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Advertisements & Notices

... LL ~d 'CUNTSJSS.ION&k fAT.the next EZ 'An Gera 4~ Q~a erS~e~i~L f th'ePeace ithe Giutdhallin and ofKMgs on~tvpqnl*myd ow.-usd~ t ,he1 6t.?dA3 o/JAnu.rh , next, pohen ade Jornt.o orus, per- .:.;,aaeq i. ? .-;yd? i Reo'SnalC$~ at er* ~oh kesaid,, Sesties eaCrcqzdred t ý I~OiTh ~erk-fth4eae~ thejve. ty .11Y :cU,4.TR7.4-c; n b. fit.ETON, and S~u~N% IIOnerni S) in tbe NTA~~S C. ad1FOtiR An'win ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In RENALD's BANKRUPTCY. 7fl$ Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, JL awartled and issued forth against WILLIAM §ENALDS, of Tadcaster, in the county of York, Flax- dressC; Seedsinan, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet £ueesday the 22d day of June inst. at Eleven o'clock ,Dle forenoon, at the Falconi Inn, in tbe city of York, in Drder to make a Dividend of the Estate andEflects ;f t'le ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ltraTom7flS'Se Pieture Loftery. gAETS, Price RS Ss. each,-are now on sale at Na.. - V4, Nrw BoNr-SkREii wheri6tibe Prizes are exhi-' itrimg OGATs; alSO by Tqin;, .No. 59, New,it '*Bnd-Streei, Longman and o. Paternoste-r-Ro . Cadell and 'Davies, Strand; -lurst% RobiVison and, Co. go; Cheapside; P. COhaghi and Co.`C0ktpuir- . Street; at the Lomtery Offices, anr'priqfi`pal Book- sellers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o rilPUBLIC. i aeorsl 1nducement to our Readers in ge- 'd preserv~e our publication for binding in each Inde shall infuature be accompa- lee xortant and interesting document, and in ^ 5l5s'rsMI able a price as to beconie a desirable te rcse who do not set any particular value tisso ?? separately. In pur. h0 plasn the Index to the Sixth Volume, ?? 1blished, besides containing a most Ce to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 47 For CALCUTTA, direct, The remarkably fine new Ship GANGES, Captain WHITE MATLOCIC. Burthen per ?? 430 tons; coppered and copper-fastened, and is in every respect a very superior vessel; her accommodations for passengers are spacious and elegant. For freight or passage, apply to CROPPER, BENSON and Co. For SAVANNAH, 4 The LORD WHITWORTH, JOS Youn, Master; .f ?? 300 tons. a good vessel, sails ...

Advertisements & Notices

... u nitleb *gedc. To -ail on thle 1st Octolbr, FOR NEW YORK, THE PACIFIC. JOsN WILLIA3IS, Master; Am Burthen 380 tons. To ,sa! on the Ist qf November, THE JAMES MONROE, JAIMIES WAT.1ENSON, Master, 'Burthen 400 tons. -In order to furnish Inmore certain Conveyance for Goods and Passen between Liverpool and ew York, the owners of the American Ships, COURIER, PACIFIC, JIA.&ES MONROE, and AMITY, have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k a 'Nil 3J Pollic are tepect~.i Iy i l; ETIl ?? IBath is open ftr ttie pu pose o: pa j!- aui lay trom six in the morning till Usk. i n ?? to the Bath regularly ;tr nil at thle Stu Parade. Tickes for tlle Seirson to lie h- i Eookscllers', or on board the Bath. Ejleb , e; ?? scribe -l;l I *. , to p ?? . ?? ?? [;~eC e n - Si.JIIE Wl~n5 leat ace Oil er. ?? one urn on tlt v ay onl l't' red ilh ,a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ts SUN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE. .-E RSONS insuring in this O R/a/ I Ofice are respectfully in- !a- ormed, Policies falling due at Ur CuIRISTMAS, should be re- in 1ewved within fifteen days from ito SA X that period. CHARLES POLE, AGEtNT, West Sidc Oi Exclheatgc-btiildiiigs ASSURANCE COMPANY, LUDGATE HtISL AND OLD CONDSTRLET, LONDON, Eheoangc, Edinbiurg/h ond Ifestvioreland-slieet, In- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lIONE'S B~eformiSt' Bcqi~ter, PubllasIed Every SATURDAY, Price 2d, T HE Late EDWARD RUSHTON of Liver- L pooL-Mr. SOUTHEY, the Laureate, and Mr. 6WSMT'H, lI. ?? ain Anecdote-Mr Wright, and he and the Liverpool Informers-The Rev. Dan. Wil- nn son, of Bedfovd-row, ILondon, aid Political Priest- Icraft't-The Address of the Brunswick Knights, sf es,I Norwich, and their Proceseion, &c. &-c. will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Att' sale' 0f~tral~U~e' g Roads, ofarbie st. wNS-- I E oyan d CROLE, By rltisat and following Lo pail ( ,,ilock .e.ach dIly, at tha:ir Large ot HOUSEHOLD FUR.- Upnp ; Valsoble and Gengs, ?? which is a ;evt ,CpOp Of dh ctl~ r ng CEijg~ht-da3 Clock, a Ne'. ?? te, and other EFects °f a Gentleman, the; ei btrou~ght lisal his residence in the country Ios is caenenvercetof of Four-post and leet. hc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SEACO0MB SMALT CNONIPANY. H:IS Compan' h'auing been'lissolved on the 16.h 13 Jl~ly istanypnrstrn having dernifls against tsbvm ore requested immediately to send parriculars thereof tti 3Milessrg. STofIrs''a1nd IoifTToOT, Harrirnjton- .Ftreet, that the same .may b efohtith' is id. And the Proprietors give n -tice, thai the*. w.ll ntwt be respnnri. h1l fdr aiydeibts thlat inawybe bntracted ...