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ADVERTISEMENTS. guti Publlyd, ( Price 6d.)

... and the Revolution; Voltaire, and his Hiflory of the late Kirg of Sweden; Bp Burnet Osborne, and S. T. Mininerial Power, the Whigs Monopo s l ; Cromwell a Fortunate Fools a Power, Osborne burlefqued ; Political Vampyres ; Chairs and ; Charitable Corpora/4u ...

... Difiance ; of national Virtue; Vogue; Irony; publ:ek Rejoiciogs Sights, Nntunl and Civil • Coalition of Jacobites, To t ies Whigs Power prododive of Enemies; Excde Scheme palliated the Mini% y &tamed ; Proceedills and Debates in Parliament ; tilatiatal ...

VINNINENI■,--•-_ After the Ordinary h 4 ended us at the Gallows, he walked up the Ladder, and (aid, He had

... noble Perfon ; Court Minions ; Politicaltretds ; B?. Laud vindlcated Member if tint* ; 'the COI - tetioite; Old and m6deiri Whigs; a firftMinifier a Political Cuver ; Shifts of certain Gendemen ; a tory's Revolution Principles, Noblemen abus e d in a Libel; ...

I a . vir p I

... what Party of Men was it difturbed ? Who was it promoted fecretly, and enter'd openly into the Prefton _Rebellion? Was there a WHIG or Dill - enter in the whole Kingdom engaged in it? Have we forgot the Bifhop of Rocbefter's Confpiracy ; his deferved Banifhment ...

Eait ofTIY four Seaford,

... Egyptian Pyramids; Popith . Procellion, &c. V. Political Points, viz. The German Shaver: Principles of the old and linden Whigs compared, &•.:. VI. Poetry', viz. Fanny Miles; the Lover coord ; Syl. Urban cur'd of the Cholick ;To Anne F—. Urban a bad Clok ...

Now to be LETT,

... Fenow went by two Names; viz. Robert Owen, and Robert Underdov:n ; ana is a iquat frefh-collued Man, had on a natutal white Whig, Drab-coloued Coat, a 11 - rip'd Linfey-wolfcy Walicoat, black Breeches, and a pair of half 13cots. Ducal of a Letter Wheat ...

Now to bc tErts

... The FelLw went by two Names, viz Robert Owen, and Robert Underdown ; and is a fpat frefb-colatied Man, hal on a natal white Whig, Drab-colourid Cuat, a tlrip'd Linfey-wolley Waficoat, black Breeches, and a pair o. half Boots. • AT Boxlev near Maiddone ...

• His Majefly has ordered the Review of the *lode and Foot-Guards for the 15th lunatic in Hyde Park. Brigadier

... Threfliing-Floor, and the K. of Rabbah's Crown. Crl on Leonidas. On a Pafrage in Catullus. Tillotfan mildaken about Revenge. Old Whig a Drolleron Words. Apocrypha contains idle Fables. IV. Political. Reit.taions on the Scotia Riot-Bill. The fatal Contequences ...

pblijii Bexttifselly

... Bill; An Old Officer's Notions of Military Honour; The Craftfman a Libel; Plaufible Reafons for a Standing Arpay - Party Merit; Whig and Tory out of Date; Artifichl Memory ; Kicking Cuffing; Drains Colonies. VI. Poetry; viz. Urban turn'd Coachman, and Su in ...

Prom the Daily Advertafer, March T

... in their Judgments by Private Inteiefl. Weckly Etlaysfroin the Ciatifinan,Coinmon Senfe, Spettator, Weekly Mifceilany, 0:d Whig, &c. ;.Poetical Pieces, feveral of which never bet Ore printed, &c. as utual. The Month of January containe3, A Criticifin ...

•rom EDNESrA.I May 14,t0 SA TURDAY Niay 27 27;8

... and genteel Manner of the Pufons who gave the Entertainment feem'd to influence the whole Company, which, tho' compofcd of Whigs, Torics, Roman Catholicks, Perfons of Court and out of Court, and all Parties and Perfuafions, yet was as fociable and affable ...

be LETT, entcrid upon iininediatelr; ALarge cunvenient good accutiotn'd Houle, for a Baker or Waiman, with two ..

... London : Printed for J. oAwn, at the Golden Ball in Pater. noller Row. Where may be had, juft publiflied, r. The Independant Whig: Or, A Defence of Primitive Chriftianity, and of our Eccleliafticallament, againft the exorbitant Claims and Encroachments ...