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the taunton couriers

... and there underwent similar late. None hut the agents of the Police were present: the execution was conducted with great privacy J ct it is reported (whether truly, only from the popularity of the sentiment, we know not) that General Mallet exclaimed ...

fritl*nti'« and &tlturt)i-IM*tf POSTS

... ofhislate Father's, C vA*. »} Indignities offered him hy this MmMHmM Cou \t. We ate told he lives in great Privacy there, which is imagined to be owing to the I.ownefs of bis Finances ; for it isbelievcd he hasa Spirit to do other- wife ...

The King. —Some particulars arc published as - present situation of our venerable Sovereign arc very ..

... exceeding three days. His hair is perfectly while. The Doctors Wilis attend with tire ether physicians, hut not with the privacy of the ling, lie quite cheerlitl in his conduct and conrersalion, eats very heartily, and eujoyr good bodily health.” ...


... the charadferistics of placid disposition, more attached the recreations ol philosophical pursuit, mid the calm domestic privacy, than the (orttirtng vant’ies otarnhitioiis grandeur. his family is regarded with a most lavish attachment, and the harmony ...


... rellnquilhed his Secretary toip to the Agricultural Society many years ago, and hit concluding years were entirely in domeftic privacy His difpofition was naturally cheerful; hit converfation lively and pleasing, and hit habits focial; but the clofe of his ...

The C H O I C E

... me • Who, Ibould the World triumphant roar, Could calmly ice the Morm from Shore, Nor e'er admit a longing Sigh To vex my Privacy and 1. Here would I pals n»y hlauie'if. Days, Bclov d of Virtue and of Eale- Here die m Peace, aid lie unknown, W..h ...


... the Dodlor, upon principles hunour, will inform the patients direflly whether he can them any feivice or not. The (Irifleil privacy may be relied upon. The poor who live Devizes will cure gratis—The Dodl r may be with ever* day at his apartments at Mr Swan's ...

Dr. GOERGSLRNNER, Phyfician and Oculifl, from London, who lately arrived in this city, hai the pleafure to ..

... may depend upon his principle of honour, that he will inform them whether he can do them any fervice or not. The ftritteft privacy may be relied upon. The Doftor will rtay for fome considerable time longer, and continue, as ufual, to cure the poor, who ...

Dr. GOERGSLENNER, Phyfician and Oculift, from London, who lately arrived in this city, has the pleafure to ..

... they may depend upon his principle of honour, that he will inform them whether he can them any fervice or not. The rtrifteft privacy may be relied upon. The will ftay for fome confiderable time longer, and continue, ufual, cure the poor, who live in this ...


... and they may depend upon his principle of honour, that he will inform them whether he can do them any fervice or not. The privacy may be relied upon. The Doftor will rtay for confiderable time longer, and (hall continue, ufual, to cure the poor, who live ...


... to him for advice, may depend upon Ins principle of honour, that he will inform them whether can do any fervice not. The privacy may berthed upon. The with every day at Xo, t, St. Ann's-flteet, Salifbury.—Note, the Doflot's name on the door. ...