcricne it' the *a( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEXANDER GORDON, of No: 22, CMurch- t f recStt. ABII's,Soho,TrAs.ok and HAVIT-.I Ag crB, returns his fincerethanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and others, for their indulgentc to.hinm during the rcfractory and unfettled ItRte of the lourneymen, and humbly begs leave to inform them thathe has nor feledted a fufficient number of good workmen, at the regular lWages, to cnable him'to-execute their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? EVTE M~TH~ CH AN OE 1sf ENITPCAIMRrT jzyA-11''THEATRE, Wfter,'s-S ra r, ndtn'fe >s 'oithe uncommon Ati piatf, ivn to the Spedtacle of if LouvliiN, or MotkibCrelt yi ?? the Nightly In- fe r till Prest Of, tir 'lTiscatfe, -iwlIbe repeated IIIrr tir.eprefa Dclr~e Of feovirzal pci-tons sta ould nut sdr Aini'litaiane) Six Nights Ionn lar, no.1. taco fnal idrw . r-ntjJ5 and five foliewsVing, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To AL1?S ,tr Aucrm~r. TSTATIONERS &c.-EXTENSIVE LEASMHOLD PREMISES, oppolite Exeter Change, Strand. Ac GuildhallTOMOROAr. at H, o clocl before the Comn- M5Dtfloel Dnamedi a commiffion ofbankrupt awvardedagaiifl Mr- t W Dickie, of the trastsrd in theprecinl o0 the Savoy, in the comintyn MfKiddlefex, Stat`ioner, Defirable LEASEHOLD ESTATE, com- A prlifinga eonvdnielitlihbftantial DWIAJNG HOUSI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIP. ?? MUSICAL YOM9RNAL| 191-il? rirfF Number of this Work will na1ke it I appearance on Saturday the 31it day of Tattuary con- taining the followving variety of exccll unce and 5ombriatiou of diltinguiffed tau-nts. Tbe Conteut5 of No. l. are Ten Pieces, partly newv, Foreign, andupartly originjal Englifh Mufic. T. 'rhe NEWAV FOREIlGNAM1SIC' conifs of- z. The Overture to the new Oprra compofed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Monday nextwill be publifIed, mngnificently printed b &N'LLY, fin Imperial folio, decorated with np.vards f five hundred wooden cuts, price Two Guineaw hi b05n15, . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FvORT1'i-SSCONtt N1GNTZ-.SAhg-fS .iTCj; ' ii ?? A rit-oftheRt. Hon .thL Loa1n) CUtssMBIcRLAwN. THUPSDAY next, January 22, 1801, will blube precfCUteLd, at SANS SoorCs L-CeCCtC-_pCC, LeiCefter ?? Eintertaiwrcent, entirelynew, cilled The CAKE HOUSE. p lr I.-Rec. Dregs and his Villa-Song. *PerpeLual Youth Rc- C ociugal tete a tete---Socsg. 'Tbe Lottery a Wedlock. - T.-.iald of IPatience.-Song. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~'itANTS A PLA~Ji. A l Coor~- ~A- 'reguhat Genile~n'-ts rfarnly; has IC'n objerdlt to IPowvn or Countrv -A line addrefied to I-I.,FI No. 26, Ftolywdll tote, $1ore Luch, wil) be. attcnded to. TH1E SUN f~ERLANi) 'COAL COMPANY - T biaving atti ieagreat ouantity of very prime Coals I a nowv offer.; the tods oiiy entry, aod tlse Pubhlic, fsr45S.6 pay Chialdrentite akfr prompt payinent,being deter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTS A PLACi, S Coox, a fready Perfoxu, who thoroughly uidefa * 'Randls her bufinefs, and call have an undeniable cbara~9cer -ona hcr laft place. Diredl for S. R. No. 24, PaddilIton. freet, Mary-le-bone. WATER CORN MILL. T7ANTED to RENT, or tO HIRE, in the Vicinity of london, a WATER CORN MILL, ca4 prble of grin& g fromt 6o to 7o loads iper week. Apply to Mr. rranks, No. 24, Carey-ftreet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'tee,:.t ACTT1:0 ATr ri1tj; TI'AI-!5E. hoctheB~F ?? COCKF. 1~- A R E YAL, COVENT-Fd;ARDEN. NT u mtvnekt %'ill be prefenited thle piyo fli NGER Elt Strigee 4Mr Ciiikc; Count j mere; Strati Steinjort, Ky. Ri. lhin;ottcsWill- ~~ ('h~~gviui an~~d A\Ir. Ijier r. LthIed.-. ~~ P~h~, CA ?? ODE o HA.SIER Will I'M.cooke. 'Ihle Vocal PatncMef. lec- 1 osen~~od. Dennion, Nfri. Cha',,Ip , s ?? is-hqsI7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDEX to the PARLIAA1VENTARY DEBATES. Propofal5 'for 11I19 g by S'~iferiptrioit, in s Ilarge vols. Svc. A COPIOUS 'NDE!( to' the DEBATES and XLI.PROCEFI)INGLSj0 both HOUSES of PARLIAMENT from X,41 to sico. ~ . Mo MInntcv recivcdlumt on the Dclivery of the Work. Th& PAR1IAME-N1TARY REGIST17 R, containing an Hif-r tory 6' the Proc'~edinps 4,d Dcbstdi of both Holufes of Parlia-' bleflt, is fo~w ...