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- - 4 - d up .,... - 194lang what Companies and Commonalities Perron have been‘biirnt for judaiftn, ix Men

... Religious Grievances in the Empire. Tuefday Evening his Majefty was prefent at the Proteaants in Hungary have laid newGt ie. the Theatre the Hay. Market and faw the Tams before the Court, humbly befeecbing they Opera Called, Rodelinda. Might be redrefed. His ...


... things. He was apprehended at an Alehoufe in Key ftrect beyond Sittingborn. We hear; that in a 0)W time will be Aeted at the Theatre in Highftreet in this City, the Entertainnieht of the Necromancer, or Harlequin Dr. Fauftus. Scene I. A Study, the Donor ...

_ tr of a Letter frdnlLondOn, io: Our Markets for Hops 'cOntinne very 41 i very lgmands, only fog fine,

... nt was never peifeem'd in Country before • All the Scenes, Cloaths and detorations bell:g entilely New. to be hag at the Theatre and at the Printing Office in Canterbury. ' i f • 1 , , 1 714. at 7 ' 1 . _ _, - •• - • • . _ ...

A riot Number of *log Gentitaten are' preparing to go as Volunteers on Board the Fleet. . This Day at

... d, Monday March A; The Judges, Lord Chief Juftice Raymond.. Mr. Junk , Denton. We hear, that on Monday Night Feb. at the Theatre iu High-Street Canterbevy,will be ailed • Play Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave. Written by Mr. Son theta. To which will be added ...

• Prom the Lonaoa l e aft Week Twenty Six of milerable People who were thriving for Trifles in White

... that Corporation were legally 'iambicd to their Reprefeatative in Parliament. [aft Thorfda; Night his Majefty went to the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's•lnn Fields, to fee the Play of the Country Wife, and theanter-. tainment of Apollo and Daphne, is which ...

.. • - . • . . . Frevteg rent Immediately this Declaration by Left Night the Co . mmittee

... Committee on Ways and 111 Mr. Keregan's Company of Comedians: , Means, refolved: That a Sum not left than One __: A T the Theatre in the C row d Pound, nor more than Six Pounds, be paid to ' Yard in Ifigh.ftreet, Canterhis Majefty, by eatery ViCtualler ...

* r , . , IC . . sit

... the Reverend * Dr. Gardiner, Warden of all Soils College, Keeper of the tfaiverfity ArChives and Curator of the iheldon Theatre. . From the Deily Courant, . April ati* Rome, April 13. His has ordered divers Ctifiokies to be fent to the S t amerour Of ...


... Profiled ot the Downs; alid the Back Part commanding a View Of the. . - • use _ • , Q__; For the Benefit of Mi. TUCK. A T the Theatre in ' High.ftreet,Canteihury, on Monday the i thofJune,wfl be Perforned a Con.. fort of Vocal and ln ftrumental M ack, particularly ...

in II

... Honfe. Enquire of Mr Prinirofe at Deal. a6;499=99_CDcANaCKA;;;A-9.c.19.Q.A.W4.9. For the B•nefit of Mr. T UC K. AT the Theatre in High.ftrcet,C.anterbury, on Monday the 13th of june,will be Perform'd a Con. fort of Vocal and InftromerlilMofick, particularly ...

with ins %sabers of the Nobility and Perions of Dofl, came to the Theatre in the Hay-market, and law the

... with ins %sabers of the Nobility and Perions of Dofl, came to the Theatre in the Hay-market, and law the Comedy, caU'd, The Faithful Wife: or, Arlequin ftrip'd, &c. which was perform'd by the Italian Comedians newly arrived with great Applapfel. Blue ...


... condole the Dutchefs of Portland, on the Death of the Duke her Confort. Laft Night his IVlajelly and their Royal were at the Theatre in the Hay-Mnket, and fiw A Play perform'd by the Italian Comedians. His Excellency Horatio Walpole, El 4; ha 4 obtained his ...

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... or prcipouNe 04Wordvivb401 A -• 4 • is MajeftY and their IlloyaliHiglnteffes were at ftiaf to' his of - anderfiandingi o Theatre in the My-Marti:et Motlday Night : thtri 'tea in she Organ . . of . Speech. l cAnd the am Day Mt Majelty fEnt to forbid the ...