... CLavrots, ” ‘At 12 Noon, or after 8 PM, or or PirkEeRno, ” or after, end Brougbty Ferry from High Street and Top Station at Mitt Farm oF INVERGOWRIE, .. At MYLNEFIELD, .. > ” WHITELAWSTOR, — Noon, Dec oS op nn at WEDNESDAY, S0ru Atlrag St Marr's, ” ” ” GaLLowniLL, .. at 12.80, and Top of Hilitown, 12.45 r.x. from High Street Lochee Railway Station ° WrstHaven. SATURDAY, 8p Oct. Train from ...


... A largely attended and highly represen- tative meeting — at which some prominent Non- tonfornusts were present — assembled on Wed- eesday at the De Grey Rooms in York, to determine upon some mode of recognising the greai services of the Bishop of Beverley to the diocese. We announced the fact of the intended meeting a few days ago, and we then referred to the important duties which have been ...

Published: Saturday 31 October 1891
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2708 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: cape  knitting pattern 


... A CAKE FOR CHRISTMAS. Christina* comes apace, Goodwivw, and a*, to thoroughly good, cake ought to be some days old before used, I think a recipe for a very food one will make a suitable heading to our column day. Moreover, it named Christmas Cake by Mrs Bceton, from whose Book of Household Management have copied it. Ingredients for sized cakt»—s teacupfuU flour, teacupful melte.l butter, 1 ...


... Gd, 225 64, to 2s. St sers}, to be cleared from WHY Tree Dr —- hoe ferers from rn, C pATLY REDUCED bave them. ’ aT 68 lip, 157 STREET ENTS, LD aS —~ e Stock of HOUSEHOLD LINE MD AW TREET AND MA‘ Wh OW CATALOGUE ON APPLicaTic | om. a 19 BRIDGE STRE JOHN BURT, CLOTHIER. Crown ALEX. than Half will WATCHMAKER. Prices. |578 GEOR 2. A = te ‘ap §2s Od Tot 9. Lot 10. “WEDDIN 3a Sis 9d 2s Od Crocxs, J ...


... es BODKIN'S ¢ Aworkin' man has been @ritten an’ printit by parritch as food for puir fol women in general ken sae | the tootheome meltiths that that it w hardly worth a’ bo They've beard tell they speak aboot it they o: ey're awfu’ billies for Kincra folk. Indeed it wis to be a pivce o' the finest as on this side the dubbit the Sonthrons a par Puddin's.” Yet I canna Southern freen's are far w ...


... LITERARY AND MISCELLANEOUS EXTRACTS. THE TOMB OF PHARAOH.— From an article _ y C. Dana Gib.o_ in the May issue of fee Pall Mai! Magazine : — Pharaoh must have continually draught d tbe futare. His ...


... ADDITIONS FOR WEEK ENDING MARCH 15,1902. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. 554 2 Avebury (Lord): Scenery England and the Oauee* to Which It Due. 362 (Sir H): Hospitals and Charities, 1902. sai.6 Q Oonnold (E T.): British Vegetable Gall*—An Introdn*- • to their Study. Conway (Sir W. M.': The Domain Art. 627 FidJer (C. F.): Calculations of Hydraulic. Engineering. 927.5 Gower iR. S ': Life of Sir David ...