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ADVERTISEMENTS. *_£+_£ That upon the $th Inff* there was loft by the Way leading from Coupar to Poddock hall, ..

... WATCH of L'Efturgeon'sMake. Any Perfon that has found or caft give Notice thereof, may acquaint John Annan Writer in Coupar, or John Broun Watchmaker in Edinburgh; and the firft Difcoverer fhall have from the Lofer, a ?? Reward and his good Wifhes. fljf That the Lands and Barony of M ARJOP.IBANKS (alias WEST-CALDER) holding Blanche of the Crown&t comprehending thefe Lands yet unfold, viz. The ...

Published: Mon 16 Mar 1730
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1447 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVE RT ISEME NTS. •MfT-f. Whereas one George Watfon was convjftedof Thef* before the Juftices of the Peace (ac ..

... in December laft, on whom there wat. found an Old SILVER SPOON, with that Pare broke off where the Nameof the Proprietor is ordinarly engraven. Whoever can prove the Spoon tobe theirs. fhnll have it returnM on paying the Charges of '.his Intimation. Enquire at J AMEi CUTHBERTSONOm- ftabie inMuffdbargh. The Fellow faid, he found the Spoon in a Dunghill in Aberdeen- fhire. riff There being a ...

Published: Thu 26 Feb 1730
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1009 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERT I S E ME NT S, -ftj-fc Arbiters in the Submiffion betwixt the Creditors ifthe. Earlcj NORTH ESK. That

... they being now co proceed to d etefm j ne E h e A Ran - S^2^ Preference ofthe Creditors, upon Che Errand ■v'-^s ?? to them by the Earl. Thefe are there- X- to ?? them, and all others concerned, that they S^S*S think fie, 'fee and objea againft one another* 55*15. J Debt now lying in their Clerk's Hands* and r^^fothife ?? not produced their Claims and *^chS*.n4 deponed on the Verity of their ...

Published: Mon 20 Jul 1730
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 588 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. 51i.5T Whereas feveral People of Judgment hsve mlren k a* utcu Sentiment, That there is a Mine ..

... iome richer Metal, in the Hill called Tbe \Ve>i Kin « ?? BurntißdhA, the Property of George Dnrie of GraneeJ?fi! Mr^Dnrie therefore, hereby offers aO fuitable £r mr^r ient to fuch Undertakers as will contract to ii-nproi lame. He will attend any Peifon who inclines tomato, p c Pofals,. upon a Miflive. WnateP * ■ IiJTII There is a convenient DWELLING HOUSE witk Six hire- rooms, a Garret and ...

Published: Thu 31 Dec 1730
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 393 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. t5Tt The Lands of COCKPEN lying in the PatiA Gockpen and Shire of Edinouigh, within fis M iics rhe

... 1 about 1400 L. Scots of yearly Rent, deducing all Burd^ are to be fold before the Lords of Council and Seffin^ the Parliament Houfe on the 16th March Initant. tl Lands holds Blanch ofthe Crown, and the Parronae the Pa-rifh cf Cock pen is induced in Sale; zr.d thete fine Coal in the Ground, and a Hue Manfion-houfc • Gardens. The Rental and Conditions o? Roup arc rou feen in the Hands of Mr. ...

Published: Tue 02 Mar 1731
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 390 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS f-f-f That on Thurfday the Twentieth September next* The Four Oxengato of Land in Reftairig, ..

... prefently poffefs'd by James Fulton at the yearly Rent of 200 Bolls of Barley _ lying in South- Leith Parifh, and Shire of Edinburgh : ls to be expofed to Sale by pub- lick voluntary Roup, in the Houfe of William Boutcher Gardner in Abbey-hill, between the Hoursof Three and Five after Noon. The Progrefs of Writs and Conditions •f Sale, may be feen in the hands of ROBERT PATER- SON Writer, ...

Published: Tue 21 Aug 1733
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 642 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. tlif Thatthe FREEMAN, Robert Tongue Ma fter, now lyingin the Harbour ol Lelth, will begin to ..

... on Tuefday next the 19th current, for NewcafHe, Hull, Beverly, York, Leeds, Wakefi-ld,*' Hallifax, Nottingham, Derby, Man field, Manchefter, New-work, and all other Places adjacent to Yorkfhire, Derbyfhire, Lincolnfhire and Leicefterfhire, and will fail (Wind and Weather ferving) on Saturday the 23d. The Mafter may be fjoke with on board the Ship, or on the Shore, at Mrs. Cuthbertfor/s in the ...

Published: Thu 14 Sep 1749
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 868 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTIS E M E N T S. By His Grace the Di^ke of G na y r on's Servants. fjjfZJF*

... Jk T the Shi re -Hall in Ipfwich, on Monday next be»nf tht I\ »4thot December, will be afted a Play, call'd, AH far Love : or, The World weß Lot* With feveral Entertainments of Singing and Dancing. On Wedncfday next, ('being defired) will be afted a Play, call'd Tbc Provok'd Husband: »r, A J>ur ney to London. To which will be added a Tragedy ol Two Ads, call'd TOMTH U M B. Ar.d on Friday ...

Published: Sat 05 Dec 1730
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 573 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds