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South East, England

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talist Keene, Efq, tO acliuft with tilde of Spain of the faid Mare fo as to be liada:n, to Henry

... befides Swivel Guns. 100 , 1_1 1 ;11, 20. On Fhucfi y laft the Hon. Col. Chat . : c .)rwAv here from England, whole Rerrnent is now in ot:r Barracks. This 'k one Mr. Murray fold a Piece of Cleth made wit:t Limp at our Unnen- Hall, which exceeded any Flax ...

to his Maj,fty, fince he quitted the only to receive an Imperial Garrifon into Let.: Alliance of Hanover, and ..

... Crowns. of --, advife, chat all the Preparations that His Excellency the Earl Waldegrave is preparing arc making there may terve only to fily: Ap- to fet out for London. yearances; for there, they have no real Inclina- Extra& of a Letter from . .Loadon ...

&meet for Walter l was by the Dirge= tcd ufcicfs ; and at the fame time, and f•T thy* fame

... Wennsinfter, as be;. ing Part of the Eftate of John Ward of Hackney. Efq; in purfuance of a Decree of the High - Court of Chancery. On Friday Morning Mr. Wright, a Higler, going from Chinkford- Hatch for London, wts 3 times itopt before he got to Layton-none; ...

To be LETT at Michaelmas next,

... before they (hall be exhibited on the Stage. A Miniller arriv'el here Come Time Week from the moll potent Prince Theodore the 'Fiat, King of Cor fi ca, eharg'd with an important Cornmifrion to a Perton who ' keeps a Coffee.hnufe in the Spring.Gardens,Charing-Crofs ...

4' 4 nritri Mitni

... of his Money, and obliged him to take a Draught they had in a Bottle; which he apprehending to be Nana, made all pollible balk to an Apothecary's in Drury-Lane, and fent for two very eminent Phyliciatis, who, by a proper Emetick, foon difcovet'd that he ...

We h:ve received six forowing Acccunt of Fire which thippen'd at Church-Hole and Ilanova- flo:c Ro:herhi:h. The ..

... itom a Pot of Turpent;ne in a Boat bdeptgirr, to 0:c Lla;b:n, which over, fircd her, and horn her the Fire fpread to the tning ef the Charrnirg NL-ry, on board whom t here was a ( licnt Nu:nbt.r of Hands to have .extinv,4lTlrd the Flames, but a Rumour ...

éö attend at het late Atajefly's Funeral, ind all tO wear tbc Collars of the Order, at the raid Solemnity

... Proceffion fhall go in at chat Door, and quite round the Choir into Henry the Seventh's Chapel, from the Prince of Wales's Apartments in . the Houle of Lords, on Saturday ncxt. The Scaffold is to be hung with black Bays. We hear that a Detachment of teoo of ...

This is paitifitV, • In Five neat Pocket Volumes, Ni.ov :Word ti with fifteen vssy two Gies, Pries bawd S

... Isiftant Oaober, from Mr. Samuel Goddard at the Court Lodge at Old Romney, a Chefnut Mare, about 14 Hands and a half high, 4 white Feet, a Scar on her near Foot that is hardly well, a large Star in her Forehead, and forne white on her upper Lip. She is fufpetted ...

JOHN FOWLE, Clerk of the Lid Levcll

... JOHN FOWLE, Clerk of the Lid Dyrtichvrch, July 5. 1739. Now to_be LETT, A New Brick'd Houfe, the Church in St. P Canterbury, having four Rooms on a Floor, a good allar, with With- home, Yard, and other good Convoiicncies, lately in the Occapation ut ...

From the London Written Letter April 9. BY . the Holl:ind and French Mails artierd unce my laft, we learn,

... Fortune, whofe Father was a great Merchant of this City, riding full Speed with another Gentleman down a Hill within • Quarter of a Mile of Winchefter, his Horfe threw him, and one of his Feet hanging in Stirrup, he was dragg'd a confiderable Way; by which ...

. , NEat Wines fold Wholefale or Rctail, by ted Minerals and other burning Matter, which 1 I SAMUEL ROBERTS,

... fo fertile, and fo opulent bt.tore this Misfortune. Fxrrad of a Letter London, at. Wheat 2! 24 Oa , a 9 I I Rye it is Pe. , l IS at Bailey 13 II Tads Brown Malt a 6 z 9 Pale 17 11 old 1 a 4 8 lik , rs 14 16 New tlops 70 9O Deal, Tilly 26. On the arrived ...