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Advertisements & Notices

... TO APAR TMENTS, in a YUOFURNISHED AA pleasant and central part ofthe Town. For Particulars apply to the Printers. IHTOP TO LET, at May next, in Collil-g ood i: Street now in the Occupation at Messrs 13ell, Sta- tionerS, &G. Apply to Mr W. Muschamp, Derweni ,odisr, Sunderlend. TI) LET, EVERAL excellent OFFICES, in Banl1 S Buildings. Mosley Street, A large CELLAR, underneath the Neweastle Bank ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A1CLrY F ENDOWMENT, LIFE ASSUR- 11jEI ANCpND ANNUITY SOCIELTY, JL 12 Chatham Plac9, Blaokfriar8, London. 12 ' CAPITAL, £500,000. Di}ECTORS. william B,,tterworth Bayley, Esq., Chairman. John Fuller, Esq., Douty C airman. b rt Bruce Chichester, 'sq Illiot Macnaglhteu, Esq. 3 B IlenderIon. Esq. Major Turner. Y 11 IatOuche. Esq. Joshua Wal her, Esq. E drard Lee, Esq. I Major Willock, K,L.S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FlT, MARY'S PLACE. AeSINGLd GENTLEMAN can be accom- A modated with FURNISHED AP.4RTMENTS. aTO St. MarY,'s place, an airy Situation, and Town. ANY one seeking HELHadadlgtu A.1.RESID FNCE, may find both in a commodious ]Freehold COTTAGE and G arden about 2 Miles from Prie mdertean bu litlenee b paid down. TO ATORNES, SAREBOKERS, &c. TO BE LET, CES, THE First FLAT of the HOUSE, No. 1Il Pilgrim ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALES Y C TAL- T. PETERSBURG 1st Sort LOW, ex HERRINGS. Apply to THOS. & WM. SMITH, Newcastle, Oct. 27, 1848. St. Peter's DoCk Yard. ON SALE, AN TZIC BLAC BEER, just landed, 10s Dp per Keg. By GE9. FINLA Y, WINE MERCHANT, &e. Bigg Morket, Newcantle, Oct 26, 1848. ON SALE, ENUINE LINSEED CAK.E. v D1)0. DANTZIC BLACK BEER, in prime Condition, AT J. ANDERSON'S, CARLIOL SQUARE and DEAN STREET. ...


... celebrated Sale at Stowe, Mr Lister. Upwards of Thirty Patterns of New SILVER SERVICES AND COFFEE POTS, the most elegant Patterns, at reduced Prices. DIAMOND ORNAMENTS, 30 per Cent, lower than usual. number of Second-hand GOLD REPEATING, IE VER and other WATCHES, at remarkably low A beautiful and massive SERVICE of FORKS, SPOONS, Sec., of the Staj Chase Pattern, for £130, Cost 1200. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'To BU~tG, SSj~s RD T ANDIREW'S SOUTE1 WARI) GENThEMEN, T Beg-to return yon inT sincere Thanks for 1 tbe Honour you have conferred upon me, by again returning me (for the Voarth Time) as one of your Representatives of the town Council, and I beg to aesure you, and to pledge myself, that I shall use my utmost Endeavours to fulfil the Duties of the Office, and to justify yorT choice. 1 remain, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, And entered on the May-0d ynext HOTTOunt SoE FArtllumbeRla.M, in the Paris of Stannjuptcn, containin g303a. Sit9R, or le 88A. S. 35p. ar e in old Sward Grass. Mr D. Turnern Application, will send a Person Thow thelern , and treat for Lettin, tesame. Blegdoti, November 8, 1818. TO BE LET, For such a Term of Years as may be agreed nposa entered to at May-day next, A Desirable FARM, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Neat HOUSE TO P iEr, 'URNISE- A ED, with PLEAJRE tIOUND attached, either to a small FP..ejty, or resperctable Gentlemen Boarders; can be aeeoinmodated with STABLE and GIG HOUSE, 'Phe House is pleasantly situated, and within r; kilt ?? Newcastle. Algo, COTTAGE with Three Rooms and GAh- DEN, To 13E LET. For a Reference apply to the Priaters. TO BE LET, HE OFFICES, lately occupied by F. W. JL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT'SALE 0P FARMING STOCK. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Woolsingtou High House, idi the Parish of Newborn, Northumnberland, on Monday, April 30th, 1849, RALPH BROWN, Auctioneer, A LL the valuable Farming STOCK and IM- PLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY upon the said Farm,belonging to Messrs Havis and. Harrison, who are declining Farming, consisting of 8 powerful Draught Horses; i Black Mare,in Foal, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PERSONS REQUIRING ROOMK FOR SALES, 4 BAZA-ARS. &c. rO BE LET, the LONG ROOM of the .5. Grainger Hotel, 15 Feet in Height, with Four large Windows fronting Grainger Street. Apply at the Bar of the Inn. WAREHOUSE WCCOM)lODATION T the LONDON STEAM WHARF heavy A Gonds can be stored upon the Ground Floor, at moderate Terms. A. PARKER a CO., 50, Qnayside. -BOARD and LODGINGS for a SINGLE IL} ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON SALE, AT J. ANDERSON'S, CARLIOL SQUARE, NEWCASTLE. A Cargo of very superior LINSEED CAKI A1 Priee E7 per Ton. Also, 500 Kngs of Ganuine DANTZ[O BLACI BEER, Price Moderate. TO WHOLESALE GROCERS AND FRUIT MERCHi ANIS. ON PRIVATE SALE, At the Colonial Chambers, A CARGO of MUSCATEL RAISIN' MALAGA FIGS, GRAPES, LENIONS, &e just arrived. A good Supply of CURRANTS and VALENCI. RAISINS shortly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... runny: EATAGE kO f ve Acres of Turn onea Part o ?? good Supplyo Straw &nd a Portio' ay; t he Reminder upon tbeJ Land, wih Sheep.' a Apply to Mr Ja-ies Robinson, chter-le-Streat. Fe January 31, 1850 W Sa TO BE LET, From l2th lay next, JtjfILBOR~E ~6 I RoU SE FARM, in MLL.L thle Pariah of/161u.l~nd, with or without the /,.lVply to Mr Graceo awck near Morpeth, who will receive Offersforth'j5'. by ...