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Sir Francis Fidget. A real Char after

... private Intelligence, that mod of them, tiled of his Secrets, give orders to be denied, when he longs to break into their Privacy. Rebuffs this Kind he often meets with, but they have no Effefl upon him. The Impertinent is never difconcerted. You cannot ...

ZANIM.—An Eastern Tale

... v:en Melee, and regretted the Lofs of fo amiable Hufband; but (he grieved Secret, and parted her Time in an irreproachable Privacy. Melee was abfent two Years-, when a Report fpread that was angled by Order of the Sultan. Did Seiima grieve when ftie heard ...

fritl*nti'« and &tlturt)i-IM*tf POSTS

... ofhislate Father's, C vA*. »} Indignities offered him hy this MmMHmM Cou \t. We ate told he lives in great Privacy there, which is imagined to be owing to the I.ownefs of bis Finances ; for it isbelievcd he hasa Spirit to do other- wife ...

Jfe*Jvrti&) a Sk \L

... vation, without knowing or experiencing the leaft Fart of that odious, not to add dangerou. Opera- tion; nd cure* with fuch Privacy, that even vor Bedfellow cannot know your Complaint. Thefe Drop, alfo preferve their Virtue* for many Years, in all Seafon* ...

?? . „ , „ v .■+ , ,~,f#a«entlv a greater Number of Reader*, And taeie bcn*J«i*M to theft NOW

... vation, without knowing or expe.ieneing the leit Part of that odious, not to add dangerous Open. tion ; and cure* with fuch Privacy, that ne» your Bedfellow cannot know your Complaint. Their Drops alfo prefer** .heir Virion for many Years, in nil Sesfons ...

•£^>T>»i.. MBNT . for thi. Paper, (which ha. a more Circola.ion tha. any other in the ..

... vation, without knowing or experiencing the lealt Part of that odious, not to add dangerous Qptra- tion ; and curtt with fitch Privacy, that even your Bedfellow cannot know your Complainl'. Thefe Drops alfo preftrva their Virtues for many Years, ia ?? and Climates ...

JJ ADT *HTise»4EKTs fcr this Paper, 'which hat abfulutely a more extenfive Circulation than any other in the ..

... Jafiorj, without knowing or experiencing the leaft [art of .that odiov», oot to add dangtwh* Opera- tion j and cures with fuck Privacy, that .«*tß your BedWlow cannot know your Complaint. Tbefe Drop* slfb prefer** their Virtue* /or many Years, in dl Seafbn* ...

E great caufe relating to the Douglas Eftate » W being much the fubjeft of general converfation, ?RJt **~vf cannot,

... generally known : for the fame caufes which rendered their departure from Scotland neceffary, fuggelled the neceffity of privacy, even in foreign countries. An event, however, loon happened, which, whilft it removed the neceflity lurlher precautions, ...

XlmrsDap’s poft

... they conveyed to town in a coach, and carried them to the Poultrji-comptcr. This affair was conduced with fuch calmnefs and privacy, that not the lead buflle was made, and not even the Coachman knew what they were ut, till, when he brought his fare to town ...

HUNTING all Gentlemen Sportfmsn SOLD Twelve Couple of exceeding bony Southern HOUNDS well clawed been in Kennel ..

... knowledge was ufeful and extenftve his piety rational and unaffeCled and his charity which always conducted with aftiduous privacy was with a liberal hand Such virtues render lofs fmcerely lamented and his univerfally efteemed On Thurfday died a fever at ...

Published: Monday 18 January 1768
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3231 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Vol XLVII MONDAY January 16 1769 A PRINTER &c HE learned Dr John Burton of Eton who as he himfelf

... have no needles madam 1 muft own if you will the I will you my errand You can have nothing to fay replied lady that demands privacy and therefore I again defire you would declare upon what account came here Upon this he pulled out letter faid a gentleman ...

Published: Monday 16 January 1769
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2257 | Page: 1 | Tags: none