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• as his Crime inighi be isead,, and that: walk'd round Wellminfler-hall; and then was delivered into the ..

... • as his Crime inighi be isead,, and that: walk'd round Wellminfler-hall; and then was delivered into the Cuflody of the IViaribal of the King's Bench, in order for his Imprifonmenr in the King's Bench Prifon. - Letters from Barcelona °Verve, that t!le ...

County Crime,) feven otder'd to he whipp'd and one to be burnt in the Hand. Some ago a Barn was

... County Crime,) feven otder'd to he whipp'd and one to be burnt in the Hand. Some ago a Barn was Ir'd in the Night, with Stables and fevcral Corn Stacks. Ipfwich, April j 3. Lift Saturday Thothas Watts, condenan'd at the Affizes for afraulting, is Company ...

Majefly's Officers. Tie fame Evening the next Day for that &tellable Crime: Countes Dowager ofellockeburg ..

... Majefly's Officers. Tie fame Evening the next Day for that &tellable Crime: Countes Dowager ofellockeburg returned to Th., Day at Nrion South Sea Stock Haagenbourg, the Place of her Refidence. Count 9 Sae. South A utility ie., 5 LI Reinftein, the King ...

hbiihop obliged fly His AO ski The. C.4tdiaid ani the informed , ,hidi Natrina TiM f‘r 14ving _lpaniardt – Worth –

... Seville, Jan. :6. been indifpored wilich it has been quite left him. We arc cerning the Crime for ist was burnt alive; it wag Correfpondence with the ; real Crime was for being which the Baba of Tetuan has laid his on. Letters from Cadiz fay, the Violin ...

r Iver jeity, wherein delksata. & Lee: ter written by the Emperor's own Hand. giiithitanding the Rigonrofthe ..

... for alriulting one of the Youths, who are cited the Children of the King's Chapel, w 7 th Intent to commit the deteftable Crime of Sodomy. It appeared that on Sunday the iecth of Oa. 1-ft, the faidWil; Hams came to the Chapel, and addreffing hinv felt ...

-troth the Ltintion dateife j Nov. 23, N. S. On. Wedftelday lait In tITE 'Evening, the Prihce of Orange with

... for Houfe-breaking. He is an old Offender, and had a Son hang'd at Norwich WI Year, and his Wifc tranfported for notorious Crimes. On Wednefday a young Woman dropt down dead at Governor Lowther's in Bloomsbury Square, as lbe was agreeing with the Houfe-keeper ...

The unhappy Wretch now thought it in gain to think of Refuge any where, he was tired of flying from

... elk than he had been in the many Places he had attempted to hide him felt in; and benig nader a firong Perfwafion that his Crime was legible in his Countenance, that the Hand of Divine Juilice was purfuing him; and that it would be in vain to reiiii•any ...

up the Boards of the Floor, and, with an old ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheet, let themfaves down into the Room be. Now

... Ga of the Brill, aged 19 Yt:ars, was taken tsp there, on Suipicion of robbing a Houle in that Town. The Sold'er denied the Crime, whereof he wiLs 2cculed, but the Cir. cumitances being very itrong againft him, he was condemned and put to Torture. He n ...

tram the London oaictie, March it: Vienna, Pcbru . ary Vi ) N. S. An Imperial Courier returned hither on

... Occafion. Drefden, March 6, N. S. This Court has at Jan confifcated the Eftates of the late Count dc Hoim, on Account of the Crimes alledged againft him. Hague, March T 9, N. S. The ordinary Alfernbly of the States of Holland opened on the 3th Infianr. On ...

Gang of 40 Banditti committed great Diforders Canterbury, June 20. betwe:n Civita-Caftellano and Regnano, where ..

... publickly executed for the like Crime, but the Popullice ariting in Arms, and demanding publick lixecution of the Rich as well as of the Poor, (ftere then be* about 3co of all ItAnks in n that City, accuied of that Crime, and fome of them of great Note ...

From the Lout,» atily P0,11,:.7c. Sept. 2

... for the Murder of im Ntaller, (Mr. Penn)) who received Sentence to be drawn upon a Hurdle to the Place of Execution, his Crime being Petty Timfon. Henry Cooke (the Shoemaker of Suatford) for robbing Mr. Zachary on the Highway. Joieph Hudfon, for fiealing ...