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I •TpHE Houft and Shop, with other Ctomutneitf, JL at the Head pf tht Sidt. now in tne Occupation of

... Matthew Mi Ik tmt, is to Tbe Lett Enquire of the faid Afeif hew Mttktom. A Free-hold Elate in Lands, ofthe yearly Va*. ~Tm. me of cr L lying betwixt £ne Barw-Brjdge and SMeld-FieJd, Neweaftle 5 and now Farmed by John Pace, Butcher: Is to be Sugd together or in farjprti: Enquire of Mr. Edward HaH# Tn the Man- netf-Chair. 1 A Houfe in Gatefhead , confifW of divers To- wx m mtnts » to *> c ct a ...

Published: Wed 07 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 829 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ' ' I'ftt HoUft and Shop, wirh other Conveijicu-tfcs, JL et the Head of the -Si-eV, now in

... the Occufwrifnn ©f Mmtifw Mloomt. is to be Lett- Enquire of life A Free-bold Eftate mhtoih V of ike I**xiysL ~jn*.^Wri i & ; $$ 1, lying betwkt the BarrasJf.ridge end 71-trld Puiid Newcaftle ; and now Farmed by John Pace, Butcher: litobe Sold together or in Parcels: Enquire of Mr. Edward Harle in -tteillP net-Chair. • A Hofife id Gatefhcad , confift ing of divm Tc- j\ nati-Kitts, to be Lot ...

Published: Sat 10 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 572 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVEMISEMENTi Houfe and Shop, with other Convcniencks, A at the Head of the Side, now in the Occupation ..

... in n. is to be Lett Enquire of the laid Monrbem Miibvm. _ J A Freehold Sitae in Lands, of the Yearly Va- jf\ kit of 51 1, lying betwixt the Barrasßridge itodSlaeld-Field, Newcaftle; and now Famed by John Fact, Butcher : Is to be Sold together or m ?? . A Houfc ill Gtttwi«td # ?? of diritrt Te. l\ ntiineiltJ, to Hk Let apart aM-Dlttnf, a Drift* Well, a witn, with Slibks and other C^iv-wfc. ?? ...

Published: Mon 12 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 516 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVER T 1 SEME N T S. .A Freehold MeiTuage or Tenement, with a Kay or XJ.L Wharf fronting the

... fame to the Waterllde in Sandgate, near rfmce|sriV upon ITw, betwixt the an d Peter Waittt Kay, is to be Sold : Enquire %molßom Story in Newafile, who can inform any Per- *;lbn of tbeTide, Rental, and Sale thereof. A Houfe with vacant Ground at the back of it, and a Witerf to rbeßiverfide; at the We* End of fhSptwoi^sH in Gatefhead, in the PotTeffion of M. Jee- HBir TU4tr f is tobe ...

Published: Wed 14 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 657 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS, AT the Sign of the Cock, at the Head of the Side, in Newcaftlr ipon 3>»

... nne young Colt, 3 Y-:ars O 1, valued 20 Guineas, is to be Rat- fled for, by an/ Gentlemen or others, on. Wcdnefday the 21ft -nftar.-.. There isro be 20 Lots, each Loc one Guinea. Che Qoll is to be feen at th« Sign of tne CocJ->.4wfad, *, A Very good Dwelling Houfe, with other Con- veniences, in FenwieVt Entry, by the Kry, in Rtwcajllt upon Tint, now tenanted by Capt. Matthias Gikt, is to be ...

Published: Sat 17 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 764 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

%D VEX T IS E HE N't S. T^His if f o g ivc l^otke to all Gentlemen, Lacffes. 1

... and cxliers, wJb« are Lovers of Mu(ick, Thlt the Irf Inftant May , wi|l be per- - formed a CCLMiQRT til ?? 4s - Optra+Tkmt 9 Italian-Solio't, Sonata's, Vrvertures*, frc. upon AefollefWmglnll^menls,-w£ Sp'mett,Trwmpet f v Haotbov, Violms, Bafs-Viols, Bajmn. &c, The Place of Performance is, at Mr. Harris's Dancing- School in WaHoti* in Xewcoftle upon Tine % Each Ticket Xi. 6A. begins txa&ly at ...

Published: Mon 19 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 972 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

AD VERT I S EME^ITSL . -a THE great Reputation the Englijh Barrel Soap 3 has gained among the Quality

... and Gently W'M the Town arid County of NewcaflU moon Tine, and o- - cher adjacent Counties, is a fumcknt Tcllincarion of' ks Excellency, k being every wav at good as the beft tm Cko wn Sotp,go€i as fe l keef>smu«b boms andlogg*ry ii& WW»«§r m Smell and makes tbe fincft Linnen fit-ear and white to admiration, ceitainly preferving k from ?? yellow, &c. and tor Scowring of Silks, Wool J* Woolens ...

Published: Wed 21 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 741 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. THE.irerfß-eputatioit the EngHfh Barrel Soifll has gained among the Quality and Gentry in the ..

... upon Tine, and o- Aer adjacent Counties, is a fufficjent Teftification of its Bxcdlettcy, if being every way as good a* the beft Crown Soap.goes as fat.keepsimich better and longer, Isfweeter tn Smell, and makes the fineft Linnen clea fc and white to admiration, certainly preferving it-Croat* turning yelbw, &c. and for Scowring ofStlks, W ...

Published: Sat 24 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 559 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. ON Friday Aa *jd «rf **r at Ni At, ona J*. Rj*,, 4mm h, ?? ?? Sf.alit-sl at SaajMWa

... in tb. Cauwy MKmajji,. I /•jtat-, by I&**\**rfC.mai*g'm and f>»»rir«s*a\ I ■TlJril ?? : r ?? * •*•■ » fflM-** Mla-r f r*3^r2Sa^-^fcS two Guinea'; Rewind ~TtIE gr*K «np«ntio« the firffjl farre* he* 1 has £dacd rtftonf Htf «&»aiscy a» 4. Gentt* it rhe Tow^€o«nty ** ther adjacent CoJoWtooi: If i fii«aim Tetlifcotm tf fa Ei«:esei«cy» «*»M Own |oei fi ißs^^iS^ ?? in smelt on* •»**»«» ■g* ...

Published: Wed 28 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 301 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

AD VERT IS EMENTS. ON Friday the 1 3d of JUty at Night, one 7tt9.*aoj, refiding lately at FWb* in

... the Ckmnty of Zfcr- *«», or thereabouts i fand born, as hciaid, arSber- kernel* Torkjhire) was taken upon Sufpician of Horfc- Steaiing at South-Blithe in the County of Northumber- land, by J*b» *f ?? and Frannt Welton, I f rrffrf Conftables : He 1$ a middle fhed^rong Mam, about 30 Years of Age, wkh black JHWr, he beat two Men that were hired to keep him all Jfight, and got away in * TL^HF^l°& ...

Published: Sat 31 May 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 617 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. Dl ma or Mate that is -fefigned to Run for the FJa-te riven hv the Mayor an! ?? of

... the I own ZTCmtr of lto«S* upon ««*^ ?? on Thurflay the I cth Day of this Inftant June. &^£2£& the Clerk ot the R^ce, two Day, Mbmbefffl ?? (nS^^i B•nto^«nftru^nen^lltlke^ of Im*. gfesTr^iuir^w^^,^c.¥t#r-Mii^ in ?? upon *w». LOft on Sunday, the 15 of May laft, ...

Published: Mon 02 Jun 1712
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 516 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds