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... of the late Duke A'Arco. • Saturday at Hicks's Hall came on the Trial of the two Footmen, who were taken up for a Riot at Drury Lane Play-houfe; and after a long Hearing, the Jury brought them in Guilty, and they were fentenced to pay a Fine of a Shilling ...

From the London Evening Pon, Jan. 29

... Pon, Jan. 29. Mr. Meganit, the Cullom honk Officer who took Bryan the Evidence upon Tower Hill, and afterwards M'Mahon in Drury-lane, and was the Means of the whole Gang's being apprehended, five of whom viz. Ryan, M'Mahon, Fitzgerald, Falkener and Farrel ...

4' 4 nritri Mitni

... him to take a Draught they had in a Bottle; which he apprehending to be Nana, made all pollible balk to an Apothecary's in Drury-Lane, and fent for two very eminent Phyliciatis, who, by a proper Emetick, foon difcovet'd that he had no reafun to be apprehenfive ...

labsf an toceciay he ia fnfta nr, bctwecii . Sittingbourn and Millled, (about the Ruins as is fuppofed) a Seal-skin

... together with Sticks, Staves, and other offinfiv.: Weapons, in a tumultuous and riotous manner, and bfoke open the Doors of Drury-lane Playhoufe, fir not being let into %%hat they call their G.rtiery, atid fouglit their way in fo delperate a manner to the ...

he to get a GU& to tat. die Liquor, which gave the Woman an Opportunity of getting off; the Beadle

... clear oft. Lail Sunday Morning one Wiliiam Rich i srdfon, who livdSo . ver-againft the Goat Mahon& in Short's- Gardens, by Drury-Lane, went out with his Son to pick Mailrooms ! but unfortunately gatfiered thole of a poifonous Kind • which his Family boon ...

From the Daily Gazeteer, March i 2:

... but a few Hours after, and was again buried the next Night. On Thurfday Night laft a Footman, who was keeping Places at Drury-Lane Play-Houfc upon the Stage behind the Curtain, hearing fome Gentlemen who were in the Pit, call to fome Footmen who were ...

Extra f a Letter from Pars, Feb. zzL

... City of Coventry, in the room of Sir Adolphus Oughtop, deceafed. • On Monday Night laft a great Dilltirbance happened at Drury-lane Play-Houfe, occationed 'Tis written from Lisbon, that extraordinary Rejoicings were made there, on Account of the Accommodation ...