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MARRIAGES. Abbott—Hall.—On the 30th ult., at the parish church, sbro', by the Rsv. E. J. Ramskill, George, only ..

... Mr. Abbott, nurseryman, to Emma, eldest daughter of Mr. Hall, Market Hotel, all of Knarebbro'. Calvert—Nicholl.—On the 3rd instant, at Sion chapel, Halifax, by the Rev. B. Dale, M.A., J. Calvert, jun., Esq.. of Mooifields, Warley, to Eliza, sixth daughter of T. Nichejl, Esq., of Carlton House, Halifax. Ceowther —Wiiitk.— On the lst instant, the parish church, Scarbro', the Rev. A. S. Aglen, M ...


... wW*********^* ti ***L — _mc when flflssa men of tbe company competed. *jfS*nmvt***m a B__a overtast yrert sooting. A **Zwm*7 *¦ ***** ******* ***** ** ***** ths 800 *,____— twenty -fire waging shots in succession an a gftSToje Tli^_te?of th. shot, in q .rattan was J^iandObaU'seyreof twofsot Tho following is ***^ * m*H*. 600 yde 600 yds. Total. rnmSm*** lfi .. 12 .. 12 .. .8 ...


... Et the Red Beab lur, in Sherburn J- _.*T t* FRIDAY, the Second day of acocbt next, ?? ?? to tbe Afternoon, either to One or more •* may be agreed npon at the time of Sale, and nnder ?? ?? to the Conditions to be then produced, ?? Tt ?? FARM, situate at Lennerton, in *S__ oontiating of a Messuage, Cottage, necessary **jfrffeuie*t Ontbnildinga, Hnd ?? Closes of LAND, iifi the Lbnnbbtob House ...

?? PIA.NO FOR £&. Ay excellent Six OcUve Square PIANO, ia fir*-rste oi»*r. Apply at Mr. Gn^s'. lfl, Peter- _S4-Z^

... ^TTT^TION ROOMS, 12, BTONEGATE, YORK. MX WH. SLKIGHT will SELL BY AtICTION, on MONDAY EVENING Next, Jult mo Pairs of BOOTS and SHOES, 800 ' ards of -^cilNS *0 t- Tat o- Broad and Narrow CLOTHS, •S^w> ...

?? ?? SUTTON, NKAR YORK. 4. «r SOLD BY AUCTION, at the Old TO ** IHK , pavement, York, on

... THURSDAY, the ..j AceusT asKt, at Two ?? iv the afternoon, ?? ■•Tnooal- disposed of by Private Contract), S** I ?? Valuable Freehold FARM, at FnU Sutton. » ?? br admeasurement 206 a. 2b. 88p., in tbe ?? ,««, i „ '•']7 l _ is ia a gooa state of cultivation, v aU J_7 ___d well drained, and is free from Tithe ?? Tax. n__g__on ia ten miles from York, and two and a half umtb' Stamford Bridge ...

LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILE, & INDIGENT- ' CURED WITHOUT MERCURY. , & ONLY Two Medicines really act up oD Liver: one

... is Mercury or Blue PilL ro Dandelion. Thousands ol Constitutions have been J» down by Mercury, Blue Pill, or Calomel. The oW remedy is DR. KING'S DANDELION & QUI** LIVER PILLS, Which act very gently and efficaciously upon the le liberate Bile, disperse Wind, and strengthen frame. - .„., —-- jj Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Boxes, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. fid., or for Stamp 3' \ ...

RIMST ON, NEAR TADCASTER. M md Inte resting Sale of Fat Cattle, Sheep, Dozen and Leicester Rams. IPLING is again

... honoured with o uctions from Mr. Hodgson, Agent to the Londesborough, Grimston Park, to ' UCTI ON, on the Home Farm, Grimston, on ?. August 19th, 1867, Prime Fat Cross-bred BULLOCKS. Do. Do. HEIFERS. Do - SHEEP, in - Cross-bred LAMBS. Pore-bred Shropshire Down RAMS. Do. Leicester RAMS. on the Table precisely at TWELVE tj Sale will Commence immediately afterwards. the jj eFarm is within One ...

•** _ wnot S COLONIAL WOOL SALES.— T i TSOIEB A Co. wUI SELL, on September Srd, \A l

... about 12,000 BALES, including several fAm\ .—.and esteemed marks. — Catalogues and farther *^J^__an in due time on application at 58, Coleman- JJIJjLiOBdon.E-C- ioBNBY- NEAR NORTHALLERTON. fRE SOLD Keaaonably, a BONE MILL, b r Oldham and Booth, Hull ; and a CORN MILL, hnli. Barnard Castls, both to good Working Order. K i, *7jj,, Che. Aiaisoh, Farm Bailiff, Hornby ftsa|^___ MPOBTANT ...

ALL the New and Popular BOOKS of the Day at SAMPSON'S, 13, Coney-Street, York. MONEY TO LEND. ~ LOANS, from

... £00 to £1000, at per Cent., upon personal and other security, can quickly be obtained respectable parties, with easy repayments, from one to five years. Apply to Messrs. WALKLEY and CO., Estate Agents, 13, Great James-Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C. All transactions strictly confidential \/TAGIC LANTERNS, SLITJEsT &c., on J. HIRE at T. LAWSON'S, 7, Spurriergate, York. ROBERT SMITH, Cutler & ...

*^ LONDON COLONIAL WOOL SALES. JT SIMES and CO. will SELL, on Not. Dee. 6th and 16th, about 10,500 Balsa,

... ____c wveral weU-known and esteemed marks. 9t and further Particulars in due time on *^«. at 58, Coleman -street, London, B.C. --^TgSNTB. KUBSSRYMEN, AMD PLANTEBS. _ rf1 gEEE will be SOLD BY AUCTION, on I ygIDAY, the 6th day of December next, a Quantity AxBSEKT STOCK, at Wass, near Coxwold Station, on *L Thirsk and Malton Branch of the North Eastern *££^_tock for Sale consists of ...