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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3IRTH.'S. BFLLAMY.-sOn the 27th insT.. Dt. Ii , Lr~rker Street. Handirworth, thb ?? of P. J. Bellamy. of a daughter. FLprTCHI5.p.-On the 2£th inst., at Se1!Y Oak. the wife of Edwin ileteber, of a Ron. HILL -On the 27th tnst.. at 41l, Coventry Reoe, the wife of Arthutr K. hill. of adaughter. POoLE.-On the 8th inst.. at Pensax Terrace. Victoria Road, Aston P'ark, the wife of Alex. P.sole. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. GEORGE JABET. The d-ath of Mr. George Jabet, on Sunday morning, i ilnewhat suddenly, although be had been a patient t'crier fur many years, has deprived our town of ,iv:. u those who are content to do good public work ii at quiet unosteutatious way. For more than thirty M a Mr. Jabet has been behind the scenes of some ,f the most important movements in our town, and i.;er~ligl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. VINCE. I MEMORIAL SERMONS, YESTERDAY. References to the death of Mr. Vince were made at various places of worship yesterday. Yesterday morning, at Graham Street Chapel, the E1ov. Mr. MtLaren, of Manchester, delivered ar d scourse in re- ference to the death of Mr. Vince to an immense congrega- tion, every available space in the building being occupied, and the worshippers ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -IltTil, M-IRAI ?? 7DiATiTis AScliwrcs ?? intr.riNnG Prefpti, anid TWo SUnMr1,b GS if 11ol01M1d, 13 mile foe 41111011m1oo : JIolits of Bi3rthki halrriarw, And leatio. -All rsach rnoimouce. manil miot bo arthenticateod by tho netae ict d address of the .rnder. Ponagoe stlmtip rory bho nent in pomplot. RAnor.-fn tle 30th tili, nt Redu. Uood, AStoa, the Ifire of Mr. IEldward Ray, of a Son1. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BERTIMSi, 3.R.1tRGE3 DlNAT13,- A charge of OrE tIEnLINo), prewinl, and lr Tvo rLtj,t005 if hoskede Is made far announca. ?? o Bith. Yi ieia, x ao.l Doithi. All such announce. meeil'aaust be altbitiitlcalt by the snme :and addrers of the 'tender. Poslyag3 stna jr aybo ea oat in payrlsit. : BETH1'iS. Ksmser-r.i-On t so ?? jt., .Mt Cnitford Street; IBaisall Heath the 'u:f3o~ f\il lte- ?? 1e>ey. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUMERAL OF THE REV. J. YATES, B,D. The funeral of the Rev. J. Yates, B.D., late Rector of Swanscombe, and formerly Mathematical Master at the 'Grammar School in this town, took place yesterday, at Aston 0huroh. The remains of the deo0asod gentlaman were conveyed from Swanscombe to London, and were brought by rarU on Thursday night to Birmingham, At the ceremony yesterday, the Rev. Hyla Rope ...

CORRESPOXDEN CE. THE ST. PATRICK'S BUKIAL SOCIETY. El>itok of the Daily Post. Sir, —In the mouth of December ..

... members of the above society (who number about residing in this district, held a public meeting the Odd Fellows' Hall, and that gathering expressed their dissatisfaction ith the way the affairs of the society had been managed. They also passed a resolution demanding local self-government—that is, that they, the members, should have the power to elect annually their own local Committee of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IDEATH OF MR. ALDERMAN COPELAND. Intelligence reached Stoke-on-Trout yesterday morning- oif the death of Mr. Alderman Copelanid, at Russell Farm, Watford, oni Sunday evening. 'ihe deceased gentleman ,was taken suddenly ill at at party, about at fortnight ago, and from that lie never rallied. He lias 1eassed away ait the riple age of 71, leaving, a blank inl thle civic lifea of London, aiid in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MhCELNEOIUS. DEATH OF THE Rav. T. F. FOORD-BoWvEs, D.D., CHAPLAIN IN ORDINART TO THE QussesN.-This venerable clergyman expired at Folkestone, on the 29th of September. at the advanced age of 8i. Dr. Foord-Bowes was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, and obtained his dengree of B.A. in 1800, and of B.D. and D.D. in 1803. In 1802 he was appointed to the Rectory of Cowlam, Yorkshire, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AVNo Notice of Marriagesi or Deaths can be finserted OneslJOSO ?? through a Blookseller or News Agent, or delivered peroisalllif our Office, so a guarantee for their ?? of Births are charged for ao advertieitents. BIRTH. Oil the 17th inst., Mrs. W. Martin, of The Larches, Strittsr Road , of, soi. DIED. Oi lndy the 18th lnst., ?? Barthologed' Chuerch, Sr (bytelittet.I elds c Wiliate mr of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAILRIAGE OF MISS- IS-ABEL DEREJ Tics inchabitants of the sninai licicuist of laiirtl n thle neiglibouring ricof Coleichi li aicci Mhwortic ye'-3I terdicy indu~lgc( inl Ic tinasunc burst of oiexcicctoth occasion of the inarriag sof ISatbel, younes a igtro the Elight Hon. 5cr C. B3. Adderl-1Y, M.P.3 to Vauncey, elde-st son of Sir Tohn Hapi or Crown., Bart., Of Calico Abbey, Deribyslisi a (Iiu ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i THE LATE MR. GEORGE DAWSON. Thoe Manchicster Fa7miniter, referring to tile lamented death of Mr. George Davsosi, says :- Birmingham will not have a monopoly of grief, for thero is scarcely a town il England wvlaerisi George Dawsun was not known and regarded among a large eirole of people. It is ehiefly as a lecturer that Mr. Dawsos Nvill be hold in kindly remnemi- brance, because it is as a ...