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Canterbury, Kent, England

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... detrimental to the fa id City; and we bear thcy are to be heard it next Week. On Monday bit a poor Fellow driving a Calf tbro' Covent-Garden, the Beaft rn between the Rails amongft the Earthen Ware and Garden Stuff; which to difturb'd the Market Women that they ...

From the London Gatette, May 17 . Copenhagen, May 7, 0. S. The Wind coming Weltetly the ad inftant, Sir

... Sunday Night. Sea Bonds i 6 S. dif India Bonds ss. dif. The Duke of Bedford' has given Order: for Lottery Tictets 16 s. Covent-Garden to be new railed, and a Mar- .Bruffels, May 20. Yefterday the Lord North ket Houle to be built therein as Gravel and Grey ...


... from whence it came, nor doth it appear that he had been murder'd. Lift Thurfday Night a Woman was buried in it. Paul's Covent-Garden (where a Funeral Sermon was preach'd on that Occafion) who it teems belong'd to a Club, or Society of the Fair Sex, which ...

Cenersl St. saphorin hid wrote to him relating to folic ether Grievances which our Court had demanded in ..

... Contort, who was in her Company. Yeiterdai.MOrning aParty of theiroot-Gnards came from Leicelter•H,oofe to the Bagnio in Covent Garden, and livered fome young Noble men tho ,determined to ftglot .a Duel la Hide-Park ; who o we hear, are now recondled to ...

... upon Bail. . Whereof there have been difpofed of to .Tneiday lift, a Journeyman to .á Contributors 88907 Lace-Shop in Covent-Garden, bui-iodgisig. at Remains undiipufed of, and which are not the Swan a Publick Hoare in the Old to be ifilied till after ...


... nd upwards of his own lawful acquiring. From the Whitehall Even. Poft, Aug. 21. A young Woman, Servant at a Tavern near Covent Garden, ;s t: kenup on Sufjoicion of having given a Dofe ci Poifon ;11 a Glais of Wine to Mr. Chard, a Grocer in that Neir.hbourhood ...

of the Lords of the

... subjected to the Penalty of 20l. The Day before Mrs. Sherman, Wife to a Vintner who keeps the Mitre Tavern in James Street Covent-Garden, was committed to Newgate on Suspicion of poisoning Mr. Chevet, a Grocer in the same Street, who had been ill of a Fever ...

• it*

... of his good fuccefi. Yefterday an Hackney Coachman was committed to Newgate, by Juftice Vaughan, for a Gehtlewoman in Covent Garden, that re b tt i l up as a Pare, of 16 Shillings. David Thomas, alias Bookfye;a Bookreller of Carmarthen, that at the late ...

4. .I.A Thurfday Night Rogues atteMpteLl tv.c.!. to break open the Shop the Sign of the Lyon in St., Clemcnc's

... Rcfpondcur, Netnirt Contra Dicente. On Sonday Night 1111 there was a Du:l fought at the Rummer/Tavern in Henrietta-flreet Covent Garden by Capt. Hayes and Mr. Jen. lins; tht fi;rmer is very dangeroufly wounded. Sa . turdayEvening allan pretty well dreA'd ...

Ship was fo crazy, that the was to be unloaded, in order to be examin'd, it boing queftion'd the could

... Little Hart-ftreet, Covent-Garden, between one W iltiatn a Gentlemau's Servant ) atid Thomas Hargrave an Oyfter-man. The Difpute arnie aboue ‘4l Wager. of Five Shitlins depending between them: They flrip'd and fought in Covent- Garden-Square, and after ...