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Advertisements & Notices

... aforeiaid, now in A the Occupation of Mrs. ETWAL L. The Prerniffe s are - eligibly fituate for a fmiall Family, deffrous of Privacy and Retirement,and at a lisiall Expence may be made aecona- r m edating to a;large nne, as it conmprifes two good Parlours ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Coaueez D.socF.s, which, with all the elegant variety of Ir;tsu, SC-OrtI, FiteNca and ITALIAN STEPS they may cqalrc in PlERFECT PRIVaCY at t.cir OWN Houins on rca- ionable1 Terms, with accuracy and expedition, at his Aca- demy, elablilhed at his HosidE, No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fafnionable, to g-, tunesq. A new F-oxtsirtee, calledthe UNION, whicl with cvery requi- ?? ?? may aiqulire inl PER- .FECT PRIVACY at tieir OWN HOORs on rta'sonablc 'elms, at his Academy. ellabisited at his HousE, ,Z, GrnAe'r (Qpjtrc STRiET, LI COLNC INN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebrated in Ireland, called -IIBI'ERNIA, which withevery requifite for thc BALI. or DRAWING-ROOM they In acquire in PERFEC'IT PRIVACY at their ovln HO11RS on rcalorable terms, at his ACADEMY, cftablilbied at his houfe,, No. 32, Great Qucca-iircetr Lincoln's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebrated in Ireland, cahled HIBERNIA, vlhicli ?? yrequirite for the BALl, or DRAWING-ROOTM thev F yal'rcquire in PERFECT PRIVACY at their own HOURS a reafodalule terms, at his ACADEMY, citablified at his huoufe, No. 3a, Geat ?? Inn-fields. Blarding Seinoll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... see, ?? in Ireland, calld,H.IBE!-RNlA, whrlsea ''s~smcv eqdlc urthe BALL atrDRA~.rIING.-ROO'M thety lea acquire in PE:RFECT PRIVACY at their own HiOURS otireafonatable iros, at ?? taufe, NoCp reat Goseeu-ftrect, Lincoln's Inn-fil~ds Boariling 'Seho~ls regularly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebrated in Ireland, called. HIBERNA, which B witbeveryrequifitefor theBALLorlDRAWING-ROOM they w eray scquire in PERFECT PRIVACY at their own HOURS r onreaforable terns, at his ACADEMY, eftablifled at his houfe, No, 32, Great Q(een-fireet, Lincoln's ...


... in Ireland, cafled' NiB RE I-$IA which saheeery reqailinW for the XSALL. or'DR h.WI i-.7 ROOM 'tley ovicacirein PERFILC I PRIVACY at their own HOU1-.S stcafoeatsle tcrolll, at his ACADEMY, eltablihted at his houfe, D 21 Gres7t Qmeen-ltre&, Lincoln's Inn-fields ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIEV one, ?? in Ireland, ?? HIBERNIlA, which iheleeryrecluilite for the BALL orDRAWING-ROOM they pray;,cruire ii IERFECT PRIVACY at thcir own HOURS saoe~nallo-cms~a't his ACADEM&Y,,rItabl, led at his hoi4e, lEo, p. Great Q9een-ftreet, Lincdlr's Inn-fields ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Srk ojx celcirated in Ireland, called HIBERNIA, wihich ettrit i,~o thteBALL orIJRAWING.ItOM he ratZ acquire II FEiiiFEC'fr PRIVACY at their owit HO1UR s tsfe,~ trms~, at his ACADEMvY, eltabliffhed at his hoiife; ft L. mt QZ~een-ftrett, Linto's lann-tields ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a , ieter' celchrattl in Ireland, callecd.HIlBERNA, wvicli Ieryreqifite for tlieBAlI. orDRAWING-kOO 1M They quire in ?? PRIVACY at thlcir oswn HOURS IPionatbIC terms, at his ACADEMY, eftablithed at his houfe, 'Its Gtcat ~een-ltrcet-,Lincoln's Inn-fields ...

Advertisements & Notices

... also ar Lf' Oei%, celebrated in Ireland, ?? FilEERS lA, which y req-ifite for the BAlL or DRA.WING-ROOM they sire i)ERFECT PRIVACY at thir'ovin HOIJRS rrrlwable Leraisat his ACADEMY, ehtablilied athisahoufg, , G trcet Q~eenl-i-reet, Lincoin'slrbn-filelda ...