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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 6th instant, at Fife House, Whitehall, the Vis- countess Milton, of. a daughter. This dvent eonter.c the title of Viscount Milton upon Lord Fitzwilliam's second son. On the lOth-instant,. the Lady Alics Peei, ofs a daighter-- On the 28th ultimo, at Cahir Houseq Cirsistopherlie Mansel Talbot, M.P. for Glalorgasi to the Right Hon. Lady Charlotte Butler, speoil saughter of the. b4e and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O tre21istfflarrnages. 0X the '2d inlSt., at the Collegiate Church. Mr. Paul Coalilan, pawnlbroker, ()ldtield 1o2ad, Charlotte Spury, youngest daughter of Mrs. Ledger, tobacconist, of this town. Onl the 23d inst.. at the samne place, Mr. William Kay, of Cheethami, to Mrs. Mary Barlow, of Blackley. On the 2Sth inst., at the same place, by the Rev. C. G. Hulton, M.A., Mr. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Ih e filil. :itst ,nn it tho urisll iltetirg i o e in Lee till iii, 11 .lcl. , il F.ii(nCl t 7lrli CIC'L ailiter Wilh-IIIVrtIv.}''. :ilk in'In'ult|witifer, ftv (Ijril.eldei dar.S f, t ilr3. Moar aLtaH. Horin a, t 'orh',hirt, t ?? Rev. 1. Wehtti; II MA (son So hit Von0. Archater.on of Cil- ',jcal it Grett lnoiorth, Chiesthire ,Ial} Preherld. lI Upoll to rligsf'' viza iligesi ?? the to te ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ftlarriageo. On the 20th instant, at the Superintendent Registrar's Office, Lloyd-street, Ar. James Smith, to Miss Ellen Ap- pleby, both of this town. On the 21st instant, at the same place, Mr. Peter Fearnm, to Miss Bridget Flanigan, both af this town. On the 13th inst. at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. John Hollist, Air. J. Ml. Duke, jeweller. Market Place, to Elizabeth, third daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 27th ultimo, Alr Samuel Fielden Waterhouse, of Ripponden, druggist, to Miss Sarah Priestly, of Soyland, near' Hahifax. On the 2nd instant, at St. AMary's Church, AMr Thomas Anderson, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to Miss Sarah Dug. dale, of this town. On the 3rd instant, at St. Peter's Catholic Chapel, Scel. street, Liverpool, and afterwar is at St. John the Baptist's Church, Toxteth Park7 Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bflarr(ayrgz. r. On the 2S3 inst. at the Collegiate Church, lr. HecrY t i'arrv, of this tiass, to lliss CtilcariaO White, of Luancnt' lg froccl.Ghyinu-Cerio~g, cocioty of Denliigh., -Soicis day acid lacec, Mr. James lKcarney, of Stociport, to Ml'9. Ann Willmoere, of this towin. flo the 24th in-i. at the osion plaee Mdr. Tha'. MahiseiS, ..ol Clieechan, to .Mary, danulghter of tho ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On rho 28th ul ceo, ot the Collegiate Church, Air Josepb Sttw}ekYll, of Quemen-street, Salforl, to liss Alary Crosby, of the sanme plae. Same day and place, Mr Jospph Lingard, of Stockport, to Miss Ann Barlow, of this town. On the 20thl ultimo, at thesancc place. Mr JohnIl hivar(lb, of Choriton-upoic-ledlock, to Miss lrrinet Naylor, of Greenbeys. On the 30th ultinio, at Ihn some place, ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tebo [Noannouncemnents of Marriages or Deaths can be faserted unless If of authenticated by the name and address of the sender.] 2 MAR ED, n 3 On the 6 th inst. at Richmond Independent Chapel, Broughton 4 Road, Salford, by the Rev. D. E. Ford, Mr. Thomas Grandy to :5 MIrs. Mary Chlutnian, both of Salford. Irih 6 On the 6th iust. at the Catholic Church of E t. John the Evan- to gelist, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? annuuntceisrtesst of Marreages or Deaths can be 'fns5rted uls d athenti cated by the naind and addrees of the seer,.'~ is MARRIED, On the l0th inst. at St. Saviour's Church, by thle Rev Edwvard Birch, M.A. incumbent, Mr. William Chaloner, of Ch 'e0ied ?? !e, to Jane, yoanogest daughter of Mr. Thom as bs0 ofb l thias city.n is.. O te 11hinst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. William pak ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .ariLagEz aw unho a ouehenticato by the ngrme andtwe j add ? 6irin- .BT6v r.O th t, at the oath k.av. W; _1. A -h t., at St. |cjrp5 by the Rv i . rtb L&H'.Robert Averyetho ii onydattedf h latee r. f Wita ehr f0X il thais rtr Re,. P. hlayie, i ,iti £t~r.hea,5 Joi tylaty Hennyarkwtirn, Jtsqof eanby to athe' g Edmu nd dnr, of Roanbe.,latbk .e, ofgpe u bnit. e. u 3ey Bs,2ul5-(,1 the 25th nIt., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announcements of Marriages or Deaths can be inserted unless I aut henrticated by ?? name and address of the sender.] e - - - MARRIED, = On the 13th inst. at Dumfries, by the Rev. M'Ewing, Mr. Samuel Boardman, of this town, to Miss Anne Campbell Little, eldest . daughter of Alr.James Charteris, of Dumfries. t On the 12th inst. at Hope-street Church,Liverpool,by theRev. James Martineau, Jobn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nnncemients of Mlarriay,'o a, 1.),a th, ans be insertedt untess natlleatledeby the iname and address of t On the ~MARRIED. 8 rethe, Hal4tlh ilst. at thoe Parish Church, Rochdale3 by the Rev. arW. Pitting, B.A. urate of Whllr°esy, and brother of ?? bridegroom, i asisted by the 1Rev. T. p , i f engeld, . erhys t re, James, 3ldest san of Jae,,s Pilling, Erg. Of lridge fold, to Anna, fourth ...