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Register of New Books

... Buchan. Several odes to his R. Highnefs the Prince of Wales, on his Birth-day, Jan. 20. By Poets expeSiant. Obfervations on the Whigs and Tories, and the Diffenters. The The Raven and Owl: a dialogue. pr. .1 s. Confiderations upon the prefent ftate of our affairs ...

Published: Fri 05 Jan 1739
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 770 | Page: 46 | Tags: none


... s. The ftar-gazer. pr. 6 d. Prjfent ftate of politicks in Europe, pr. 6 d. Remarks on pamphlet called Obfervations on the Whigs and Tories. An abftraft of the life of Mr. Halyburton. pr. s. Rules and orders for a religious fociety. pr. 4 d. The imperious ...

Published: Fri 02 Feb 1739
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1364 | Page: 46 | Tags: none


... The trials of feven pyrates. pr. 6 d. The hiftory of Northamptonmire, by the late J. Bridges, Efq; N°. i. pr. i s. The Old Whig, or the ConfiftentProteftant, in 2 Vol. Bvo. Colledled from the late weekly journal of that 7iame: being, mojl of them, papers ...

Published: Fri 02 Mar 1739
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 943 | Page: 46 | Tags: none

Craftsman, April 7

... prefent purpofe, that I am fure all my unbiafs'd readers will be pleafed with a quotation of them; which are as follows: old Whigs fhould hunt after places, as much as ever the Tories did; and if, like them, upon preferment, they fhould become quite ne ...

Published: Fri 06 Apr 1739
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 8892 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

Weekly Miscellany, April 14

... they are foolifh enough to bite at naked hook. It is fo far, for inftance, from being right to keep up the old diftin&i-©ns of Whig and Tory amongft us, that I think even thofe of Court and Country ought to be laid afide. The only true and proper diftinction ...

Published: Fri 06 Apr 1739
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 7910 | Page: 24 | Tags: none

be LETT, entcrid upon iininediatelr; ALarge cunvenient good accutiotn'd Houle, for a Baker or Waiman, with two ..

... London : Printed for J. oAwn, at the Golden Ball in Pater. noller Row. Where may be had, juft publiflied, r. The Independant Whig: Or, A Defence of Primitive Chriftianity, and of our Eccleliafticallament, againft the exorbitant Claims and Encroachments ...


... London: Prtnted for J. Osborn, at the Golden Ball in Pater.. nofler Row. Where may be had, jun publifhed, 1. The Independant Whig: Or, A Defence of Primitive Chriflianity, and of our Ecclectailical Eflablithment, againft the exorbitant Claims and Encroachments ...

JuJI Publijb’d ( The Five following SERMONS By the Rev Mr George Whitefield of Pembroke- College VIZ Hell ..

... THOMAS GORDON Efq Printed Osborn the Golden-Ball Pater-nofter-Kow by T Bookfeller Gloucefter jufl Pitblijhed The Independent Whig: Or A Defence Vanity the exorbitant Claims Encroachments Fanatical and Clergymen The with Additions Arnend-jnents In Three ...

Published: Tue 24 Apr 1739
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1613 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

His Royal Highnefs's Anfwer

... particular Refpea for the Perfon to whom they are inferib'd. From the Craftfman. I have fhewn, in a former Paper, that old Whigs may drop their Principles, and adopt the direct contrary, deceiving Themfelves with an idle Notion that They are ftill fol- ...

Published: Sat 28 Apr 1739
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1554 | Page: 1, 2 | Tags: none

'• } a' 4 ' > lIIS r ii! o'*icr» whom conccrn Stamford, &c. the of the River We'.Lvd will

... the Etbafemcnt and Miiery that great People, its See. By THOMAS GORDON, Efc j4?IJ likewife lad, pM'jVd, 1. The Independent Whig : Or, Defence of e Chriilianity, and our Ettablifhmenr, againft the exorbitant Claims and Encroachments f Fanatical and Difaffeded ...

Published: Thu 31 May 1739
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 480 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Craftsman, June 2

... ftill fome honeft, wellmeaning men, amongft the Whigs, who cannot forfake their former notions, with relation to publick affairs; who think that becaufe they were once call'd Whigs, they muft always be Whigs, and that they now govern, becaufe one actually ...

Published: Fri 01 Jun 1739
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 14519 | Page: 9 | Tags: none