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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal


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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal

Hague, Api . ll 4: N. S. There is an odd Story And it is laid, that the laid Gentleman

... Hague, Api . ll 4: N. S. There is an odd Story And it is laid, that the laid Gentleman wA mitten from Poland, of a Jew in the Neigt.- be fueceeded in the Government of Greenw'cil bourhood of Warfaw. that pretended to be con- Hofpital by Sir John Norris ...

Otabdees coining next Morning to the Palace as Win!, were amued with idle Stories of his Majelly's being afleep and

... Otabdees coining next Morning to the Palace as Win!, were amued with idle Stories of his Majelly's being afleep and inditpofed ; and that at length, when the Impatience of the Polith Courtiers fore'd out the Secret, icy/as difeover'd, that the King had ...

From a London Written Letter, Aug. t 9. A Play on the Story of the Old celebrated Balad of George

... From a London Written Letter, Aug. t 9. A Play on the Story of the Old celebrated Balad of George Barnwell, a Merchant's Apprentice in London in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, who robbtd his Mafter and murderld his Uncle, has been aeto.d about is Tim.s at the ...

As we forefaw the Stories of a Battle in Provence were ablolutely without Foundation, Co!int Brown, now Field ..

... As we forefaw the Stories of a Battle in Provence were ablolutely without Foundation, Co!int Brown, now Field Marthai of the Emprefes Forces, makes great Novels in that Country, and has alfo advanced Detachments to the Frontiers of Dauplt;iry. The Head ...

the bums GAzette, Feb. 5. . Whitehall, January z 6. His Majetiy- has been pleafed to appoint Jeleph Story, Doaor

... the bums GAzette, Feb. 5. . Whitehall, January z 6. His Majetiy- has been pleafed to appoint Jeleph Story, Doaor of Divinity, Dean of St. Eden irl p the Diocele of Fames in the Kingdom of Ireland, and Chaplain to the Houk of 'Commons in the laid Kingto ...


... BANKRVPTS. Thoteso Ryer:, late of the Hamlet of Ham, in the Parlth of King Thames, in the Com, of Story, Rricknonier Chtpownis. joiepb Polity, of Ainaki, in the Cow, of Northstokrland, chew. ...

Numb. [Bl3]

... in the Evening, the Porter lining heard on't, came prefented himfelf at the liar of the Tavern, and efregually confutedshat Story without uGsg any other Arguments. Wherefore the (which had been taken down on that Repose) was again put up to view, by Order ...

[Numb. into a Committee upon the Mutiny to punith Defirtets, anJ went through the fame. The Lords and Comn.b:.s ..

... In a great Coniternation, on the Account of a Spirit th3t Is laid to haunt a Boy, w hole Father lives in Bury Street ; the Story is thus told hy them : Tic Lad went to School to the Son of the dcceafed, wholt Spirit is fuppofed to walk, and who immediately ...

Money, and immediately charged the Watchman with her; and notifithlianding all the poor Woman could fay in her ..

... entirely innocent._ _ _ _ This story we thought would do, efpeci illy as being Strangers to the Woman, could have no (fleet ell in laying fn : And ;(that did not do, I was afterwards EU ollle Eil felt, and fecond her Story. This Stratagem hid he defied ...

the tailindoti Daily ibit, s THE Parfon of our Peril who is a Newsmonger, laft Week received a Bundle oillooks

... them; aril makes flora little Node in our Parts. :We are told they are wrote by another Parfon in London and are full of long Stories about Doaor3 and Gin. drinkers, :Wu forts of People we have little Knowledge Of: But there is one Thing in this Parfon's Book ...

L. Wit Speibitot. Nu. , . Prifra fides fib, fed Fama permit. Virg. Lib.- 9. IT is, I think, in

... 9. IT is, I think, in a great Meafure, owing to a Love of Novelty, that we are apt to be fo much delighted when hear any Stories tshl, however tirange or incredible. Nor are we only pleated with Inch Things, but fancy ourfelvcs fo much the wifer upon ...

St. .n- nd of re: on 63 nd Dut Britannick and Cathofick Ma)efties &all each or them deporn in the

... for putting an entire Stop to a counterband 6 Trade: But few look upon this in any other Light than as a trump'd-up French Story. Letters from advife, that little time before the Report of the Conclufion of the Convention between the Xing of Prat% and ...