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South East, England

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I a . vir p I

... what Party of Men was it difturbed ? Who was it promoted fecretly, and enter'd openly into the Prefton _Rebellion? Was there a WHIG or Dill - enter in the whole Kingdom engaged in it? Have we forgot the Bifhop of Rocbefter's Confpiracy ; his deferved Banifhment ...

LONDON, April 9

... Religion true: No Fair forgets the Ruin he has done; No chill laments the Ty-An: of his SJ 4 No Tinpitifl, thmkiog whit ; No Whig comperiow, for he /A ; The Ream regret not, for he no t t na o o The Honfli mourn not, kno%illg A The Mafia, Smith, from I ...

L 0 N D 0 N, March 8

... end with the Paios needing them ; tam away the Scurvy Root and Branch, and gives its the lacking Puss of the his. and neves Whig Remedy main!! Flume rpictimi of Arne, and Misfit; it carries the moll we n'safesAftle - reins, Monts cures the Rickets in ...

ele nt.3l of t!:: timten; ant (tic liis CAbiti) and finking to !he Frcnch. y ta the Alrice of the

... 111. Extraa from the bell Papers; the Condua and Fortunes of the late Emperor and his Father ; Defcription of an unparrioted Whig; Maritime OEconomy negleaed ; fame Sea Commanders cenfured. IV. A Cure for the Cholera Morbus. V. Letters on the Virtues of ...

BANKRUPT. &mull Blael, of Remth its the County of Southampton, LIMN Draper. L 0 ND 0 N, pore 6

... Publick- H in Wctlmintler, where he heard him order the People of the Houle to it; whereupon he was immediately feized, and Whig carried before a Magittrate, was committed to the Gatehoufe. Yelterday twenty-three Barbers were convitled before Thomas Ellys ...


... with his To be had at Ittafonabie . ' 10 0 04 0 0 .# 6 4%t•1'A,A1 16 4% .1 016104.4til 4 NOW to. be S 0 L 15, A Farm lying at Whig:4l)l4 (in the Octnpatiokiof Thomas Pierce the Owier t ) withi 6o Acres. of Arable- and Pali - tire Land, and One,AtttO otW ...

Poll, or Cazierary News letter

... : (d) A Year the Fox fhews the Grimace, A Year he's diflanc'd in the Race: A Year that Charity's extended, (e) A Year that Whig and Tory's blended, Amazing Year, that were de - ended. (a) Dedoration of War (b) A Spaniard it Isseelingto 13—nia, holding ...


... London: Prtnted for J. Osborn, at the Golden Ball in Pater.. nofler Row. Where may be had, jun publifhed, 1. The Independant Whig: Or, A Defence of Primitive Chriflianity, and of our Ecclectailical Eflablithment, againft the exorbitant Claims and Encroachments ...

pblijii Bexttifselly

... Bill; An Old Officer's Notions of Military Honour; The Craftfman a Libel; Plaufible Reafons for a Standing Arpay - Party Merit; Whig and Tory out of Date; Artifichl Memory ; Kicking Cuffing; Drains Colonies. VI. Poetry; viz. Urban turn'd Coachman, and Su in ...

Eait ofTIY four Seaford,

... Egyptian Pyramids; Popith . Procellion, &c. V. Political Points, viz. The German Shaver: Principles of the old and linden Whigs compared, &•.:. VI. Poetry', viz. Fanny Miles; the Lover coord ; Syl. Urban cur'd of the Cholick ;To Anne F—. Urban a bad Clok ...