... SPORTIAG INTELLIGENCE. NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING MEETING, 0So4. FRIDAY, AramL 20. Sir C. Bunbury's EleaDor, s-yrs old, Sit. iolb, . I Mr. D. Radcliffe's Rebel, aged, Sit. ?lb. _ . Mit. -oward'a ^Chippenham, aged, Sit. 8lb. 3 - 6 to 5 on Eleanor; 4 to a agft Chippenharn. Mr. Howorth's Malta, 8[t. 71b. rec. ft.from. Lord Foley's Bleriihed Boy, 3-yrsold. Slt.41b. 1R. M. acogs. bh ft. On Saturday ...

Sporting Intelligence

... Ipd iug , Ine ltieuce. YORK SPRING MEETING,'xSo4. 7TugIdlia j 9, Sweepflakes of zcgs. each, two miles. Load Fitzwilliam's bay horfe,Orville. S yrs old, g(t. I Ld Darlington's br. c. byOrmond,4 yrs old. Sl.5lb. i Mr r.Robillon's c. : c;Aalruniau, 4 Y. ?? &lbr. 3 Tirte ?? paid.-6 to -4 agl Ormond; 5 to i ag(t Maltoniall; and 4'to I agil Orville. Wejnef lay, Stand Phate of Sol. free for all ...

Published: Tuesday 05 June 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 373 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... PLOtGICNG MATCH,. the 229 lt~ fhl ---l ay a U tpon the 22d u t. the annual ploughing match of the Sttanraer Farmer Society toolt place at Mr Ixennox's in Mark of Inch, that beiilg a central fituation for the diftri&l to which the fociety belongs. The field was a plain fallow, requiring the laft furrow before being drii- led for turnips. i As the ilate, of the weather had long retarded the ...


... STAIM EF P'.ACiS. a, Tuefday, June 26, 50. for threeVyear olds, colts BfR 21b Pt fillieasc 8 -1t.eats7 once roiiild. it Mr. Tihms 'b f by Sir Yeter - - - t 1 e ,ir. Goldinig's gr tCoaxer, by Pot0's - 2 2 e Alir Guudif1lbi's roan c01gii liRoan - - 4 3 S It Gen. Groflenior's c'li r yAfparagus . - - S dr 0 ,5 and 6 to 4 tia the winner. Y Weduefday, 501. fbo:all ages.-Heats, tn ice round. e Gen. ...

Published: Thursday 05 July 1804
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 660 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SP.RRTIATG INTELLIGENCE. IN EWA'1,RKE II JtUL.Y MEETJNG. |WV:DNCSDAY, JULY 11. FiFty Poumns by Subreriptitll for 3 year o cd , carrying 6ft 9ih. 4 year olds, Mli, 5 yr olds, 8't Sib, 6 yr olds, MIt axzlb, and aged, Sir C. BInbury'q b. m. Eleanlr,6 yrs old J)ake of Queeniberry'.s b.c. by A'tlorer)ck, 3 yrs old z Lorn I n1ie%,'s ch. h1. Caeptain A.6rolute, yrsold 3 Mr. Wyndhai's chi. c. Itht ...


... : Iirjj?,G ' I NtiWM ARKET JULY MEETING CONCLiJDlED. Tuefdatg, July 10; 5OI fo three lear oids, colts 8it 41b, f filies~t. laft mile and a diftansce t B. C. The late Mr. Perrasis, by his will, direaed bis Executors to pay 20gs, to tbe 'Irteer of this Plate. Mr. D)awfobn's c Hipplicanpus; by Coriander . Lord Groftenor'a br c Enterprze, by Joulus Bull - '2 Lord Stawell's br c Sir David - - 3 ...

Published: Thursday 19 July 1804
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 486 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... iDINUR:qH IpACE. TbisdayourRacesbegan, when ?? Pntrf'of. '50 GMineg: -a: run 'for &ver tbh '1Sa1 of Ai3+wxa 01 ~yoe, by3? f , - ' . r Gfwald's b'ay'geldiilg, hvy Scorpion i 1 fe *Mr Henderfon's hbfinuc m. anler Lalie t S- - M&r CiCnegie'a chofnazgeldiog, Hon4 Carlo A dr. Ah A Farmer's br. h. D'Enghien, by Bangtail 4 @. Mrf ohnftone's chefnut horfe, by Acafio s. dr . 'Mr, kicaid's'bay mare ...


... IANTWICUI RAC!.. ty AVcdnefda, July d ii, u Sweepflakes of W0; with 401. added, for thrie aud ibur-y)ii Olds. *1wo-nlile eais. (S Subtcribers.) - I -- . !d Sir W. Geraird's b e by Star, 4 yis old, 7d t Slb ' i i in1 ~r. Jonesis b cTatkcr S *>rs olfi, 7ft - - 1 . 2 2 t Thul~diy baweepixakos of 10-n. each, for all eges. Three r ; 1t miles. (7 Subldribers) Mm; C. Cholimondeley's b Ih Chelbir c ...

Published: Thursday 26 July 1804
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 783 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... a'ft e .About twenntv minutes before two o'clockfeven' c boats flarted from Leith Pier, for a fubfcription e, prize-boat given by the 1Duke of BU'CCLEUGH, or theeBar. of ODALKEITH,an'd SirJAIM-S ST CLAIR I: ,d ERSxiNE, Bart.- and foame other Gentlemen, to ?? the fifhing boats employed in the defence of the ,e ?? f1retched north. for the buoy on: the Gunnet Rock, and having cleared it,' thev n ...


... * t 3DINBURGCH RkCE4. - ?? ri. ?? I r TV 8 I o r - .. Tbu&-fday-the Hunter's Purfe*of ?? guineas, was run for over the Sands of Leith,, and won. nby - . lr , .i Mr Robe4tfon's, bay horfe, Pegafu's - : Mdr Oarnegie's, chef geld.' oneft Carlo 2 2 ,Yeferday 0the. Ladies Purfe of 50 guipeas, wis run fir over the fare courfe, and woo -by. Lord Bellia:ven's Brandon ?? - 1- .1 Lord Montgoniery's ...


... sPorahviY I? .ELLiOtNCil. . ' S ' T~ ri lo !S flVQ ' ; . 0: DER l M RACESI Tuefday, iAgutt 7;-501 for,4\aidenft orfes, &C. ofall e - - ages. -Two-rile.heats. e Dr. Braokes's b c Optician, 3 Jtspold . - 1 1 e .ir. LordL'scB: filly, Spin-away,3 yrs:61d - 2 2 s Mr.J i's ' bcTatler 3y.rsclit - , - 4. S Johm Efqr s b g lbarotiPrffleberg,4 yr. old, 5 4 r. SiMilula fffii lMoorc6ck, 4yrsa ...

Published: Thursday 09 August 1804
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2646 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... PtELSO 1.ACES.' i ?? A ?? . O- . ?? _ On Tuefday, Augut 7. 1804, was run for, over Caverton Edge, Fifty Pwisnds, for three year olds-'colts, 8fte 3Ib' fillies, 8It. heats,'two miles each. Sir Alexander Don's bay colr by Precipitate, 2 1 , Mr Baillie's bay colt; by Tikle, Toby, 1 2 2 The firif heat of this r'ace was rub. amn2aingly tlofe, and won by Mr BAILLIt, by half a neck. . In iunning the ...