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Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales

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... THE MILITIA DEPOT FOR A GUILDHALL. Mr J. M. Jones moved that the Town Clerk be instructed to write to the proper authorities asking if they were disposed to sell to the Corporation, for a guildhall, the barracks at present occupied as a Militia Depot, on the removal of the military to the new barracks, and at what price. He said the Council were not committed to anything by this motion, but ...

[No title]

... THE LATIj FIRE AT LLANEFYDD. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,—Will you allow me to avail myself of this opportunity of tendering my very deepest sense of gratitude to those gentlemen in Henllan and the neighbourhood, for the kindness shown by them in assisting me to meet the serious loss which befel me in consequence of the disastrous fire that oc- curred on my farm in September last. I ...


... Vis informed that the Rev. Evan Jenkins, Rector oFihas not been appointed to the living of Hope, My being Innocents' Day, a special seivice for aldwas held in Westminster Abbey, when the ser- 9n preached by Dein Stanley. Ttwimbeucy of Emmanuel Church, Everton, Liver- of, been offered to, and accepted by, the Rev. John irbj, of St- Stephen's, Sheffield. T6, W. H. Denovan, B.A., who recently ...


... BALA. BENEVOLENCE.—Last week, through the kindness of Mr Robertson, M.P., Mr Price, Rhiwlas, Mr R S. Parry, Eryl Aran. and other gentlemen in the neigh- bourhood, about 40 tons of ccal were given to the poor inhabitants of this town in quantities varying from two to four cwts. each. A dinner was on Christmas Day given by Mr Parry. Eryl Aran, to old people of B la, at the Town Hail, which had ...


... TEBilBLE DISASTER; ON TH:8 | GEAT WESTERN RAILWAY. HEARTRENDING SCENES. /fREXHAM AND RUABON VICTIMS. THE INQUEST: STATEMENTS BY THE DRIVERS. A railway aceid; nt, which caused a profound sensation throughout tne kingoom on Christmas Day, occurred on the Gieat Western Rudway on Thursday wetk, a few hundred yards fr ...


... FRANCE. Marshal MacMahon has had a, conference on the Constitutional Bills with the leaders of the Moderate Sections of the Assembly. It. is expected that this negociation will result in an arrangement for organising the Septennate. ...

[No title]

... CHURCHES. WREXHAM. St. Sta: Cturch Choral Services.—On Sundays, Divine Sei vice iild st 11 a.m., 3 30 p.m., and 6 30p.m. Celebration o; the ficorantuition on the first Sunday in each month, after Jlat on the second at 10 a.m., and on the third at 8 30 a.m. Ihtiti»?sin the church arc all free and unpppro- priated B offertories of the morning and afternoon ser- vices Ire votd to the payment of ...


... CANADA. Mr Macdonald has been re-elected to represent Kingston in the Canadian Parliament. He was unseated for bribery at the general eiecuun, but as the bribery was the act of his agents, and without his knowledge at the time, he was eligible for re-election. ...


... wtillan's Magazine a letter in which, answering the article that recently appeared in that periodical, he denies in the most emphatic manner that he and his fellow-Catholics renounced their civil allegiance either before or after the Vatican decrees. He traces the late agitation to the efforts of a certain party at Munich, who efm-e the Vatican Councit met, prophesied thaz 'U-j/reoa would ...


... RUTHIN. BALL.—The tenants' ball at the Castle was given on Thursday evening, by Major West, the Lord-Lieutenant ot the county. We should have given a full report of the proceedings in the Guardian to-day, had not the oversight occurred of omitting to send an invitation to our reporter. CHURCH DECORATIONS.—The parish church was very neatly decorated this year with very appropriate devices and ...


... BANGOR ISYCOED. the rarrsi. WYTON'S CHARITY.—A collection was made in this charity, which naif the 27th ult., in aid of through the inability of the Whitchurch anu M»iVJr>,VwV Turnpike Trusts to pay off in full the bonds still remain- ing on the roads. The Rector appealed to the liberality of the parishioners in forcible terms to make up the de- ficiency, and the collection amounted to £ 7. ...


... THE FAIR AND MARKET TOLLS. The Town Clerk read a letter from Iv Tench, who stated that he was desired by Mr jrke, of Erddig, to inform him, in reply to his leer, that rather than receive a depuration on the sjject of the fair and market tolls he would prefer swritton proposition. The Mayor said he had seen Mr Tench, ad that gentleman said he had no objection himselfo meet a committee. ...