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Canterbury, Kent, England

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... B/s4 Prince of Wales and the. Princefs Carolina, were der sr Ureter, and kings awv_ Slime, Gravel, and °pewits!, . at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, 'mai fri if t e r p eftgs mite the Opera of Flora, Sec. which cont*ei ainto § v r. w or ia ...

.. -1 /- From a Written I. London May 5. From the Daily Courant May. t, Y ad a

... Lords Malpas and • Liquors. . Alhburnham, and the Hon. Co). Townfhend, Thomas Lyttleton, Erg; Son of Sir Thomas was at the Theatre in Lincoln- Inn Fields and Lyttleton, one of the Lords Commiffioners of . fiw the Comedy of the Bufy Body, with Flora's the ...

From a London Written Letter May yr.. W E had this Day a Holland and a French Mail, by which

... Wedding an Opera, which was pertbim'd at the Theatre at Dublin with great Alpknife, and which sconfitts of a Variety of d;verting Englith , Scotch and Irifh Ballads, is nn* in 'Reburial at the New Theatre in the Haymarket, and will be performed there ...

From the I .ondon Gazette, Aug. 2. Hanover, Aug. 5, N. S. On Tuefaay the lift;lnt in the Evening, General

... fime time the Lord Cardrofi, Son of the Earl of Buchan, returned from Caffel; and in the Evening a Play was atted upon the Theatre in Herrenhaufen Gardens for the Entertainment of his Majefty. On Sunday net, the 7th Initant,-the Coart will . go into Mourning ...

frfOrd Landon Evening Poi, Sept. se: . which enticed the Cavity of his Body' ta t e t h e

... h e k m , D ut i es a commiffioner of the For- Lyon Square ; but happening to mils his Wind. feited c• tea, Maier of the Theatre Royal in pipe, Mr. Chefelden was fent for, who fewed Drury Lane, &c. We only Child up the Wound, and 'tis hoped he will recover ...


... by the Death of the Rev. Oldfield, as well s fevera ' l ot the Comedians of Mr. Marfh. 'Tis remarkable, that this Genthat Theatre, being ill of Colds, which Diftem- demo, and his two Predeceirors, this per feems cp:demical at this Time Living 160 Years ...


... Laft Night their Majefties, with their Royal Highneffes Prince Fredrick, the Duke, and the five Princeffes, Were at the Theatre Royal in Drury Dane, and faw the Tragedy Of Mackfieth, with the Ballad Opera of Damon and Philiida. judge Reynolds is indifpofed ...

Frrim a I ondnn r;tten Letter, Nov. it

... them. 30, 1729. La ft Thur l d4. Night .his Royal •Higlinefs following Fontage is to be paid for Pal: went in a Chair to the Theatre-A . ogal in Drurym rage over the New !Bridge between Vulhatn and Lane, attended by the Rt. Hon. the Lord. Putney, viz. Charles ...


... the Reverend Mr. Tren-, of th: liid Pariill, or of eilritephen Tucker,. an Attorney ii Onster bury. Pinchbeck's Grand Theatre of the Mules. From Fleet-Street, London. frotn Dover to nndwich, on Friday next, and propolis to entertain this CIO in about ...

From a London Written Letter Nov. 20

... Courant, Nov. 20. Yeller(lay Evening their Majeftits, the Pr'nce of Wales, and Come other of the Royol Family, went to the Theatre in Drury-lane, to fee the Play of Aurenx-Zebe, or Tie Mogul ; with a Dramatic Entertainment uf ilarlequini-lappy, and Poor ...


... Men to be difcharged, will have a Fortnight's Pay given them. Saturday Evening his Royal Ilighnefi the Prince was at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, and ftw the Play of Meature for Meafure, with an Entertainment of Apollo and Daphne, or the Burgo-Mafter ...

Aiajefty ilnd Royal Highnee were there to f:e he Works. From the St. james'6 Even. Poll, Nov. 29. laft Week

... 200 1. to be paid him. Laft Thurfday Night his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, and two of the Princefies, went to the Theatre Royal in Lincoln' , -Inn- Fields, and law the new Play of The Rape; or, The Innocent Impoftor. The fame Day Mr. Edward Grant ...