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... Chinkfield Men, as we hear to a Rule of Court made. by. the lnse tes Prat, in a Law-fuit before his -Lerd- about a former Cricket Match, wherein Chinkfield tefifed to go on with the much the Aidvan- tage: of ‘it, whéreupot they were: ordered’ to play it ...

to lift a long while, it tccr t:;(. \ r),

... Dukes of Devon fhire Pnd Richmond, the Earl of Albermarle, Lord James Cavendifh, and about t a more, diverted themfelv es at Cricket in Hyde-Park :, and next Week they are to play a Match for 103 Guinc as. One Smith, lately feCured in F,xeter Gaol, hag impeached ...

From the Whitehall

... Company in the second Battalion of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards in Garrison in the Tower, seeing some Persons play at Cricket on Tower-Hill, received a Blow on the Face by the Ball. He immediately drew his Sword, and cut a Person over the Face, and ...


... Niaht-tirne, which deft . :oy'd two houies, ani darn-aged another, an,l greatly alarnfd the wholc Town. Yefterday a great Cricket Match wasplay'd Micklam Downs in Surrev, for ço 1. between 3 Men of Suff:x and 3 at Surrey, the belt Players in the reo:nitre ...

From the 7t. James - as Even. roff, July 4. itpr. janll rraziewooo, one vi Llle' Regiments delign'd for Don

... defign'd 1Y vulkin Gentlemen were produced, Mr. Kent. who both that Mr. Black was Lunatick Laft Thurfday was play'd the Cricket Match betore the Death of the faid Child; that he between the Kentifh Men and Londoners for had contir.o d fo till the time ...

prcfs arrived at Hampton-Court, with a Letter from Cardinal Fitury, wrote by Order ot the molt Chriftian King, ..

... Dealer in Brandy and Rum ; who as he was palling over Moor&lds in the Witfun-Holidays when fon= Pcrfons where playing at Cricket, had the Misfortune to be (truck with the Ball on the Side of. his Nofe, which fet him a Bleeding more or to the Day of his ...

From the Whitehall Even. Poft, April iv{ their Antwer in their ne xt Mimi)ly. The On Sunday Morning two Children,

... Moorfields rciled, he call's:ton God for Mercy when he was of !cote, idle, and diforderly Perfons, playing turned ' cif. at Cricket, and urnig many other new-invented . From the London Gazcte April : to. Ways of Gaming, to the Depravation and Hague, April ...

- * -3 11Frw: - * -

... the Whitehall Even. Post, July 21. plentiful Fortune. This Day at Noon the Right Hon. Sir Ro- On Wednesday last a Match at Cricket was bert Walpole arrived in Town from his Seat at made between his Royal Highness the Prince of Houghton-Hall in Norfolk, ...

[N° i 578.]

... re ! putcd worth 40,0001. On Tuefday laft a Silver Cup, given by his Royal Highncfs the Prince of Wales, was play'd for at Cricket on Moulfcy-Hurft near Hampton - Court, by eleven Men on Side; Eleven were piad on one Side by Mr. Stcdc of Kent, the other ...

trom the General Evening Poll, 26. Prayers whoa the ItuAans die Witidi extremely Oren , hams a Fofre. before -

... fide, being efteened the bell two in Engrand, play'd which favouring the Ruffians Defign, they began their ft March as fo at Cricket at Kennington Common, again Mr. an as the Sun was down, and under the cover of Night t came with the right Wing without Wakeland ...

The Kentilb or Canterbury News Letter. From V‘ EDNESDAY September 8. to SATURDAI Scrembtr Iv, 17;6 N° 1966 1

... Dover, that i z Men of that Town arc to x t Halden Mcn at Braborn Lees on Monday next at to of the Clock, to play a Match of Cricket. We hear from Fevedham, that Mr. Pepper, who keeps the Ship-Inn there, returning from this City on Thurfday Evening laft, ...

From the London Daily Poll, dm. June s. SAturday fall, there was a fbininfi Court at Sc. J4mc4 l :;

... that County, Bart. and has kit Iffuc only one Daughter. We have an Account from Suffex, that near Pctersfield, a Match at Cricket being played, two Bats-men happen'd to run againfi each other with fuch violence, that they beat each other down; they both ...