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Brighton Patriot


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Brighton Patriot

Market Herald

... ?? trallab CORN EXCIIANGI:.- ,o-DAv,,FEBnUARY23,1 35. The supply of Graitn in general during the past week has been abodant;. and this morning we hand a fair arrival of Wheat from. Essex and Kent ;. we cannot, howe-ver, note any material varia- tion-in the trade,.whieh continues much as this ;day se'nnight, flne sa lbs obt~aining quite as good tprices. trobugh all other gnrte rnoiit but -Iitte ...

Published: Tuesday 24 February 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 741 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Herald

... maltet 31?fralb CORN lXCIIA NG I;.-MONDAY, M APCH 2, 1835. 'Ihe arrival of Wheat and Flour last week was exceodingly moderate. We bad, however, rather a large supply of Wheat this morning fronm Essex, Kent, ?? ; and although a fewv piked samples nearly reached our last quotation, tile tradle on the whole was dull, at a decline of from Is. to 2s. per quarter on the otler solts., Barley scarcely ...

Published: Tuesday 03 March 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 899 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Herald

... I-Ral-lut jilfralb COHN l;XCIIANOI1X.-*5ION)AY, MisABcit 9.1835. '['hero has becn-a good supply of Wheat antd Hlour since thi; day sc'nnight. though the arival of Wheat 1his moloting war on the wvhole moderate, the trade, however, continues in n very dull state, last week's prices being barely supported for the fine/;t por- cels, whilst the ordittaty sorts aro vety difficult to get rid of, Etn ...

Published: Tuesday 10 March 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 877 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Herald

... fU a r lC tdit ?? CORN. ,XCIIANGE.-Mo'NDAY, I IntII 16, 1f35. 'hl'e arrival of \Vheat and Hour during the past wveek bas hlffne very inodlerato, but we hnadi a t,)r sripply of `iN heat ?? morn!nl front Ess, Kent, and StiCrl'2 tire trade, howeve, rennains n.iull, though we cannot quote ftine parcels by any means lower. Barley meets a free sale on raiher lcner terms than last noted, sv 1r . per ...

Published: Tuesday 17 March 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 841 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... NLwPoRnO 'fbThursday mornimp, as the Meedina, New. port and London Trader, ivas prepanng to leave fbr London, she being at the time about three miles and a half below Newport Quay, while the men were reefing the mainsail, the latter knocked off the hat of Thomas Dasihwood, one of the men, who, on descending to pick it up, fell and hurt himself, but afterwards took up the hat and sculled ...

Published: Tuesday 17 March 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1332 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Herald

... illarlht YntaRll CC)o RN XCIIA NO F..-Mo1(\:9DAY M\ARc! 22. 1835. 'Jhe arrival both of Wheat and Flour, during the past week, trill be seen by our list of impottations beneath to have been cousiderable. This morning also the arrival of Wheat was on the whole large, and tile trade remains in consequence exceedingly dull, on barely as good terms even for the best runs, and lull ls. per quatter ...

Published: Tuesday 24 March 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 892 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Herald

... j tj I It ct girralb C-VIIN l'XCIIAXGI;.-M\oNnax. .Masert30 IS135. 'The arrival oi' Wheat this morning sits latlier isodtet ate hon othierwne atnl fine paliceis met a ready sale Oil till as good ?? ni tis (lily se'nnigilt lltougll tile middling or orihiliry sotls iaivr littI inquiiry. Barlev scarcely reaches our last q ?? on Iut liealis and I;eas are not cheapet. Ilating liut few tresh or anI, ...

Published: Tuesday 31 March 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 894 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Herald

... jflaultet ?? - - - - - -- - 4 - - - - - -- CORN 'XClIANCW.-MoNDAv, Ari L6,f1836. The arrival of Wheat and Flour during the past week has been moderate, and so also was the supply of.W\lVat tbis mornitg. T1he Trade, however, still continues dull, hile best palcels of' Wheat barely realizing last week's prices, w.hiist the loididllln4 and ordinary saples can only he got off onl lotser telrms. ...

Published: Tuesday 07 April 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 855 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market [ill]

... ?? ?fIrram CORN l.XCIIANGE.-MoVAoT, APRIT, 13. 1835.. 'Ihe arrival of Wheat and Flour last weok was ag in lather large ; lence iloough thetasupply ol Vtieci t t'lis it) inr mi4; !noderate, ftl trade continves in the same dtill taie, tlhe tnest parcels bately spilporling oui last quotation, is hil iie milillieg and orditiary sorts arc certainly rhcaperr tl;ado is the tutr lower ; but ]Ieans and ...

Published: Tuesday 14 April 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 912 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Merald

... Iflal-lat jinvaltr CORN EXCHANGE.-MIONDAY, ArP.IL20, 1835. We have had a fair supply of Wheat and Flour since this day se'nnight; thoughi the arrival of V hlent this morning wasy en the whole, moderate, and thg trade remains much as this day se'nnight, quite as good prices being rbtained for superfine runs, though the ordinary sorts are a trifle cheaper. Barley scarcely supports oar last ...

Published: Tuesday 21 April 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 867 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Merald

... market 31) .cralD CORN EXCHANGE.-MloaoAv, APRnlL 27,1835. 'le have been moderately suppiied with Wheatand Flour since this day se'nnight, and tile arrival of WVheat this morning being rather limited, the trade was on the whole somewhat better, the best prices meeting a fair sale, at an advance of full Is. per quarter, though otber sortsare not dearer. Bailey fully maintains our last quotation, ...

Published: Tuesday 28 April 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 822 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Merald

... fit a I, [? et Yleralo CORN EXCIIANGE.i-101MAY, AI Y-l 1836. T'hc ariival of W heat and Flour last week was but moderae, and ieo trade was considered somewhat better on Jlidlay last. This morning the supply of WVheat was on thc wihtole rather limited, and real fine parcels ntet a ready sale at an advance lf full Is. per quarter, though the demand was chiefly ctnfined to this deseiliption, the ...

Published: Tuesday 05 May 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 821 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce