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... .FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. lIEUT- Col. E.B.Fearon, the 31st Regiment j of Foot, has been appointed a Companion of the Jlilitary Order the Bath. BANKRUPTS TO SURRENDER. Richard Mill ward, ...


... LONDON, Saturday, Ocf.'l. , * The London Gazette of this evening was not shed when the mails left town.- The delay (s atto the intended issuing of a Proclamation, suit the late Cabinet ...


... LONDON, Friday, April 7. c ? ntents of the French papers to the date of J. uesday are very unimportant. It is said that Don n a ? t of is. to be deprived of the br ke ta * th Mowing' ...


... LONDON. Saturday, Octohcr 14. I'hench papers of Wednesday, and the Ei/iilc dated Thursday, have been received, but their con♦Mits do not possess'much interest. It said in letters !• Att ...


... LONDON, Saturday, December 30. THE French papers of Thursday, and the Eloile Hated Friday morning, have reached town, Their ts however, are not of any great importance. The Deputies to ...


... LONDON, Saturday, March 3. Etote French paper came to hand this morning. Advices from Constantinople to the 26th of January I . tna t arrests in that city continued without abatejnent ...


... LONDON. Wednesday, April 4. Paris papers'of.Sunday, and the Etoile dated were received yesterday, of the Saturday preceding contained an • „ of one of those arbitrary acts of the police which so in France, and that disgrace the government by they authorised. Friday was fixed for the burial of llakeilelaßoehefoucauld-Liancourt. It was nttended by !ie the leading members the Chamber of Peers and ...


... Saturday, April 14. Paris papers Wednesday, and the Etoile of Thursday, have reached town. The affairs of ire still the subject of observation in the accounts fireeC ranstantinople, but nothing decisive has taken m it appears that the Greeks have been able again •kffrow provisions into the Acropolis, in doing which W .pulsed the Turks an hour's march from Athens. In' French papers are busy ...


... Negociatioxs with Turkey —The refusal the Porte to acquiesce in the proposal England, France, Russia to terminate the war Greece by a compromise, placed beyond all question. ...

LONDON, Wednesday, August 24

... J ( AZEtt yesterday contains a notice from 1 Marshal's Ollice, that no Tickets for the V ** e issued to any Peers or Peeresses who l their intention of being prejf \ *- r ...

LONDON, Wednesday, Jan. 30

... i- ' Sir A T E yesterday announces that Admif ght - , K.C. R. has been appointed ' , of ' Ad,, , f the of Bath the All, Si Visc deceased; and , in ,u ,arle Hamilton, Bart, a Knight Com- EJ 8E8 Admiral Tyler. toent - I,, serve the New Parliaan, °n fi - d he Crown List. ? ( I t >r0Ui rh of Hon. William Smyth (Cott »«' »«ndon Bridge. * the count M ,lliani «ent M'Namara.of Doolen, tiel ...