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From the London Written Letter, May 29. N Friday Jail Mr. Paunceford and Mr. Ferjant Darnel made a very iczrncd

... Viliany. The Advices by a Holland Mail fay, the Grand Seignior is not depofed, as has, been mentioned, but a Confpiracy for that Purpofe had been difcovied, on which Account many have put to Death. [Numb. 1461.3 This Day the Lords read a fecond time the Bill ...

.Itthe London _Evening/eft, March 244. was tura/tad ;it was in Shape oblongi a little . , fli g h wa

... Fields, but was loon di& On Wednefday left a Highwayman having cover'd hidden Under a Fager-Pile, with the robb'd a Gentleman's Coach if the Bottom of Money-and; Things be took from the Farrows ShOOtt es -Hill, rode a towar3s Eltham : And him. - flame time ...

To be and Enter'd upon imtuediateiy, at Deal, AVery gm:a amt convenient llrew-houle,with Coppers and all of ..

... Alley, and lent a WOIlla:i 'Tom thence or a Mc ; but the was no iooner gone than he was taken iii, dropt down, and did i , mucdiately. We hear from Bath, that a few Days (ince a Woman of or was married at the Abbey Churcti there to a Lad of ...

For thc Benefit of Mr. GRFEN and Mr. VAUGHAN the Harlequin. 13y the COMPANY of COMEDIANS from the Royal Theatres

... MoLine ; Arbella, Mifs Burgels; Mrs. Chat, Mrs. Valois; Ruth, Mrs. James; Mrs. Day, Mrs. Mullart ; and the Part of Teague by Mr. Rofco. With Entertaiments of Singing and Dancing, particularly, At the End of the Second Ad, a Drunken Pealant, by Mr. Vaughan ...

From the London Gazette; May 2-6

... appointed a Proteliant to be a Counfclior of the Court of Jullice at Vent°, have been accommodated with the Count de Sinzendorff to the Satisfadion of both Parties. A Placard has lately been publifhed, forbidding, on Pain of Banifliment, the Selling of a Book ...


... Holland lardy ft in a Storm With all the People on Board, being dircovered, to or ii Filbermcn found the Chat and recovered it, wherein was 30000 I. in Gold, to the great Satitfadidn of the' Owners of thit Treal This Day the Lords in a Grand Committee went ...

From the Gamed .Evelsing Pofi, Yeely 25

... Winbourn in Dorfetthire, that a poor Labourer of that Parifh, being engaged in a Matchat i Cudgels with a Farmer's Son n that Neighbourhood, For a Piece of Gold of Thirty fix Shillings Value, had the Misfortune to receive fuch a violent Blow ...

P .R 0 P 0 SA L &for Prisms by ..ukfcription,

... Aldermen, and Sheriffs went to Kenfington to pay their Duty to the King, on which Occafion Baron Thompfon the Recorder made a fuitable Speech to his Majetty, who received them very gracioufly, and was pleafed ,to confer the Honour of Knigh hood on the ...


... much Difficulty Mr Dawfon got A cccfs. After Sermon was over, while the Pfalm was ringing, a numerous Mob of Men and Women, fttaking_ off all Regard to Authority, or Refpeet to the Day or Place, got out of their Seats and in a moil tumultuous manner attack ...

From she Daily Gaz,etteer, March 10

... reafonable Rates. A T Mr. HUGH RAVEN's at the Sign of the Crown in Milford, on Monday the loth of this inftant April, will be fought a Cock Match between the Gentlemen of Hythe and Romney Marfh, and the Gentlemen of A fhford ; to fhew 15 Cocks of a Side, for ...

frame Uhl rad U. Yew

... Prisaile-jenes, . infituare eneenaini a coin. is a is upois Vic J R plete Pocket Copy Nook foe die Praitice of outh in. the EAKT H, as delineated in a S PEC IM EN the Art of Writing. Together with a Supplement. of a Phil.iloph:co ...


... 1731, at Chileneen, a and lirtile Value two Gutne.s, and a Whip tor the Itcond belt Hark, th ot !lace Heats, two each it, every :torte, &c. 1 4 Ands Ilih to carry 9 S:one, allal)ove or nailer to bc Weight lot inches, by any th .t &A:1(A tor the Value of ...