... LINEN -DRAPER as Corner of REDCLIFF-STREET, near the BRIDGE, N MOST respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that he has a very extensive Assortment of LINEN-DRAPERY, curious India and British Muslins, both worked and plain, at Prices much lower than were W ever known; the belt Farbics of Irilh Linens and Sheeting, _ imported; excellent Callicoes as usual, at Is. per Yard; Muflinets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THE PUBLIC. At the Commencement of periodical Publications, it is not unsual to make large Pretensions and Professions; but we shall content ourselves with producing, in Behalf of our Paper, evident Facts, to which Professions as we are impelled to make by a Sense of our Duty to the Public ; to a which Professions we propose, to the best of our Abilities, in- variably to adhere. For a ...

For 5SA LE lby A U C

... TION , ?? AXCHANGE-COFFEE-HOUSE, on iA 'llTl;SDAY next, the 2d of March, at One o'Clock, F An NT I RE CARGO, confiffing of : oout 200 Burlhcls of AMERICAN WHEAT. 400 Barrels ot Finre FLOUR. 2500 Barrel STAVES. Some L.UMBER and MATS. L-- SAM PT.Es of the Wheat and Flour, to he feen at the OrCr3 Office, and tile Whole at Mr. PHILIP GeoRaas' \;rt-roule, ILcwi n's-Mlcard. T. WINWOOD, Broker, For S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T H E C I T IZ E N. NUMBER I. VUtr haxc fi.bliis, fpatinfa fidelis, amaoea Dulcis , i eri r a, b'rnigna, nitens :7ura, Drur, Regesr, Regionem, Crimina, Piscem Servat, adorat, omat, pr'tegit, odit, babre. lBriftolia, lofty, fpacious, faithful, fair, Swvect, famous, old, kind, neat beyond compare, Maintains the Nation's rights, her God adores, Her Sov'rcign loves, proteas the Britifis Thores. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mackie and Mackenzie AT the commencement of a new year, beg leave to exprefs to their friends and the public, the ~;.ttefal fenfe they entertain of the liberal fuppoit Ci sx'ich they have always expdiienced, but more parti- n *ni.31.ly duringlalt year; they hope, by equaly unre- 'I sro.iUCd atteption, ta toerit the fame thare of public E 11rionage during the prefent. Among a variety of cther ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f A COWT STOLrN. W- THEREAS on the night of Saulday laft, be- V tween Iti and as o'clock, the Byre of James a Allan in Auquhiry, in the parilh of Dsnnottat and r county of Kinrardinc, was broke into, and a black e hurnmel COW flolen therefrom , a reward of d THREE GUINEAS is therefore offered to any pel- d fon who will give fuch information to John Burnett, Procuratot-Gfral in Stonehaven, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH STATE LOTTERY, Begins drawing 26th February next, CAPITAL PRIZES. 6 Prizes Of TVJSNTV TriHOUSAND POUNDS, s Ditto of Ten Thoufand Pounds, 5 Ditto of Five Thoufand Pounds, S Ditto of Two Thoufand Pounds, 1c Ditto of One Thoufand Pounds, 2o Ditto of Five Hundred Pounds, &c. &c. &C. rTHE ORIGINAL ¶FICKETS & SHARES, In Halves, Ouarters, Eighths, & Sixteenths, lo a Variety of Numbers, are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sir Prizes of Twentr Thoufancl Pound.r each, IN THE ENGLISF STLATE LOT IERY, That begins Draving tile z6th of February, nexrt, viz. SCHEME. No. of P-rizLs. Valic of each. Total value. 4 of ?? is rso,coo 3 . -0,000 - 30,00 4 5,000 - 20,0oo 5 2,000 - 0,c0oO ao - 1,000 - 10,000 20 500 - I0,00 -S - 100 - 5,000 100 - 50 - 500 1,1500 - -6 264,000 i6,696 Prizes £434,000 ift draw n Blank, *tft day a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S.&Y P'-izersto Twenty Thoufand Pounds each, ?? THE ENGLISH STATE LOT CERY. ?? begins Drawing the 26th of February, next, viz. SCHEME. ' Prizes. Value of each. Total value. 4 of £zo.ooo is ,;So,ooo .; - 10,000 - 30,000 4 - 5,000 - 20.000 , - 2,000 - 10,000 - 1,000 - 10,000 So- 500 10,000 ;o - 100 - 5,000 sosc. - 50 5000 6 - 264,000 a6,tpS' Prizes £434,000 i.fr drawn Blank, ift day 1 I,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e-,ion e e Mi. BLAXCKIWELL's PRIZE DISCOURSE. e THE fubjea of the prize difeourfe in Maifcifhal d 'TCollege and Univerfity of Aberdeen, founded A by the late Mrs Blackwell of Pulmore, for the pre- D ent year, is The Evcellence of the Britibh 0O;19iA'utiton. The Truflees, appointed b-y the Founder, confider- a ing the inconvenience to which candidates are fCb- - jeCted, by being requited to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STATE LOTTERY, 1797. The Tickets are fold and divided Into Halves, Qu3rtnes, Eighths, and Sixteenths, 13B HAZARD, BURNE &1 Co. d STOCK BROKERS, At their STATE LOT fERY OFFICE, a No. 93, under the Royal Exchange, Lox noB, And no %where elfe on their account. S C H E M E. No lb of Prizes. Value of each. Total value. d 4 of ,.aO,O0O - ,.80o,0O e I - zocoo Firll Drawn s i Blank i th Day 20 o0o I - ...