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... CIfTY ?? -sA-Cott o6f C6ii'mon Cbun ciI will be held to-morrow -at GusiMia.l tt e o'clock ts confider a .otitoF: : That the Court bf. Lie'teVinars, iqie requerted to lay before thisi Court an Accou nit, of all Mbnicara!fediaid endperpded by virtue- of. the L don Milija Adis .A to.Cether With the. NaInbet of ef- fecdlve Men, at a iated Oeri~d- i eaih year, fiom' ?? paf- fing the'faid Adts. To ...


... I B -On Sunday owningrabotif* O'ldck, aslMefirs. Qroker an'd hl)gcknan, two of the; ?? patr~ie, were out on duty- in the neiSobbur- 1iopod Q M.(:.li4'sS tldii obfervea ar foadier aig tano- ther mant bodl S us ch ar~erM , go i lV the flying '~io~rfe ?? ?? dewvit verl bundiesu of wear. * lg OfA@CI upn-w'iW kh :hye ?? iiirathe hiuii,, and rete~teigl uoknowwvhas.they h1; ?? in'thc bundles. m.en fi ...


... 1. kor. 8TEALING. I - I -Athorttime lioce Mr. Saunnders3 !i farnierofStanwell, 1iad nine, fat hogs ft'ol fron his yard, and the robbers fto ped'with theim in, a cart at an ,Inn in the Borough. Tlit- Aaffcr of ihe Trn the three men whco had them in their. puly'flfori of furpi. cious appear.ap,ce; con-nirhicatcd his thuutl, b .oa vcptand ih erroeted tld.e min is to the ?? in %8thji6c: they had ...


... DARINM RoBBUiRsr. The following are the circqnflances attending the robbery of the houf'e of - Barnes, -Efq. near the bridge at Hendon, on Saturday morning laft: Mr. and Mrs. Barnes fleep ii a room on the firft floor, and on account of Mr. Barnes being extremely ill with an afthmatic complaint, the door and win- dows~are generally left open for air. Soon after being in bed, and a light burning ...


... RPi. PBR!fS. ,A few ni,,hts fohce thc hooth of Of .. ?? n ?? iu li' hcn:n was ?? open ; the vjIlalnS pacle1d up a inicL evurv .irt of 'f value that they could liave conx'eni,!;nl r irdid ofr but were happily prvertnted lv afct tf:it . iiTI 1n ahe lioufe. Shle avoicel`an di cc' a in her room, 1il ino 1 e-r ca;d!e wvith fumc Phoipholtus ?? Iiw l;;m take lrow n wi:!l hin ; i!.c Lpipprcf- ...


... COURTo ,f ALDERMELN. YeRerday an efpecial Court of Aldermen was held, at which were prefent 12 Aldermen and the Sheriffs. The ceremony of admitting and fwearinr of GeorgeClark, Eiq. Banker, a Freernan of l4n on, in order to qualify him for the office of Aldirinan, ;eing gone through, The Clerk of the Cocket Office, Manfion- houtk, laid before the Court an Account of Flour fold to the bakers ...


... ROBBIR RS. On Friday afternoon a gentleman was huftled in Cm'entry-ffreet, Hay-niarket, by feveral of a noto- Tious gang of pickpockets, and his pocket picked of his, containing Bank notes to the amount of 481. Eariv lafR Thurfdav morning the (hlopz of Mr* VeC s ?? in. Caftle Hediighaam, EU'hx, was broke open, and robbed of muflins and other pro. perty to a confidcrable'amount nuo ...


... . AssizE oF BEtAD.- -Yeflerday tcic Principals of the Bakeri' Company 'aijted o, the Right flo- norurable the Lod Mayor a.t the Mtinfion-Ijoufe re lative to the fetting the AMl ze of lDread, when his Lordfhip, after examining the Returns of the Meal weig!eirs, and it ppea ringi that Whea- 'and Flour had fallen..I65 Id. qupt6- er, and rlotrzos. !i0d.-,pcr faqk, hpisLordbip, With great fatisialc ...


... MANSION-HOVSE.-Yefterday a Jew 'namfied Na- ebcn was examined before the LORD MAYOR, charged with obtaining goods to the amount of 13001. under falfe pretences. It appeared that a perlon of the name of Jones had procured thefe goods of a wholefale hbufe in Milk-fireem, and de- -livered them over to Nathan, who refided at Ham- burgh. Application was made to the Britifh Con- mll, who caufed them ...


... , 'txss 2icA lt 7 ?? 0 | A:mong the objefis of a Treaty prbf ng d nitir.I) to fettle all pr efent d~iueardtol a fyftem of Maritime Law b ,y which thq recuvrec of them would be avoided, it is natural Q1oug1 tO think that the mode of adminiffering that Law the Admiralty CoUrt of Cieat J)ritain, and t confi nation of the principles laid down by ts er. Ilightened Judges, as IeC filnd them tecorded ...


... PUBLIC OPFICE, BATffN-ARDPN. Yefterday were' re-txamin'ed before William Blamire and John Turtoni Efqrs. feveral then and Women charged an -frfpicion of robbing the houfe of the Reverend Mr John Evans, of Clei k. enwell-clofe, on Sunday z3d ult. of a number of valuabl articles, the labour of feveral years collec- tions in coins and medals of antiquity, in number, upwards 'of 20oo0; bank notes ...