ftti&uiing Letter is

... and corroborate our tion, inftead of altering or rU by purging all future parliament mean and improper members, a c . to the Whig fcheme in former pC- Thefe writers allow that there hundredplacemen even in thep r J c \ of C Sf which commonly majority-, ...

Published: Fri 08 Feb 1740
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 18924 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

Raftsman, March i. utter * l (lt 0 a Gentleman in the country, retn t0 left ion of Parliamentary '

... modelled to the prevalent faction in every feffion. There is the lame fpirit abroad now, diftingUifhing itfelf by the names of Whigs and High-church-men. One cries out, Take care of the church ; another, We are in danger of Popery; when any man with half an ...

Published: Fri 07 Mar 1740
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 17864 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

'bonis inanl Muntre know the Age is to filch Degree as even the Virtue Dead be thought a difagreeable and

... their Father in the whole Courfe his Publick Behaviour from his oppofing the Jacobite Frenzy in his earlieft Youth his the Whig Corruption in Decline Age The laft Years his might have been too painful to under the Anguifh Sicknefs the Concern for his ...

Published: Tue 18 Mar 1740
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1817 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Poll, or Cazierary News letter

... : (d) A Year the Fox fhews the Grimace, A Year he's diflanc'd in the Race: A Year that Charity's extended, (e) A Year that Whig and Tory's blended, Amazing Year, that were de - ended. (a) Dedoration of War (b) A Spaniard it Isseelingto 13—nia, holding ...

L 0 n ■ d on, March 15,

... || A Year the' Fox fliews a Grimace, A Year he's diftanc'd in the Race: A Year that Charity's extended, ■ ~z ||§ A Year that Whig and Tory's blended, C Amazing Year, that were defended. y * Declaration of War. J A Spaniard is kneeling to B nia, holding ...

Published: Thu 20 Mar 1740
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 477 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

LONDON, March 22

... our Ships from fearching (J A Year the Fox (hews A Year he's ditlanc'd the Race : A Year that Charity's extended, A Year that Whig and Tory% blended, > Amazing Year, that were defended. j * Declaration of War, A Spaniard is kneeling to B—folding 0 it a ...

Published: Thu 27 Mar 1740
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1818 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

PROCEEDINGS of the political club,

... ons amongft us, with which this nation ufed formerly to be perplexed The Jacobite party is now, thank God! intirely broke: Whig and Tory, High Church and Low, have been many years ago*quite forgot: we are all united in a refolution to fupport and preferve ...

Published: Fri 06 Jun 1740
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 16181 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

To be SOLD at Prime Coft,. THE STOCK in Trade of Mr. Edward. Whaley, Brafier, at the Hoop and Grapes

... Watfon ar Bury, J. Ken- dall at Colclefter, and W Craighron ar Ipfwich. Where may be had, juft publifh'd, 1 . The Independent Whig: Or, A De- fence of Primitive Chriitianiry, and of our Ecclefiaftical Eltablifliment, againft the exoibirant Claims and Eti- ...

Published: Sat 26 Jul 1740
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4319 | Page: 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This is to nve Notice, that there will he A P E TTY S E S S I O M

... Watfon at Bury, J. Ken- dali at Colchefter, and W. Craighton at Ipfwlcb. Where may be had, juft publiJfAd, 1 . The Independent Whig: Or, A De- fence of Primitive Chriftianity, and of our Ecclefiaftical Eftablifhment, againft the exorbitant Claims and Ea. ...

Published: Sat 13 Sep 1740
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3923 | Page: 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

>'' C-0 uNin News

... Country, that the faid Admiral j Birth Day waslikcwifc obferved, by as great Rejoicings, among People of all Rank.,' a. ever whig known on any Occahon : In ihort, to give the many Particulars we receive, would take up tooniuch Room-ia this Paper. • ...

Published: Thu 20 Nov 1740
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 124 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Craftsman, Feb. 21

... prevailed both with the eleßors and the eleded, in the reign of Q Jlnne, is a truth,which I. believe will not be denied by either Whig or Tory, though perhaps each will aifign a different period of time, when is allowed to have prevailed. That thefe means of ...

Published: Fri 06 Feb 1741
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1937 | Page: 22 | Tags: none

LONDO N, Feb. 21

... and Property; no Pretenders ?? or Miniftry ; the fhorteft: Way with the War by a fafe and honourable Peace, with many other Whig Healths. Never was greater Joy eyr> r eft in behaif of our long-eft eem'd and well-approved Reprefentative, which was teftsfied ...

Published: Thu 26 Feb 1741
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 345 | Page: 2 | Tags: none