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... THE LOSSES BR ‘War Department, June 24. 8 30p.m. Lord Panmure has received the following } i ist of officers killed, or who have died of their wounds, on the 18th of une‘— Major-General Sir John Campbell—Colonel Yea, 7th Regiment—Lieutenant-Colonel Shadforth, 57th Regiment —Lieutenant Meurant, 18th iment, Lieutenant Davies, 38th Regiment—Lieutenant Ashwin, 57th Regi- ment—Lieutenant Bellew, ...


... RESPECTFULLY announces to his Friends and the Public that bis NEW STOCK OF PAPER,HANGINGS Is now ready for inspection, and will found the largest and cheapest ever offered in this town or neighbourbood, comprising every class, commencing at per piece. 8, King Street, South Shields. ...


... A letter from an army surgeon in the Crimea, describing the destitute condition of hospital provided, or which ought to have been prepared, for the wounded after the battle of the 18th of Juno, has again drawn attention to the horrible evils resulting our troops from the system of routine and consequent neglect which exists iu this department. We trust sincerely that an example will at length ...


... SUMMER RATES FI RATES OF INSURANCE AT Cargoes ami freight* by Britieh-bui aoaTH. Blylh,VVarkvrortb,*nJ Alumonth. 7* 6dto Gr»m 7 Berwick and Kf«- month 7* W Grain 7 Frith* of Forth & Leith, Dundee, Perth .lOsOd to Of«io 7 eta Forth *cird. . Canft) .12* Grain - 10 MontroM, etonebaven. anil Abenleao liU to drain 10 Banff’-Findhcro, lore roe**, A Wick «s»6dto 17 ...


... RDeishté 0 ficial desy es had been. respecting the troas encounter snid to have occurred between British troops and the natives in a townon the African coast, The Metropolis Local Management Bill was read a third time and passed after the discussion of some supplementary amendments. THE TURKISH LOAN. ewe 623 seve ee loan, Lord PALMERSTON moved the preliminary resolution, sanctioning the ...


... NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. E larg: © and increasing Demand for IRON BEDS1 EADS has rendered it difficult for us to fur- nish an adequate Sa, to our Friends; but we are glad to inform them andt feb ublic generally, that we have con- cluded a Contract with th e first Manufacturer in Britain to send us a certain Quanti ty WEEKLY. We, therefore, lain of hope that in future no one will have cause to com ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, AND TIlE PUBLIC. 500 ooo Cream, Blue-laid, and Wove ENVELOPES, -worthy the attention of Merohants, Public 500u9000 Companies, Colliery Owners, Contractors, and all who are eatonsively engaged in trade, DIES ENGRAVED TO ORDER. Large and SmaUl POST. Pust 4to, and pest Svo. WRITING PAPERS of first-ol aes quality at unprecedented Prices. Blue, Cream-.laid, and Wove ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFI(E TlMI-iIE(.ES, with 12-inch Diales, (Eng- F isllh unufacture), froml 42s to Sis mach. A large collection of PARISIAN CLOCKS, including a TAllMr'Y JUST UIECEIVED, of the newest designs iD Gilt, Molehl', Brooze, and China, CLUCKS of every description on hand, or made to oeder. CHRON.METERS, WATCHES, and CLOCKS, cars- fuliy Repaired and Cleared. REID AND SONS, 14, Grey Street, Newcastle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TIE SHARPHOIDERS OF THE NEWCASTLE ON TYNE AND CARLISLE RAILWAY. a iWY LORDS, LADIES, AND GENTLEMEN,_ IDOL The death of Mr Adameon, your late Secretary, baving caused a vacancy in that officee, I beg to offer my)- self as his successor. I was in the service of the company for more than 20 years, during which period I frequently, in addition to my other duties, performed all those belonging ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIE' AND GIRLS' FELT HATS. WIT ViILSON & CO. inform the Ladies of New- W castle and its vicinity, that they have com. menced to SELL FELT WHIPS and BONNETS, and have now to offer at NO. 38, GREY STREET, The newestshape in Oirl'sDrab BONNETS, and in Black, Brown, and Drab Flat Brims for Girls' and Ludies, as well as Eoft Felts in the same cclours. Aleo, pure White and Fawn Felts for Infants. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOINTYRE & ARTHUR -DESPECTFULLY inform Merchant Tailori and the Public generally, that they bave reneived their 2:E8vWINTER STOCK OF ISEAVERS, WITNEYS. MELTONS, PILOTSKERSEYS, TWEEDS, DOESKINS, MOLESKINS, CORDS, &o., &o., .- Alao, a large Stoek of WITNEY OLO rR and BATH BL&NKETS. Having been pereonally eleoted by Mr Arthur in the various markets, we have every confidenoe in recom- mending them ...