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Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales

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... INCIDENTS. is stated on good authority that the Board of Trade wi now hold an inquiry into the whole of the circum- stll ces. Fryer died on Tuesday. Great apprehensions a; entertained respecting some of the wounded in the pdcliffe Infirmary, but most of the patients there and iiprivate lodgings are getting on well. Two deaths occurred on Thursday, namely, Mary Jirker, of Morden, Dorset, who ...


... Magistrates T COUNTY OF Dknbigh. -e Rev Richard liev Howarl, Charlee D-rds, Esq., Captain -rthur Mesham, and Bl-d Evans, Esq.. Bronlfa. 9TAL DRLAY.—The uI.s vhich should have r(ed Wrexham yesterd(Friday^ at 2.30 a.m., Jiot. arrive until 8.45, ;d consequently there Z delay in the deliver* lexers m the district. E WREXHAM POLICJW-A meeting of tlpnnty magistrates wiielc in the Town Hall, ...


... At a mectiug of cotton spinners and manufacturers ou Saturday it was determined that the mills iu t he Swinton district shall begin wort six o'clock iu the morning. For CHRIS^IASJSIOTFBVTI^s go to CHARLES BAYLEY and Co., Hope-street, Wrexham. Fat Pigs'wanted, any weights from four to ten scores, by .). Walli.V ^da ^Butcher, 28, Market Hall, and Rhosddu, Wre^IAIA 7739 OF Gocok.—'• Wa* will new ...


... and addi-Pca^v 0 P^ur'n8 Advent, Morning Prayer Months xf „hf. T cesflj a rn. During the winter 7 D m on Tuesdays and Thursdays at nreanist q? CUrate, Rev. T. Mereaith; ^nn, Bart M.r>°w 0rSanist to Sir Watkin w. ...


... HAWARDEJ 'CHURCH DECORATIONS.—The Chnaas decorations of Hawarden Church, though chaste S simple, are very effective. Wreaths ef holly, ivy, i other evergreens adorn the massive pillars and are n round the arches, wreatlis v, -tirds. lectern, &.ilre twiaed with holly. Romnd the wans V- ftoed of variegated placed an appropriate text, done wnuc a scarlet ground. The font, pat .reading desk, and ...


... NEW COLLIERIES IN SOUTH WALES.—Over 50 new collieries are being sunk in Glamorganshire at present. « In sever >1 instances, nearly £ 100,000 has been spejjt, andST four orfive years already occupied. One of important of these sinkings was proved a su. ce9^*>on Monday. Nixon, Taylor, aqd Co. having won the cète. brated 4-foot vein of steam coal. At Merthyr Vale the pit has been upwards of six ...

[No title]

... V RUABON. vPatai^AocS—Edwin Llovd, wjk,- .MT last^w: the Ruabon Foundsy.^T7 DA*MOI;I|LG £ CAPITAL ^'«D OJUI- FouND^fcsundav an named J^n\s is, Wired Wright, of fouuu dead in i near his residence It is ,hilt he had jead eight or ten hours Wdia. covered. TTY SESSIONS. FRIDAY.—Bar Watkin Williams Wynnlw- chairman, LUereduh, Es3„ and Ca £ fc ...

-----------.-----..-------------------NOTES OF THE WEEK

... NOTES OF THE WEEK. We are enabled to state that the third gentle- man whom the Lord Chancellor has placed upoa the Commission of the Peace for tbe Borough ot Wrexham, is Mr Edward Williams, of Elwy House. It will be recollected that, as no address was at- tached to his name in the communication to the Town Clerk, there were some doubts upon which Mr Edward Williams the Lord Chancellor had ...


... SERVICES. SUNDi JANUARY 3. 1875.-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. LESSONMorning: First lesson, I aiah 42; Second lesson, Malthj. iOveuing: First Isaiah 43 or 44; Second le sourts 2, verse 1 to verse ...


... SLAUGHTERING ON JNDAYS. A letter from Mr Roberts, imector of slaughter- houses, called attention to the jactice of killing on Sundays. On Sunday, 20th, henet, some butchers driving a beast to be killed for te Christmas show. On remonstrating with them, hey said it was often done and could not be stoped. As he did not visit the slaughter-houses on Sudays, animals un- fit for human food might be ...