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. 6 • 6 C.aisakie4 . biles es. Aged 2512: confumption 4981. Coovulrioh y to3B. Frier 37128. Small-Pox tin. Teeth

... . 6 • 6 C.aisakie4 . biles es. Aged 2512: confumption 4981. Coovulrioh y to3B. Frier 37128. Small-Pox tin. Teeth S tfut kies. Broken Limbs 7. Bmifed 3. 2. Choaki . 1. Died by the cutting other Ikea 1. Died of a Wound r. Died in the Street I. Died by the ...

N. B. Sold at tie Printing-Office;

... extant,' in Two Sheets. Price z s. 6d. 3. The True DAFFEY's Elixir, recorrusended as the beft Cleanfer of tbe Blood after the Small-Pox and Meafles and to bc taken in order to . keep off other Diffempers. Price i 5 d a large quarternßottle. Of great ufe after ...


... exceeding good white, an illfcented Breath. It is a aloft excellent Beautifier of the Face, taking away Freckles, Pits of the Small-Pox, &c. Price is. c ay, iy W, Aylvt, 3 . /.. Mggarces.:_ Syr! 41 . iwrtifiossoq ors takes is. , Dr ' ' elk , • - , I • . __ ...

amounts to near 100,

... Tickets 6 l. Diseases and Casualties, this Week. Diseases:. Aged 82. Consumption 251. Convulsion 153. Dropsy 29. Fever 114. Small-Pox 27. Teeth 31. Casualties Drowned 1. Excessive Drinking 2. Found dead 1. Hang'd himself 1. Broken Leg 1. Broken Thigh 1. Bruised ...

N. B. Sold at the PriatißgOffiCe,

... breeding Childrens Teeth. Price ss. 8. The True DAFFY's Elixir, recommended as the beft Cleanfer of the Blood after the Small-Pox and Mulles, and to be taken in order to Imp off other Diftempers. Price is d. ilarge quartem Bottle. 9. Fine Ophthalmick ...

Canterbury, March 20

... it was wounded; another, is a tall frefh colour'd Man, with a b:ue Coat; the third, is a fhort thick Man, pitted with the Small-Pox,. and a brown Coat. ...

the little Villages

... Cent. Disc. Diseases and Casualties this Week. Diseases. Aged 91. Consumption 134. Convulsion 205. Dropsy 36. Fever 109. Small-Pox 43. Teeth 33. Casualties. Excessive Drinking 1. Found dead 3. Hanged her- self 1. Starv'd 2. Kill'd by a Fall 1. { Males ...

To be Sold,

... exceed ing good for an ill fcented Breath. is a moft excellent Beautifier of the Face, taking away Frccklcs, Pits of the Small-Pox, etc. Price 13. how --••:•• . :,i,.. D • BE •I S , 1 1 . 2 11,, • 1 ' I f ••••• . --,.-- i- - it . ...

From sAI URDAY May 27, CO E.DNEsp I May 31. 1738

... and had taken a Spanith Veffel with 1000 Pieces of Eight on board. 'Tis adv 4 d from Antigua of the 2th of March, that the Small-Pox is in all Paris of the Town of St. John's, infomuch that it Hops almoa all Trading, for the People in great Numbers move ...


... Pains of the Cholick. It is a soverign and never failing Remedy, against Fluxes, spitting of Blood. Consumptions. Agues, Small-Pox, and Measles; it carries off the most violent Fevers, We, Pabst, prevents Miscarriages, Cures the Rickets in Children; is ...


... diflolving the Pailiament, and Reflation thtie. on 8. Revolt at Genoa continued. 9. Rules of Admillbn into the Bath. and Small-Pox Hofpital. i. Rensarkasle Epitaph. ia. Of the late Naval Affirm, and another French Fleet taken. 52. King's Speech, and pad ...

To be LETT and enter'd upon at Michaelmas next, THE Houfe and Stock in Trade of the late Thomas Peirce

... Ironmcngers and Eraficrs Ware. _ inquire for Particulars of Rebecca Peirce of Milton aforefaid. This Morning dy'd of the Small-Pox, at her Lddgings in Fenchurch- Street, Mrs. Mn Stair, aged upwards of ninety Years. On Tuefday Evening as Come Lads were ...