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... Ass1d Fs. kV At TLarcaftcr Assizes,,the great causelient from Ikte Cour LE. oit Chancery, to, try the validity of the will of the late~ Mr. Perrin, oS Warrigot am nbfreM.Jsice Le Blanc.I' r I wil h e rernern he red,t ch At the i es tator, w liose p roperty i S3 and said to armount to more than too~oool.,disinhi~ritcd his only, St. daughter, if she ahould marry a Scotehman; she did'marry Oi' la ...


... (T1- 1 :0 , ,I . V1 O SIRS .1. tlhRlY. Is Oil SMUINIRV, ',IiI-JO1!JJ 111111'1-?]?-JTOCTEIh.(j II' ol his Ilavill., ?? (N-lailIA fviig1hot tile rmqn, lie shold mm I C(III) V ill II IC CIQI,? 11, Fill I OI I 'If I II t' 1`0 I CC a [ILI I (II I i I 111144 II I the mIIIN Illatur IJ, orders. lteuims Ilhd alreadv brell lwcsnt?d to the Olarf, wl'ich gn-ally vxaggcn?ted II;, Io., ?? illc4liing ?,Iuw ...


... MRIM. CON, tH tOURT- OF KING'S BENCH. r SATURDAY, MAY 31. tAYLOR, ?? THE R25V. M. aiswkooD. b This was an Adion to recover a coompedfation' In damages, for criminal convetfation with the Plaintiff's' 1 Wife. The Plaintiff refides at Totnefs, in the County v, of Devon. The Defendant is curate of a village in 'b the neighbourhood. The Damages were laid at The ic ThbrefamdPm'ndi. IE By the ...

Horrid Murder and Arson

... W.e hravc to detnil the cirectristaflces of a mlurder' cirrunittezd its Wooiwich, on Friday rrigilt last, not c:aceoded in point of atrocity lhy any which stain thc fcalendar of crimecs in this country. The persons oe mrirdered *vere Mr. T. Parker, upwards of 70 years he o gand Sarah Brown, iris housekseeper. Mr. hle Parker, we understand, had formerly been a gohld- 0o- smuith, in London, and ...


... HENRY HUNT. Air. Chitty stated to the Court that fie had an affi- davit on the part of Mr. H. Hunt, complaining of the treatment lie had experienced in the gaol of II- chester, contrary to the intention of the Court, when sentciice had been pronounced upon him, though there had been no impropriety on his part. All that Mr, Hunt desired was, to be placed in the same situ- ation as the other ...


... AS SIZES. At Northampton, which terminated oit ThuYaday, R. Lilleyman, for setting fire to two ?? ,'wes condesiecd and lefi for execution. * - SALISt URY.-BarnIi Graham and Mr. Justice Best; arrived here on ri*aturday eveninkg, and immediately: opened the Coninfission, and on Monday at nilie' o'clock proceeded to the business of the Assizes. On the Crown side. the business is light, anfffbe ...


... COURT OF rN1CTftfllIt, Tf' il. SlTTINGS 11C ?? E TiHE IOliD CHIEF BAlR(IN. Prcrjrettp 'lirt.- Iiftii/Sr to a low; theC (de daclion tn 1 ?? if 1l1crest. 1riO ATIOR.tetNF-CGUNEORAT, V. Cit Rs IJ,0 (tl. This WaS ;l p:os-cutrion in stiruted by rhe 11or1 d of Taxes, and is of ge:ralra importalice, partrucslrly as :a cautiont to Money leners, and as a notice to borrowels, that they a re protected in ...


... LANCAS~T'Eft ASSIZE, ApralL 13. . . . , * . ~ - - Adl reos of Chliet' BarS R icilards, oil passing sqiit~ncce cf DLocili UpOtl tihe prisoncirs capitally cucivicted ci fiJrcery, aud of uttering forged Bnkli of Eclcl ci) notes. Wia. Oxeinhailtc c, concicted of utteiri.-g a forged Bill of Ecicbaniae w as first placed at tie blcr. Ch1ief Baict-A'ldilliaris Oxciichac, vu hiatc been convicted of ...

OLD BAILEY, Monday, December 13

... OLD BAILEY, illonday, December 13. SENTENCE ON THE PRISONERS. 'TIh whole of the trials having been gone throngh on Saturday night, thc Court met at eleven this mmning to ?? judgmeltt upon ithe several convicts, nearly 200 in number, when the awful sell- tence of deatb was passed upon the following 28 individuals:- Balt. Phillipps, Robett Miles, and Hen;y Tosvle, for burglariously entering the ...

Thursday's Post

... 'kllursday's Post. CONCLuSION OF TH1E COURT-MJARTIAL ON SIRt J. URRAY. 'P1te evitlence ..on -this pairt 6f thle accused was not cotieluiled till nrIda'Incidrning. Lettrs ?? it iiithe tiantte 'of tile Vrinec Regeni,,and''fromns the~ puke of. Xorki, to ~~ir - J'olfip Murray, thalihing hlimi foir lia bril hatt siervit~tS ?? 12th aitid--ilthApril, 1t813, inl deftatinL ~a French'army -in Va eucia, ...


... * ?? r IT .. e .1 . - -1 1ld On Fridayl* Brd dl MioAi J. Uiehardss were fhvav~g~cd; essizfn~~t~yi Wp4td 'a jtain Uarluilnf ie~~ fuiuA 4 ;% atndrobbed b ohi f ' ~ IUW lid' re' *ijaecsted lijinnot towill treat hinrv;;.n vl!tldf tiftei4h; l.iii*dg'i~veoeItQ Ilrils 'is' plrpttype' hP kiil~kic~tdd -iiiu;. do'w ji~itlsj sipd- ?? . prolnd h6'edltlet I jls rewvt~lr srse~t.-.0 ;og,Pa e~ilolcotiic~s'f ...


... LAVIIE-CE EV. .5ARLTERs.--Many of our Readers will recollect the Report of this Cause in Replevin, which apipearttd ill this Pa'per iui the niusth of June last. It was tried iu ilhe Court of King's Bench on the 4th of June. The real plaintiff was the late Mr. TTownsend, of Staple Lion, who had piactised as an attorney and solicitor for upwards of fifty years with maucli reputation, and the ...