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Canterbury, Kent, England

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24, to SATURDAY From

... Bartholomew's Hospital, where he soon expired. On Tuesday his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales played several Hands at Tennis, at the Tennis-Court in James's-Street by the Hay- Market, with the Right Hon. the Marquis of Carnarvon, Col. Lumley, and several ...

The Kentish Post, or

... YerterdAy Sir William Young, Knight of the Batl , ,bting at Play at Tcrnis, at the King's Tennis Court at the Ci)elp;t, Whitehall, NM the Misfortune to be in he Eye with a Tennis Batl, which 'tared be of a danfzercus Cenicequence. * Yefterday Morning about 6 o'Clock ...

From a London Writte

... robbing with Thomas Lacy on the Highway, was reprieved as he was going to be executed A few Days ago Mr. Clark, belonging to the Tennis-Court by the Hay-Market, having a great Charge of Money about him, was knocked down in Blue Cross street, near the House where ...

[Numb. 13931 Laft Fr

... with Sodomitical Pm:bus; on which the Pcrfon accufed endeavoured to get away, but being itop'd, he loon after cut his Throat; tenni Pcrfons being then prefent in the Room, Mr. Woodham, a Surgeon, was fcnt for, who fcwcd up the Wound, and be was permitted ...

On Trieftlay Morning &nen one of the Petfers belonging to the Goal unlock'd !heal! Door where he is cenifilictl ..

... very well, and knew very well thofe Perfons which to attend him to Chapel and from; and laid, God blefs you all, repeated it tenni and feveral Times. He begg'd for more Nriduals, which the abovetaid Gulch:nail gave him • whenever he called for it: He began ...

[N 3124.] L 0 N D 0

... Diffurbances in Scotland, are laid to hairs been occalioned by Letters written from that Country, mentioning the Re urn of tenni Highland Chiefs (MCC the Mt of Indemnity, who to be full of Money, and it was bdieved had not improved their Principles much ...

From a Written I.ctter, London May 28

... 29. Yefterday in the Afternoon we had dreadfUl Thunder, Lightning and Hail, mot} of the Scones whereof were as large as a Tennis Ball, which Jailing a full Hour witt.out Interrniffion, all the C-)rn on the Ground was d ilroved as if it had hen mowed, ...

[N°. 2301.)

... fcveral Games at Tennis, at his Maj:fty's Tennis-Court at the Cockpit, with the Right Hon. the Marquis of Carnatvon, and Major Madding. Her Royal Highnefs the Princefs of Wales, with his Highncfs Prince George, weie above an Nom in the laid Tennis- Court to ...

The Kentish Post, or

... fortnight. We hear flout Richmond in orkfltire, that Wharton of Newcatile, Agent to his Grace thc Duke of Richmond, by ordering tenni Places there to be dug very deep, Week dacoveted the Draw-Bridge and Moat belonging to the Cattle of Richmond, which arc of ...

‘ Dublin, January 23. A | ha made to the Houft of Lords, of . 4 Seas us Praftice carried

... WHITE KENNETT, late Lord Bithop of Peterborough ; with feveral Origina! Letters of the late Archbifhop of Casterbury, Dr. Tenni- fon, the late Barl ot Sunderland, Bp. Kennett, &c. and {ome eurious Original Papers and Records never before ithed. Price ...

Math. 14973

... are informed, that in the confiderable,to his Brother,Dr.Benjaminnemi ng , Night between the sth and 6th, the North Part in Tennis-Court, Middle-Row, Hoboe s . of the itoof of Palace of the Efcurial was fired by Lightning . : ' and not being perceived till ...