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Canterbury, Kent, England

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fhall not only receive the laid - are?, but al/o his Majefty's Gracious and Free Pardon for the laid Offence,

... James's Even. Port, May 2. On Thurfday Night his Royal Hig,linth Duke William, and the two youngett Prneeffes were at the Theatre-Roy:11 in Drury-Lane, to fee the Comedy of, Lo: , e makes a Man: Or, The Foes Forture, for the Benefit of Mr. Griffith trom ...

: : :I v '.td t. :; Money, lit his I.t 1.1:11 .r 4 guilty. John William:: upon an Ind'amcnt

... 1:11 .r 4 guilty. John William:: upon an Ind'amcnt for the Murdcr of his t.11,.w Apprenticc, and was found We arc frcin the Theatre in Goode man's FicldF, the ii ey will ad the Orphan for the Benefit of the Charity Children of Sr. Mary Whitcchappcl. Wv hear ...

it ii.l I i! From the tonndon Gizette, Aug. Horfe Guards, Aug. 15, 1730. The iti;:ht Efi•nourable the Lords Commit

... Company ordered, That a Buft of the Earl of Burlington fhoull be made In Marble by an eminent Maud, to be placed in their Theatre, as a Teftiniony of their Gratitude for his noble Benefadion in repairing and beau tifing that Curious Piece of Architedure ...


... an Hermitage or Her mit's Celtis, h ichmond Park,. and likewile they Dcfign a fine Hill of Trces,iis the Manner of a Roman Theatre in the fame_ Park, by her Majcity's Order. Ycfterday at a Court held at the Hofpltal of Bridewell, 14 Men and 39 Women were ...


... Sheep and Lambs, which they imagine to have been de. ftroyed by this Animal. On Thutfday Night the Indian Chiefs were at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, and law the Celebrated Comedy of the Emperor of the Moon, with the Entertainment of Harlequin ...

Chriitned Males 187 Females 178 la all 365 Buried Males 257 Females 237 In ...11 494

... committed this ci Aaion. We are allured that a Patent for the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane is ordeed to pa's the Seals In Favour of Mr. Wilks 2 Mr. Booth, ._ and Mr. Clbber. A Patent for the faid Theatre *as granted t• Mrs. Oldfield, deeeas'd, upon the Death ...

prom the St. Jones's Even. Po Dec. • 10. We hear that Orders are given by the Officers of the

... Highaefs the Duke ' the Priaceis Royal, Princeis Amelia, Prima Caroline, Princers Mary, and Princefs Louifa i were at the Theatre Royal in Drury. Lane to fee the Tempeft, and the Malque of Cephalus, &c. with the new Pantomime, call'd Harlequin Grand Volgi ...


... Henley. Price 6 d. 9. The kVindlor Medlcy. Price s. io. Silvia or, the Country Burial. Ana; pera. As it is Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's Inn Fields. With the Mufick pre-, fix'd to each Song. Price ts. 6 d. it. Stephen Duck's Poems, a poor Threfher; ...

From the Daily Poll

... being Godfathers, and I;et Grace the Dutchefs Dcowager of Marlborough Godmother. We hear the Subfeription for building a new Theatre in Bow- fireet, Covent-Garden, for Mr. Rich, amounts to upwards of 6000 Is and that the fame will be very fpeedily begun by ...

LONDON, Jan. 23, Yeficiday the Houf: ct Loris went up to St. James's with an humble Addrefs of Thanks to

... _ On Wednefday Night the Comedy, caii'd, The Lover, written by Mr. Cibbcr, jun. was performed for the fiat '1 ime at the Theatre . Royal in Drury-Lane , and conciiitics to be ztled with great Applaufe. Norwich, Jan. o. On Monday Lift Mr. Bilhop, Mr. Haftngs ...

General the Propofal of Ho:land to augmen the Forces Men, with their Reprefentations thereupon, the fame was ..

... to prevolt a War, as we yet flatter our felves they wiil. On the ith, was a6ted for the firft time this Carnaval, in the Theatre at Court - , before their Imperial Majeflies the Opra, entitled, Patience Socraus uith two Mize:. A few Nights ago, Prince ...


... fame Day, about Eight in the Evening, died, after a lingering Illnels, Mr. Williams, a celebrated Tragedian belonging to the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, greatly lamented by all that were of his Acquaintance, and truly merited the Name of a fincere Friend ...