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r/ton.vciaj, /.Vtell/geyce

... /ton .vciaj, /.V tell/ geyce. Hobrehy and most inhuman Murder— On Saturday Mr. James Markey, of lledbarn, near Dunleer, respectable farmer, was returning from the market el Drogheda, horseback, he was stopped between five and six o’clock, at the mile-stone, not quarter ot a mile fiom Dunleer, by two armed loot-pads, in grev great coats, who deliberately' fired two shots at him, one of which ...


... TV. have seldom had tak ol nature that which this day devolves ii()on us, the melancholy (ate several fellow-creatures, who perished Saturday last, A young man excellent moral character, named Maguire, died in this town Thursday, and a number ot his acquaintances and friends, anxious to testily their respect lor Ins remains*, assembled convey them to the place ot interment at the old ahhey, in ...


... A numerous and respectable meeting the Homan Catholics of Fermanagh, took place on Saturday last, in the Catholic Chapel this town. Cspt. Maguire, was called to the Chair, and Mr. Terence Milian, sen. requested to act asScctetary. Captain Maguire taking the Chair, addressed a few apptopriale and well conceived observations to the persons assembled. He stated that they hail again assembled for ...


... an advertisement elsewhere our readers will observe that this long desired establishment is length ft* nallv arranged, and will come into operation on the lOth of February. The coaches have been built expressly for the purjtose, on the most approved modern principles; and, understand, that for safety, comfort, and com plete appointments, will bear a comparison with the ravelling carriage of ...


... We stated in our paper of 27t!i ult. that the Plough ing Match of the Tyrkeimedv Branch was fo again contested. Wednesday the *Jd instant, the competition again t«Hik place iu field near Kilgirliialeagne bridge. The work was done a style even snjierior the former, and the prizes adjudged as follows.— Mr. Alkxamukr Airbus, Imnestuwn, fint, an Iron Plough, >»r ylf, second, pair of Harrows.— The ...


... France. —According to the Paris Papers of Monday »nd Tuesday, the French expedition . vm!l soon return fo u the Morea Despatches from General to t Ist ult* slate, that the health of the troops Was greatly improved. The losses sickness were estimated at six hundred men. There was an abundant supply fresh meat and other necessaries, and the fineness of the weather had irreatlv contributed to the ...

Catholic tenantry of this county have invariably from their Protestant landlords and mastersrr!.r hear)—and I ..

... also, refer to iea ',l (Veljne between the Roman Catholics and the iSan.s, Ihich always prevailed, and would still ,ntinue to prevail, were they not instigated by the in- placards which have been e.reulatei in this „ntv b¥ the Roman Catholic Association—(loud cries rl ear hear.) I must, however, confess that it is not per’.reasonable that it should produce a sensation in l 'hreasl of the ...


... Koval I olfiee of and sta loyal opinion York ; Majesty self be! lrd of niv l» *| home italic lirotlic ersar great you. origin, peril, cnerg) f..rM the IH vary 4'bu Lati nfls .'f the Brunswick ...

Family Notices

... MARRIED. ..C'n Monday last, at. St. Mary's church, bv the Rev. Henry Jhrnes, Mr. Jchn Ccates, ironmonger, to Miss Lloyd, daughter ?a £ ,• Lloyd, ot the 'Bull Inn, in this town.-On Tuesday a-st, at Chepstt 'r lohn Smith, farmer, Thornwell, to Miss « oanna. James, or ttie tormer place.—Lately, at Usk, Mr. Win. ^fh^iyof C^erleon, to. Miss Ann Lewis, of the former place.- iT liiesday last, at the ...

Family Notices

... ■ MONMOUTH, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1829. BIRTH. On Friday, the 22d instant, the lady of Major Mackworth, of Glen, Usk, in this county, of a son. MARRIED. On Wednesday, the 20th inst. at St. James's church. West- minster, T. Gabb, Esq. of Abergavenny, to Maria, daughter of the late Sir Christopher Willoughby, Bart. of Baldon-house, in the county of Oxford.-On the 18th inst. at St. Mary Redcliff, Mr. ...