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Newcastle Courant

CORN-EXCHANGE, London, January 3, 1803

... CORN-EXCHANGE, LoiidOh, January 3, 1803 There being butt fev fresh arrivais ofwheat dt nmar-et sn,'aling samples were zs. per-quarter dearer.tbaii this da;y se'niiight. Barley is ?? rather dc'arer. ?? not quuit so sileable. Oats are not vfr7 picntiful, xto hav6 they V'd ried much in pricc since our lst. B-eans are a short suisplY, and ready sale. Peasc of both sorts are in plknty, and onl ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 599 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... - ?? I ?? -The proprierors of diet rigPtace%, Uf rainoufh;, h:etrec sented,,.te ?? die oa- seXUaukFR Sw~lsu;LWE-4OAT,oan the e tth 'tt~ic p'a~al'eat N.J ande by VI when -the Ibsfen wvasa us dted~pfst oft being wrecked oi t dih4Snd, ?? atsktill and e,.er- tione thet got her train atnotsgbese ao:dreadful hraeirs,e and tools her sately into Suridrelaad hiarboure'in a few hours. I'he ...

Published: Saturday 08 January 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1659 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN-EXCHANGE, London, January 10, 1803

... | CORN-XC1-IA~GE. Lorndol, O~iary iO, iSe3. Wlh~ats coming rather sparingly to 'marker, and the sup- ~plies being chiefly froL Kent and Est.x, priccs are bighcr; s.x peu qarter,and sonicthiligomore on the- prime rus: s:frolm thuae counties. We have a tolerable st.1iply' of barley g,::d malt, which vary little from last week's prices. Oats rre pretty pleptuful, and a trille cheaper. A good ...

Published: Saturday 15 January 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 665 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I .L C In the dreadful gale of last week, the brig Mary, Captain IM'Gee, of r.nd from Gi'enrvlcbound to London with a car- goof Casrron goods, was lost in B'oston Deeps. In reefing the topsail, the mast went oveirboaid, with flive rnuezs on tseyard, four of whom were lost; 'the other cannot tell how ie got oe board again, but thin~s th-re sea had th rown him on *leclc. 'Ihe remainder.ofthe ...

Published: Saturday 22 January 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1528 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN EXCHANGE, London, January 17, 1803

... | CORN-EXCHANGE, Ioiidon, Janluary x-, 1To3. k The navigation of the river being stopped by the fj~,aand no arrivals of wheat, high prices for that article were a-ic~l there, nevertheless, was but little done, and, that art cn - siderableadvance. Barley andmualt ?? obtaci1e .thi higher prices. Oats are also derecr, say Is. per quater. hr other articles no material'alteration. .RETURN of ...

Published: Saturday 22 January 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 606 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... II 0 MARINE IN'rELLIGENCE. | IThc sailors- t Y~iriiourh have'entcrediato a resolutioI . not to proceed touea wichout all advance of wages- in con- ?? of which, the rn~erchaots .it bdhg willing to comn ply vuith their request, the ships ang prevented from sailing, as they compel the sailors to-leave tbue ships. -The sailori at this port are denandijig eight gcui:eas per 316isd~l; voyr e anisd ...

Published: Saturday 29 January 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1803 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN-EXCHANGE, London, January 31, 1803

... I CRN-EXCHA NGE, Lc-nidon, Janltuary ,I, XSC3. I Frm a prosped uof the frost Itot bi)4ug ot ]o):g c.~ninul- =Ic vir had thk day a very *~ack imarke, and very little donc. Hence the price otfmost grainn may be quoted at near last Monday's priecs, with the xcxeption, hoiwvrr, of Oats, u:ni botni sorts of Peas and Brans, -which arc brisksr. RETURN of PRIJCIS of GRAiIN as under: 40s c2)I; 3 6.2 6 ...

Published: Saturday 05 February 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 647 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I MARINE 4'El-IGENC1 . At a generil mceting of the ship owperet Ield in London on TVueiday last, resolutions were passed, ?? every possi- -'le exertion should fie mnade to obtain a repeal of thc tonnage duty. Ii the Invcstigation of the fadcs which are designed to establish the inlpolicy and oppressive operation of this tax, very ?? pasis ihavu bcen employed by the cosimnirtee, to whim the n ...

Published: Saturday 05 February 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1269 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - MARINE INIT'ELlIGENCE. .| On Sunday last, the Christsanp i-kand theojuno Al- cocvk, from buindcrlasd wstliTbsrf, for, Aberideen; and the Hope, Wishart, fiomnt Leith, to thisport, with herrings, in atte=pting, to take ltis harliour, go)t upon.'1 the Fcrd band. a saved by the lite boits. ' It' was at hrst thought 'they vould have all gone to picets, blit the v7egther proving favocsrdble, the I ...

Published: Saturday 12 February 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1641 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN-EXCHANGE, London, February 7, 1803

... I i C'OR'EXeFIANGE. 4oIdo, -ebruary T, xgo3.. I We have Ihad very cdnsiderabte arrivals of ivheat since the thaw, and that article. at. market this day is- z per quatrter lower than last Monsday. Barley is likcwlise in gteat plenity; and 'malt about is per quarter cheaper. Oats also tomc to hand in abundance, and-are declining in pre.' Peas and beans of both sorts are not so plentiful, aijd ?? ...

Published: Saturday 12 February 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 679 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

CORN-EXCHANGE, London, February 14, 1803

... I COPN-BXCTANGE, Londdon, Fcbruary 14, *803. Ii.av;T- zio i!-rival.; of conscqucncr since tle frost, tire pricus f t all gr ain rcnlaiu tecarly at last Mondrays quotation, whilr the L1 tiotr, orvever, that rye is chea1per, and barl- y u declining arrtic'l. Malt remails steady. Pease and bcans of I,,rth sorts are inr picnty.- Sorne caroes Dt'oats being up, they are ratlrrtr II trtle. ?? still ...

Published: Saturday 19 February 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 648 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... | I MARINtlJNtTEiilIG&NCPE. Ten sail ofships.are ifow ffltirig:out at Shields, for .the Davis' Straits hehery: It- is snpposed they ,ill sail in less than a fortnight. On iwldcy lastj thte Lively, of Berwi' , in warping into the 'T'weed, rai agrownd a little within the mbuth of the rier, 'l'be major part *if tshe crewv, thl~iriig herini danger of overeetting, sosmnciately deserted her,, and ...

Published: Saturday 19 February 1803
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1560 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce