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Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, JAMES ROBSON, Auctioneer, Ai Whalton, in the County of Nerthumberlansd, on Mo3nday, the 8th Day of April, 1850. A HlE w hole of the FARM STOCK, IMPLE- f MENTS of Husbandry, &o., upon Whalton *orth Middle Quarter Farm, in )he Occupation of Mr George Cutter; consisting of 13 Sheep and I Lamb; I cow; Twoyeard-old Steers; PTwo-years-old Quoys; 6 onevyeaorold Qu1eya 3 Mill ey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLDA B LET, 7 IJHREE conve Lien ELLING HOUSES T i*n Russell Terrac aidlev Villas, Newcastle. J Appl to Edward N. race, Byker Hill, Newcastle. April 3. 1850. A SCHjOOL TO/EiT in Newcastle.-FOr . a Referenc e ?? the Printers. TO B FJFT,T }OOMSSsuitable f Offces, No. 23, Deanu JAt Street. 1/ b Apply to Mrs Wilkirdson, on the Premises. TO BE LET, a EVERAL excellent OFzFI CES in the Broad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,o TIE AtGPICULTURAL COMMUNITY, AND OTHE1RS INTERESTED IN THE SALES OF FARNI PRODUCE. MRt SAMUEL DONKIN, Vqa tibifet a Catalogue of those Auctions of T . er5ox whichhewillhavethe Honourofoon- pogn the Eve of the Spring Term of 1850, with in- ?? lmpressions of the Obligationsheowesthe Pub- ?? to improssupon those who are looking lio0ardtn| pablic Transfer of the most valuable of tsv ard3 tk° in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARM STOZlK. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY THOMAS RIPPON, At Annaleld Honse Farm, Parish of LaneheeStr, Onl Tuesday, the 3(lh ot' April. 1850. A LL the FARM STOCK and Implements of A1 lusbandry, belonging to Mr F. Foran. oin thie above Farm; consisting of 2 excellent Drau~gjt Mares, S and 6 Years o0l; 2 Draught Floresa; 6 good Manea COWS, calved and to ?? - 8 Tivo yeard-ild Qosys and Steers. 8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOD BF SOLD BY AUCTION, ter Hill, in the Parish of Stamfordham, Nor- A'§3't bumberland, oD Monday, May 6tho 1850, B tLHBROWN, Auctioneer, Ltlt F;ARMING £TOCK, and IM- A PLEMlENIS ot HUSB'-iNDRY, upon the said ' }pgifg to Messrs Hepippe, *vho are declining Fail! b .e ln ibsttng of 4 exc~lent Draught Horses, in good Coid~tion; I Two-yeai 'old Colt; 2 Milk Cows, gaved and in cal'; 14 Citoytot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWCASTLE FAIRS. OTICE IS hJEREBY GIVEN, that the N THREE ANNUAL FAIRS held at Newcastle upon Tyne, will, in the Year 1850, and every subse- quent Year, be holden as follows:- The AUGUST or LAMMAS FAIR on the Second Wedaesday in August. The OCTO BERP or SIT. LUKE'S FAIR on the last ,NeduesdaY in October. Tho NOVEMBER or MARTINMAS STONES FAIR on the last Wednesday in November. By Order, CLAYTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JARROW LODGE. MR T. GLOVER Begs respectfuly to intimate that he has Teceived I- structions to SELL BY AUCTION, At the Ilouse of Mr Straher, Jarrow Lodge, on Mon- day, September 5th, and tollowing Days, fHE whole of the elegant and substantial T HOUSERHOLD FURNITURE, Plate, Linen, China, Glass, Blook, &c., &c. May be Viewved on Wednesday and Thursday, Septefin ber 40L and dLh, For Particulars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAYV. SALE OF SHOP FIXTURES. MR WILLIA.M CLARK Hu received Instructions from the Assignee of JohR Apvileby. a Bankrupt. TO SELL BY AUCTION, On the PrediAeus, Evet Bridge, Durham, On FridaY. the 23rd August instant, at one o'C ock in the After nHE whole of the SHOP FIXTURES and T FITTINGS, comprising painted conter tret oF large and one small iavinted Flour Bins, tgree Machine, Seales and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OP VALtUflLEB PARMING STOOL; TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Slartup, in the Parish of Morpeth, Northumberlaud, on Monday, May fith, 1851, By RALPH BROWN. Auctioneer. A LL the FARMING STOCK, and IMPLE- A MENTS of HUSBANDRY, upon the said Farm, belonging to Mr James Hoy, of which the following is a Catalo ne: aHOisM-9 powerful Draught Horses, fit for any Work, ?? iu high Condition : I two years ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ftlWO ROOMS, ini the HLouse, 15, Grainger T' Stresuitaibisfor Offices. ?? Apply to S. and R. Henderson, the Premises. TO DllAPFRS AND GROCERS. TO BE LET, & HOUSE and SHOP, well situated for BU- For a~n3f Referente ap3ly tn the Printers of thi9 Paper. 0~~~T blE LET, IN THE MILLINERY AND LACE BUSINESS, A HOUSE and SHOP, with an established 1 Trade, in the best Part of Newcastle. Might be enteriA ...


... ROCK B,,ql~R AND BACON MLUT, ?? 29. V~svo&8n , Icon, 6s. Od. -I-ma, 6s. 9d to 7a ri- 1erlo , - irkin. TEgs, 6s. Gd, per thpillr 43sOd. pcr irkn suer .ii o ~ acon, small, 15. l0d. Hams, ?? ~] ditt nage, 6s. 6d. per stone. But- b 13 r firktn. Eggs, 6s. 6d. per hundred, ~ ~1AI5KETJANv. 24.-There was about Srt's suplp y of cornt at market, which was rt3j:t fullyS lest week' spl'ScCO Red wheat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, ltMMEDIATELY, Most convenient HOUSE, and in excellent Order, A situated No. 8, Oxford Street. Indi Apply at NO. 24,: or to T. It. Trotter, Three Ida Xing, Court, Quayside. TO ?? AT MAY NExT, o r IHE Elegant Ilid spacius HOUSE, en the West Side of 1,05zes Terra:e, ?? for SOSvCt Years 1sust by H1. Patteroon, Esq. 'Ilis I-boose may be seen ?? Tuesday or TIhursda%, frm1 to 4 o'Clock. Apply ...