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sizilvat Dickler, next rue!: 1. The Tryal of the of the Reday about Twelve of the Clock, in reveral fin

... Fabvl:o, or VuleanWed. ding, an Opera, after the Manner of the Beg.. ra Opera. I t h as been ready p:rtormbd to gars at the Theatre Royal in Lino:4ns in Fields. Price is. 6d. 9 Impaled from Frarcc, a large Ptrel ef Hungary Water that prerves it fa,to he ...

‘ Dublin, January 23. A | ha made to the Houft of Lords, of . 4 Seas us Praftice carried

... Gardeni8 34 N. B. Sold at the Printing Office, Publifh’d this Day, The HUMOURS of OXFORD. A Come- a. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in ty Lane; by his Majefiy’s.Servants: By a of Wadham Price 18. 6d, 2. LIFE of . Father in God Dr. WHITE KENNETT, late ...

• ADVERT Igß MENT g. To be LETT, or SOLD, THE Late Dwellin g Houk of Mr. William* ICletherfole, in

... reliev'd of her illncfr. Sed alio at the Printing Office, jvit publilht; .The Temple Beau. A Comedy. As it is A fted at the Theatre in, Goodman's Fields. Written by Mr. Fielding. Price i s. 6d. 2. Momus turn'd Fabulift, or Vulcan's Wed.. To be LETT by LEASE ...


... Night his Royal Iliyhnefs the Prince of Wales gave an Entertainment to a great many Perfons of Qpality and Diftinaion; at the Theatre in the Hay-market. On Thuriday Morning laft ont Charles Withy, formerly an Officer ;n the Army, was led at at an Alehoule ...

To bc SOLD

... confider'd. In 41.rrter to a Friend.Pr.6d. 3. TIMOLEON. A Tracdy. As it is aaed at the Theatre Roynl. Price r s. 6d. 4. The Temple Beau. A Comedy. As it is Aeted at the Theatre in Goodman's Fields. Written by Mr. Fielding. Price is. 6d. 5. Momus turned Fabafl ...

Worn th 6 London Evening Poft, Veb. dn the 271 or' Janu.try, 729-30, at the AAnivcriary Fe afto the Ancitnt

... The Sequel of King H:nry IV. with the Humours of Sir John Fantail, &c. to be Acted the 12th of February following, at the Theatre Royal in Drury lane, for the Entertaimmit of the Slciety, (as had been done the latt Year by the late Grand Miter) and ordered ...

Now to be Lett,

... N. B. Sold at the Printing-Office, 1. TIMOLEON. A Tragedy. As it is aaed a t the Theatre Royal. Price 1 s. 6d. 2. The Temple Bean. A Comedy. As it is Atied at the Theatre in Goodman's Fields. Written by Mr. Fielding. Price I s. 6d. 3. Momus turn'd FabuEft ...

From the London Evening Poi', April 7. At the Affizes at Exeter, 8 received Sentence heir that Orders are attailly

... Infolvent Deb. at London-Wall, between Coleman-ftreet and tors &c. Wincheller-ftreet, by two Street-Robbers. He The Anatomical Theatre at Surgeons Nall, defended himielf leme Time with his Cane built by Inigo Jones, 'about too Years fince, but no one coming ...

Charles Hotham and Major General Kidd to a great Hunting Match in the Neighbourhood ot Pottaam, thole two ..

... Dymer, Scrub by Mr. Lane; with an Addi on of the Free /Milan's Prologue and Epilogue by Mr. Lane, as it was fpoken at the Theatre Royal, at the Requeit of thcir prefent Grand Matter, His Grace the Duke ot Norfolk. To be Sold. A Very good Brick Meffuage ...

Yeiterday about 5 in the - AflernorT, ey'd nt his kiou;;: at Clielica, Mr. j mcs 11ew, :m eminent Solicitor

... Magnificence and Elegance of the Buildings in it, exceeds any Thing of the like Nature. There is now in Rchearfal at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, a New Ballad Opera, call'd, The Clown's Stratagem, wiitten, as wr hear, by Mr. Carey, and to be perform'd ...

fhall not only receive the laid - are?, but al/o his Majefty's Gracious and Free Pardon for the laid Offence,

... James's Even. Port, May 2. On Thurfday Night his Royal Hig,linth Duke William, and the two youngett Prneeffes were at the Theatre-Roy:11 in Drury-Lane, to fee the Comedy of, Lo: , e makes a Man: Or, The Foes Forture, for the Benefit of Mr. Griffith trom ...

: : :I v '.td t. :; Money, lit his I.t 1.1:11 .r 4 guilty. John William:: upon an Ind'amcnt

... 1:11 .r 4 guilty. John William:: upon an Ind'amcnt for the Murdcr of his t.11,.w Apprenticc, and was found We arc frcin the Theatre in Goode man's FicldF, the ii ey will ad the Orphan for the Benefit of the Charity Children of Sr. Mary Whitcchappcl. Wv hear ...