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Canterbury, Kent, England

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Canterbury. To be Le

... Packet Goods of what kind soever. N. B. All Gentlemen, Tradesmen, Farmers and others, may upon any Occasion any Day in the Week speak with Mr. William Allen at his House in St. Dunstan's aforesaid. LU : Printcd and Sold by 7. 4BAEE in St, Margare!'srlikere ...

From the Whitehall E

... two Sail appeared in Sight; so they were dismissed, after 6 Hours Detention, and the Pyrates made the best of their Way to speak with the others. Sir John Lade, Bart. one of his Majefiy's juftices of the Peace the Borough of South war: , . has begun to ...

ilealing , ' College

... barbarous Murder of Mr. Wright and the Post-Boy. Before Sentence was passed upon them, being asked if they had any one to speak in their Behalf, they had the Assurance to call on Mr. Rends the Post-master: They desired they might have a Fortnight's Time ...

in 30 Minutes; but u

... Words, he espied a Gentleman with laced Cloaths, on Horseback, and pointing to him, cry'd, you get your Money easily, I must speak with you, and taking his Leave in a complaisant manner, rode a full Trot after the Gentleman, and they saw no more of him. ...

T HE Traces appointed by an A& of Parliament made in the 3d Year of the Rcignof our Sovereign Lord

... ref, Birds, fleafis, and tandfchapet, fat the Vie ot L:dies. to colcur, cut cut de japin. It g He bat alfo a new WIC Ma Speaking Mount, call'd the Portune-telliog or Second fighted Fes, which hal the N trite ot the molt avratiag Fan ever yet nevented ...

the Phyficians telling his Majdly, éhat great Fatigue of fitting up, and attending her Ma;fly catifiantly ..

... her kindeft Regard to her Servants, and rnaaifeiling her Zeal for the Welfare of the Publiek. 6 Her Manner of Thinking and Speaking on the many interedling Sub jeas that paffefed her Soul, and her a 4.14 Behaviour from the Beginning of her Linea to the ...

ever to be garrifon'd by Span lb Troops, 'till the (aid Prince is come to Maturity. From the Daily Pon,

... him; and that he reviled and correCted it, there are almoft demonflrative Proofs. It is, in thort, IlsStyleand Manner of Speaking. Paris, Aug. a. Notwithflanding that our Archb.fhop has in his Mandate folly ditletted the Miracle pretended to have been ...


... for of Ladies, to cclour, cut out, or Japan. monftrances without the King's exprefs Leave. the U. X. aHe has a new invented Speaking Mount. call'd The 22d the Gens du Roy went to Maui, the Fortune-telling or Second fight Fan, which has the to know when his ...

fV;o tiours bekre, .'out a teague otof Maud (hi (as he faid) was iodide') with lit Casks of Tallow, and

... bath been for- Merly_publithed. By JOHN PLAY FORD. Ptah 7 God it King of all Earth, F ro if e e Underflanding. Ephef. V. 19. Speaking to in and Hymns, and Spit:- tail Song:, finging and malting Melody in yozr Heart: unto the Lord. London: Printed for Richard ...

chard Crabb; and the Dzvonthire, Capt. T.awrence Prince were forced on Shore and btoke Pices: What was faired ..

... and loon cr anchor'd the fame Road his Aldjql; Ship the Capt. ito. from ?lyre:on:h. 4 in tt-e .I.l,viral Haddock nub his Speak-on, fell dcrn to S. Miens, wh..r: they 'fill n, the Weather Leinfr, very thick oid rainy. The 4.l;Airars Squadron c.,n,11,is ...


... the Place was lately threaten'd, he would have blown tip the whole Tow Weld, Dec. 23. Letters from France and other Parts (speak now more of War than of Peace, and in Regard the Congrels of Soillons is broke up, and the Emperor will not lifien to any Propolal ...