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From the Evening-Post, January 26

... Jan 26. His Majefty hating received certaic Information of great Misbehaviours committed by the Company the Theatre in Drury-Lane, did on Saturday revoke their Patent; and Ycflerday they were interdided till further Orders. Laft Saturday fcveral Per ...

Published: Thu 28 Jan 1720
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 423 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

Home Circuit

... jew, hiving lately, imported from ..beyond Sci fevtral'Suitl of the rieheft Womens Cloaths that ever werd the Matters of Drury-Lane Play-Houfe are treating :to buy •th?m, none of the Quality being willing to go to the. Price that ...

Published: Thu 11 Feb 1720
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 703 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

From the Post-Boy, September 10

... Silver Pint Pot from a Pub ick Hou e Holbourn. Some Days a Gentleman of the Highway Gang was taken out of his warm Bed in Drury-Lane, and to clofer Quarters in Newgate. Wright, the Barber, who robb'd the Earl of Burlington and the Lord Bruce near Richmond ...

Published: Thu 15 Sep 1720
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1128 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

LONDON January io

... 60 1 It it obfervable, that during the Time of general Complaint, the Town finds Money to fupport four Play- houfes, viz Drury-Lane, Lincolns-lnn-Ficlds ; the Italian Opera and French Comedy both in the Hay- Market. It was moreover deligncd to begin M ...

Published: Sat 07 Jan 1721
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1392 | Page: 3, 4 | Tags: none

London, January 6. T

... Plantations. The Justices of the Peace continue their utmoft Endear to fupprefs the destructive Gaming-Houfes in or near Drury Lane, as being/common Nufancies, encouraged and fupported by Sharper?, which had lately the Boldnefs to relift both the Civil ...

Published: Wed 11 Jan 1721
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2139 | Page: 7, 8, 9 | Tags: none

London, Jan. 13

... Money, befides Watches, Rings, &c. One Edward Dun, a Barber, has been committed to Newgate for being concerned the late Riot Drury Lane-Patfage, when Mr. Bowes the Staymaker was killed. Sunday Morning an antient Woman was found dead the Cellcr built ...

Published: Wed 18 Jan 1721
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 762 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

LONDON, March 4. 'Ti

... late riot at the New Play house, His Majesty has been pleased to order that Company the same Number of Guards they have at Drury-Lane, to prevent any Disturbance for the future. Two of the Daughters of the late Duke of Rutland are ill of the Small Pox, and ...

Published: Thu 09 Mar 1721
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1144 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

LONDON May 2. We hav

... ftands fair for the Triple Crown. We hear .Sir Richard Steele is refiored to his Place of Comptroller of the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Our Merchants have . Advice, that the Mary, Capt-Martin, was unfortunately burnt on the Coast of Guiney; but that the Ma- ...

Published: Sat 29 Apr 1721
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1451 | Page: 3, 4 | Tags: none

From the Whitehall Evening Poft, May i

... (lands fair for the Triple Crowa. We hear Sir Richard Steel is reftor'd to his Place of Comptroller of the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. ...

Published: Mon 08 May 1721
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 348 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Casualties. * ' Die

... advane'd eminent Station. On Wednesday laft dy*d the famous Comedian Mr. Thomas Dogget formerly one one of the Masters of Drury-Lane Play-House : He has left 500 as a standing Provision * for a Livery, Coat and Badge, to be row'd for yearly the first of ...

Published: Thu 28 Sep 1721
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3785 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

A Catalogue of the BOOKS publish'd in London, since our last

... the Rt. Hon. Edward Lord Harley. By a Gentleman of C ambridge. The Or, The Ladies Phiiofophy, afled at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane Written by Mr. Cibber. Supplement to Prior's Poems, confifting of fuch Pieces as were (for private Realons) omitted in the ...

Published: Thu 16 Nov 1721
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 450 | Page: 3 | Tags: none