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From the London GaZette, May to; From on board his Malefty's Ship the Torbay in Copenhegen Road, Aptll 26. On

... Hißory ; The Son killing his Father, and in quartet log him, and lay with Mother when his mangled Limbs were under the Bed. Thomas Billings was the fame Day lined la Chaim within a aoo Yards of the Gallows. JO2 before the Execution. a Scaffold that had been ...

1- 7 :cr.l St. James's Even. Poll, Sept I: One Walter, tlic Lord Vikaollnt Cobham's Royal Itement ot riork, Lit

... Cockmc. Edinburgh, Aug. 25. We have an Account from Cowpar of Angus, a 131 - cwcr in that Place Committed to their Priton tor killing a Meal-maker, who 11: . .d craved him rudely fur Money._ Caialla, Aug. 19. Thc Mountains and Woods have been on File for 1411 ...

Henry-fired with fo little Fear, that they alarmed the People; and tho' they call'd Murder kveral times to the ..

... between Scipione Point and Rota. Gibraltar O. 22 aS. Lag: Night we hid tertible Thunder and Lightning, by which one Man was killed and 6 wounded on board the Dread nought Man of War her Foretopmaft was carried away, and her Fore maft fhivercd. The Maia-maft ...

_ or auour 30,000 1. is to the Widows Orphans ot poor Meriting Minilki ; but an Appeal was lodg'd

... was done much Mifchief, a crowded Scaffold and large Shed Falling down, by wli:ch fevcral Pcrfons had their Limbs broke, and others were mortally hurt, betides which, Ev‘ral Gentlemen narrowly cfcaped being killed by the Mob, who gathering at the Out-gate ...


... great Algerine Ship the Golden Sun, which they took, after an Engagement of about an Hour, wherein the Algerine had 140 Men kill'd or wounded, out of 260 Men and 20 Chriflian Slaves that they had on board. The Maltexe having carry'd this conliderable Prize ...

IFFas the Whitehall Saturday kw Widows fait , _ Even. PoA, Jan.. (which hy the Way is unlikely - )

... near the Scaffold, he fell on his Yefterday a Mate of a Ship lately arrived from Knees to receive Sentence from the Judge; after Jamaica, was committed to Newgate by Juilice which, he was drawn up on the Scaffold, and of Wapping, for killing a Cabbin ...

From the General Evtning Poll, june g,. hoped, will itire a deifety'd Paid& Laa Night died of a violent Fever,

... and that the Court will be uxceedall the Coffacks that guarded them, hay- ingly brilliant and magnificent during his Ma ing killed 70 or 8o of them: But that the Ruf- jay!: flay there. fian regular Troops having immediately ad- On Thurfday laft, a Bricklayer's ...

' . . • , , , • The fame lAornisig *Wit* twito eaock, thi Wind beiegeteecding high, blew down

... ' . . • , , , • The fame lAornisig *Wit* twito eaock, thi Wind beiegeteecding high, blew down Piece of Scaffolding in the Gardens belonging the Bowling-Green gook at St. Mary lc Bone, ig height Feet, and about nine Feet *arc. lately for the flying Man ...

[N° soil:

... Thurfday fe'nnight at Stainton, when a Woman going to fetch two Children the had in a Barn, it was blown down upon her and killed her on the Spot; but the two Children were laved, tho' very much bruifed. Yefterday jofeph Jones, a Drayman, was committed ...

V, a. ••• 4WD ••••• . .... • • tratii th ' iGenTral Even‘ii-Poll .. , gig. I. t: a

... Munich was employ'd in the New Buildings in Broad- among the Officers and Soldiers of that Body fireet, fell thro' the Scaffolding into the Street, that had been employed in taking the Place. A and broke both his Arms; he was carried to St. rich Booty ...

'ma iiw 4 ,utl belonging to Mr. , SieljoOsAlrot,‘ IsectfecliWd count e s, Cat dders the whit% Coon con- Nada

... Nicholfon and Tate in Thames-ftreer, under a Scaffold on which Come Bricklayers were employed, by Come Accident a Plank fell down, one of the Corners of which pitch'd upon his Head, fradued his Skull, and killed him on the Spot; he had nVelvet Cap on, great ...