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ADVERTISEMENTS. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- hold ers of the County of D E RB V, WE offer Ourfel

... yes CANDIDATES at the next General Election- for the County of DERBT: Tl.e Favour ofyour VOTES and INTEREST w dl very much oblige Your Obedient Humble Servants, June 1 8, 1747. HAR TINGVX) N*. N.G.URZON. m ?? I ,-WM___WM|W-_«--MlliW_W--_---i|MMi tw, ?? 11 * -1 L To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders b/^ County of STAFFORD. WHEREAS an Anonymous Adiiertifrment was pub- lilhed in the London ...

Published: Fri 12 Jun 1747
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 205 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS* This Day ivas pubiifh'd, ( Price 6 d. ) Preparathn for Dtath, and Fitncfsfor Heai/en > X SERMON ..

... at U TTo XETER, Miy l\ z6, 1745., on Occafion ol the Death ot the Rev. Mr. DANIEL MADOCK. By E, LA TII AM, M. D. To iviich is annexed, for the Sake of the Cut bus, A fhort Appendix, cont.ining a Latin Letter of Sir Isaac Newton, and a Catalogue ol the Students educated under Mr. Fr ank L a nb, referred to in the D.lcourff. Pr inted. for Jer. Roe, Bookfc.lcr in Derby, and J: Slater, Boo3kfcller ...

Published: Fri 23 Aug 1745
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1241 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS! j. HA£Aft D, Stock-Broker, At his Office under the Ro^al-Excliange, London, , BEGS Leave in ..

... to inform all Gentlemen, Ladies, Friends, and Acquaintance, that, Government Securities of all Kinds, &c, are bought and fold by Comnnlfton, with the utinoll Integrity and Difpatch, by Their nioft obedient Servant to Command, . ?? J.HAZARD. Letters (Poftageftce) punftu ally anfwered. • ' / ' ?? ' ' ' , _■ ■—*** — pi MARCH 1, 174?. At Market-Harborough in LeicefterJbire, NOTICE is hereby ...

Published: Thu 02 Mar 1749
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 532 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... The Famous CURIOSITIES from London, former- ly advertis'd, continue to be shewn with great Success, at the House of Mr. Yaxly Davidson at the Cowgate Port : Every Person to whom they have been shewn, expressing the utmost Satisfaction, and afterwards bringing their Ac- quaintances and Friends to see them. They are to be car- ried to the North after the Session is up. q||q That upon the First ...

Published: Mon 27 Jan 1735
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 720 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENT % -flif That there is a Parcel of Spanifh Salt-, with a large Qijantity oi Herring Barrels^ made up

... in Packs, and a Par. eel oi Barrels and Half barrels that bavc heen made ufe of, alfo fome Part ofa Bufs-Rope, and other Ropes, which belonged to the GEORGE Bui's of London : To be Expo- fed to Sale by way of Roup, at Peterhead, on Wednefday the Fifteenth of OOober next, at Ten ?? Forenoon. They are to be feen at the Caftle of Peterhead, any Day before the Roup. Cliff Whereas there are ...

Published: Mon 22 Sep 1735
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 642 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. fli-*- Deferted ?? from Capt. BARRY's Com- pany, in the Honourable Col. JOHN MiDDLETON's ..

... in Canongate, William Wilks, born at Bvornlg- ye in Worceftei frme, by I'rade a Nail maker, about 24 Y --ars old, 5 Foot rol.'-ches high, or above ; he is round vifag'd, a fwarth Complexion, and wore his dark brown Hair. He went off in his Regimen- tal Cloaths.*, in Com pam with a tall thin Woman, whois jmarried co another Man, and left her poor Oi phan behind 3ier. She wore a Blue and White ...

Published: Tue 15 Apr 1735
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 782 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. +H4- Th sit the Good Ship, The CONCORD of Le'nb, AN* DREW PATERSON Mafter.. is to Sail ..

... the 17th of February Inflant (Wind and Weather ferving) from the Road of Leith, directly fot Gibraltar in Spain. Whoever has a mind to tranfport themfelves or Goods to that Piice, may call for the Mafter. at his Ship now lying at the Cran in Leith*. or at ?? CofFeehoufe on Tuefday and Thurfday, at 1 1 ?? Forenoon. N. B. Teis Ship is extraordinary well accommodated for Paffengers. ?? The New ...

Published: Mon 10 Feb 1735
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 975 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENT S_ ffl COLIN MACLAURIN, Profe (Tor of Mathematics in the Univerfity of EDINBURGH, begins his ?? ..

... and at his Houfe f n Niddery's Wynd) o« Mon- day the Third ol November. Student! who enter before the Flrlt of January, may have a private Hour, till they are fo far advanced as to be able to join the Claffes. fll-f That upon Tuefday tbe Second of December next, be- twixt the Hoursof Two and Four Afternoon, There are to be expofed to publick Roup and Sale before the Rt.Hon . The LORDS of ...

Published: Fri 24 Oct 1735
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1485 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. This Day is publijljed, and fold by John Traill Bookfeller in the P arliament-clofe, and other ..

... onin fare i?apc of dinner ■?; ' f\ SEBLMON preached in the HY;h Church of Edin- burgh, Monday the 12th of January !afi% on Occafioi! of the Antjo/erfary Meeting cf the Society oj Scotland for pro- pxgatzn? Chri-lian Knowledge, 'By Mr. WEBSTER. At the [aid John TrailVs Shop maybe had, jufl publifhed, An EXTRACT of fundry Paffages taken out of Mr. Whitefield's printed Journals, Sermons and ...

Published: Fri 06 Mar 1741
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2084 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. : . „ • J uft now -publiftjed here, ■ CALUMNY DISPLAY'D, Part Second and third: In which Dr*

... %OHNSTON\ elegant Latin Paraphrafe of the Pfalmsis fully vindicated from the trifling Exceptions offered of late by the Author of two feverat Letters to a. Friend at Edinburgh. Where every one of the Criticifms on FULCIVIT, PLECTO, REUS,&.c- is examined, and found entirely groundlefi; the Author's Ahtmadverfiona on Mr. Rjuddi/xan and Mr. Ker are duly animadverted Oftf and his unjuft Morives ...

Published: Mon 24 Aug 1741
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1471 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Ad vertifeirients are defired to be lent in on each Friday before Twelve iri the Forenoon* ADVER TISEME NTS. STrayM

... or Stolen from Weft-Pafture, in the Parifh of Weft-Bowdon,in the County bf Dur- ham, the 12th of .Nov. 1722. A little Dark-Grey Mare, with a very little Head and Ears, and a ?? on the nigh Side ofher Face, which has been burnt or tore : Whofoever cai*. difcover the fame toMr. Robt.Greive, Sadler, onTyne-Bridge, ftiall have a ftiitable Re vvard,; TO be Sold part ofthe Lordfhip or Wynyard, ...

Published: Sat 17 Nov 1722
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1156 | Page: Page 1, 11, 12 | Tags: Classifieds 

A V £ R^ T I S E M E NT 8. ?? WH ER EA S JJr- t ??

... hath tbinught fir* , for font, beft Jcijov^n to him. ftlf, to depute' 1 ?? reftpf the Partnen not luving Letfqie to mhid #^ requiring aln^oft coi^ftaht Attendances Thefe ar« to infoini' the Pul^Upk, that if any Perfon oi( perlbns^ whis \uv$ Qpporcuniiy ?? to attend the fiufiHefs, or defirout of folding 1 tiie ftn|el they will difybfe of; tl^e Prtfitui^ J^fat^rhtJs to them at Teafbnable Rates) ...

Published: Sat 04 May 1723
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 277 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Classifieds