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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... AA'PK E TS. CORN EXCHANGE.-MONDAT. T~hroughout Thast Week the supplies of Grain were tolerably good, hut not over abundant of any description. English Wheat Caine to hand in rather worse condition, and during the we there was a languid aice at prices tending downwards; the sane may be said of Barley, which on Friday declined full Is. per quarter; but for other things the trade u nderwent but ...


... TUESDAY. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY. Thomas Bomforth, East Stockwitlh, Lincorlshire, ship builder. -James Haworth, Halifax, Yorkshire, cloth ?? Greets, Ripley, Surrey, boot ?? Hardwick, 2, Sus- sex-street, arid 44, Chenie's-inews, Bedford~square, livery-stable keeper -John Ibrooke Freeman, 10, Edmund's-place, Aldersgate- street, City, ?? Bennett and Henry Bennett, 1754, Oxford-street, ...


... X1 AR K E T S. CORN EXCHANGE.-rIRDAY. Owing toa the contrary winds, very little fresh English WTheat has come to hand this week, yet the supply of that article offer- ing here ts-day was quite equal to the demand. The finest parcels sold at full quotations, but middling and inferior kinds were a mere-drug. In Fereign W'ieat exceedingly little business was doing, and we have no alteration to ...


... FRIDAY. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY. 'William Vebles, Oxford, boat ?? Cobb, York, licensed. ?? Hurst, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, woollen anaufdacturer and beer ?? Patolsett, Glassop, Derbyahire, raiaer of ?? Evans, Pontypool, Trove- thin, Monniouthshire, butcher and retailer of ?? Jones, Ledbury, IHertfordshire, ?? Joseph Grimes, Rear, St. Briavels, Gloucestershire, out of ?? Pritchard, St. Briavels, ...


... WARNKEWTS. CORN EXCHOANGE.Mownkv Since our last report, as well as for this day's market, thle arrivals of Wheat, ewing, no doubt, to thle contrary winds hav- ing kept bock the vessels fcom our' own coasts, have boon very limited, and mostly of middling vand weathered cenditiono. Tice stands flits morning exhibited a small Show of samples of that of home produce, on account of, which, and ...


... BRITISI COMMERCE. Q5 readers w~ill find in another part of this day's document purporting to be a circular of Sir u1, the Secretary of the St. Katharine's Dock Joof ?? to w hich we ould wish to direct atten- tiafl, nlascuhl, as the facts therein stated are of the firs, i TrapOne to us generally, as a commercial nation, d111 p ally to the metropolis, as the chief empo- In of aaatcatitile ...


... M4LRKETS CORN EXCHANGEIFEtDAY. T~reWhet trderas exceedingly flat this morning, with no aterationai prices of English or Foreign; 10 the latter there was very little buosiness doing. Barley was in demnd Th full prices Peas rather lower, and Beans whthout alteration.ThOatrd is rather declining. London average prices of British Grain for the week ending Feb. 7. S ?? 2 d Wirest ?? 4d Oats Io3dBas ...


... S. CORN BXCHIANGELMONPAY. Since* this day se'nmlght the arrivals of English Wheat up to our market, coastwise as well as by land carriage and sample, have been on a very limited scale, and, owing to the prevailing hmdtofthe atmosphere, of middling and inferior quality. Notithtading, the stands, to-day, were scantily filled with samples-the fresh receipts bring unusually small-the demand for ...


... WARKETS. CORN 3XCHANGE-FRIDAY. Wae have ad another very scanty arrival of English Wheat since Monday, bit which has proved of|fair avorage quality. Mostrofetheiparcelsgloftnhae bean cleared atE at about previous rates of Btrcency, yet the trade was extremely in e one cargo of '5i quarters has reached tke Pool from abroad this week. The ?? for that artirle was exceedingly dull, at almost ...


... The following petition was recently presented to the House of Conamons, by Col. Wyndhani:- TEE HUMtLE PETITION7 OP TiE AGRICULTURItSTS ATTEND- INO THE MtARKtET OF 1IDIOURST, IN THE COUNTY OF SUSsEX, Showeth,-That your petitioners are great sufferers from the low price of corn, especially barley, occasioned materially by the decrease in the consumption of thkt article, which arises princi- ...


... CoXTr, SATUrDAY EvErN .at The following ti*pbrtant notice has just been agresd upon at the parlour meeting of the Bank Directors:- BAN4K OF ENGLAND. The Governor and Company of the Bank of England are ready, until further notice, to receive applications for loans upon the deposit of approved bills of exchange, not having more tian six months to run, Exchequer Bills and East India Bonds, such ...


... M ARK E T S. CORN EXCHANGL-EFRiDAY. During the week we have had a very large arrival of Whea from Liucolnshire and Cambridgeshire; but very few parcels have reached us from Essex. The stands being heavily supplied, the demand for all descriptionas of both red and white was exces- sively dul, at, in some instances, a slight depression in the cur- rencies. Foreign Wheat wOO a more drug, and ...