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Last Sunday was marr

... married to Miss Churchill, Daughter to the late General Churchill, a beautiful young Lady with a Fortune of 30,000 l. On Thursday died, aged 82, at the General Penny Post-Office in Little Suffolk street, Mr. Benjamin Sacheverel, Chief Clerk in that Office, and ...

• trail 'kW cz.ñti, d fl. i tslaii been juil at that Time accidentally coming down At the Court at

... Parliament which (lands prorogued to ted• Friday the thirteenth of this Inttalat Oaober, thould Fajward Frith, a Bankrupt, was try'd for concealina be further prorogued to Thurfday the Seventh Day of his Effie's, and after a' thort Tfal acquitted. December ...


... cle‘itiaing his Gratification, aip ç.iprg tLc Landlord, he save Johnfm the Overplus. I • alter ti:c Capt in fair.; to not!cr!:k II NI fccine, tl.c Bal.k Nile to a ant (hue. en advned 'oy hit; Friend in Engl.trid of the 1a , 13 of this /slo:e, the Captain ...

it's not doubted but the Treaty of Neufladt will be renew'd upon favourable Conditions for this Crown. The Duke of

... Bar kin; we hear, that at the Powder Magazine there they have cndur d a fort of Bombardment from their Friends; tome Engineers at Woolwich in trying their Bombs, having thrown tome of the Shells fo near that all the Windows were broke by them, and the ...


... Northumberland, Lantatter, Cumberland, Weftmorland, &c. On Tuefday laft died, at his Lodgings in Mark-Lane, Capt. Thompfon, Commander of the Shirley in the Weft-India Trade. Thurfday laft died, at his Houfe in St. James's Square, the Rev. Mr. Willi im Heathcote ...

(N°. 2353.)

... it was try'd were Mr. Juttice William Fortetcue, Mr. Jultice Parker, and Mr. Baron Wright; the Council for the Profccution were Mr. Serjeant Hayward and Mr. Sayer, for the Prifoner Mr. Setjeant Agar and Mr. Barnardiflon. On Wednefday Jail died at his ...

IL 1••••••••••EmoNENIMMIMI

... and 43 odd !mall Casks or Su. rr,- and 1000 Barrels of S:aves : that the proved leaky in a few Days after the rut to Sea and that by extreme hardfhip in working at the Pumps, oi the 12. Hands di.ed, and the remaining 7, the included, when came on Shore ...

I? ii VA 'R 11 P T S

... Linn, for a certain Time. It is tad there are Icveril Galleons loon cape,tted to arrive in Europe front the Spa) in %vett-In i dies ; and t is gener4lly conjetthired that Sir Edward 11aw, ih the Squadron under his Command, is gone to tcrcpt tit in. GreAt ...

-No. Vt

... are fo full of Snow, as to leave no Fear of any Enemy but the Plague. which has certainly made great Ravages in that Caulk try. Berlin, Nov. N.S. The King and Queen of Pruflia are removed from Wutierhauten to Coffenbladt, which is nine German Miles from ...


... loft in the Texel. Dublin, Jan. Laft Thurf.lay Alderman Benjamin Archer died at his Country Seat in the County ut Wicklow, a Gentleman of a very fair Charlieler. _. Lan Thurfday died Lady Dunne, Raid of Sir Patrick Dunne, a !Thyfician, by whole Death the ...

Frs. tin &MIMS alLett, jiff 21;

... in the Prefs-Yard, he fpeke to them, and &fired Youth to take Warnins by him. Prig asled for a large Glacs of Brandy to cheer his Spirits, telling the Officers it would be fo long before he was hang'di that he thould faint away. lie laugh'd fewal Times ...