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ADVERTISEMENTS. tlif Thatthe FREEMAN, Robert Tongue Ma fter, now lyingin the Harbour ol Lelth, will begin to ..

... on Tuefday next the 19th current, for NewcafHe, Hull, Beverly, York, Leeds, Wakefi-ld,*' Hallifax, Nottingham, Derby, Man field, Manchefter, New-work, and all other Places adjacent to Yorkfhire, Derbyfhire, Lincolnfhire and Leicefterfhire, and will fail (Wind and Weather ferving) on Saturday the 23d. The Mafter may be fjoke with on board the Ship, or on the Shore, at Mrs. Cuthbertfor/s in the ...

Published: Thu 14 Sep 1749
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 868 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISE M E N T S. . itl9 acquaint ihofe of the NOBILITT and GENTRT ?? v i>o may

... have Occafion to travel into England, I ..h. Fl ',if.v Fawcett, who former Iv k. ot the Black- I ?? Inn, in SCARBOROUGH, where he had \ Ptjjcr-our of accommodating many Perfons of DtftinfHen 1 North Britain, wh.Te Kdndnef. and Good-nature 1 always remember with the utmoft tiratitude, takes j Opportunity of returning Thanks to all his Scots Be- j lifers, and to inform them, that, for their ...

Published: Tue 29 May 1744
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2112 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENT S. r Q be Leaf A tbii Seafon at DAL MA HOT, 5 Miles Wefl i fom Edinburgh, A

... B*Y ARABIAN STALLION, at two Guineas, and a Crown to the Keeper, Leap and Triai. ju(} imported d i rett ly from Cbejbire, A Cargo of fine large CHESHIRE CHEESES, to he >f ,H for Three-pence per Pound, at the Shop of Patrick Tod Merchant, ar the Sign of the Holly Buih, Back of the (-ara, and at tbe Shop o^ Walter Neiifon Merchant, at the Goldeu Siar, Horth-fide of the Cauongate-head, a little ...

Published: Thu 19 Apr 1744
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2153 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADV ERTISEMENTS. $+§ Ttat the EirhofEglhtoun, GUfgow and London Mr. Archibald Montgomery Bother ro the Earl of ..

... Patrick Crawford of Aucbtames, UuMuirolßo, ?? L - . el, J ,r . i t :! A Dus ' h P Have refolved to prefen rhe GAMb in rheir tft urs in the Counties of Air as Ren rew : Ana h rexprfl hat ?? willattempt!: hunt or fowl thereon wtrhour rhcir Warrant : with Cc! incanon, tiiat the Tranfgreffors will be profecute andpc ni'hrd m terms of La«-. * ?? To-morrow, the 26th inft. in a Lodging, 2d Stoi! up ...

Published: Tue 25 Jun 1745
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2427 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADV ERTISEMENTS. Lofton Wednefday the 10th ofjuly current, about Eimonl ft on, near Edinburgh, A mottled or ..

... belonging to the Right Hen. the Earl • f EgUntoune, with brown Kars and a L:athern Str^p about his Neck, marked EGLINTQUNR. Whoever can give Intelligence of, or return the Dog to the Pu^liiher ot this Paper, or to James Wood Writer in Edinburgh, tobe found at the Laigh CofFee-houfe, (hail have a Guinea Reward* sp»sf That the LANDS and TENEMENTS in anda- bout )Sx. fo, belonging to George Waldie ...

Published: Mon 15 Jul 1745
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1528 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... hat there is a Vacancy of one of the DOCTORS of the GRAMMAR-SCHOOL at ABERDEEN, to be disputed for within the High-Council-house of Aberdeen upon Tuesday the 15th Day of January 1745 : These are therefore, by Order of the Magistrates and Town-Coun- cil of Aberdeen, inviting all qualified Persons who incline to dispute for the foresaid Office, that they may attend at Aberdeen, Time and Place ...

Published: Wed 10 Oct 1744
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1812 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A DV ERTISKMENTS. Jufl now come home, and to be fold by WILLI AM CHAL- MERS, at the Head of

... the Cowgate, Edinburgh* A Parcel of fine LISBON I«i MONS, BITTER, and CH 1 N AORA NG ES, 2cry Brandy, pla in ditto, fine Vi r- bin Honey ; all at reafonabie Rates. 3*3 contebonte* after a Paffage cf 11 Days, and tobe fold or ARCHIBALD SHiELLSV Shop, at the Hand and O- range, Bask of tbe Ctofs-weli, Edinburgh, A ( d'g ;) of fii'e thin skin'd juicy LisD-on LfMONSj j~ v ?? China OR-TNGES. Of ...

Published: Thu 27 Dec 1744
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1854 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISE M E N TS I +*f A Cenrlen'jn wants a s.rr 3 nt tnride wifh h'.u J can wrre

... a fair Har-J, and he'll give becer bi-c , ?? ment than ufbal. Hrq-jirc ac Mr. A _d.: ; on_c ?? Hope's bhop, Edinburgh. * T To be SOLD by publith Rcup, within the Torsn hut] Jedburgh, ?? 24»fc Dcy cj November* at 2 of the tlcct Af.emoom, The VSOODS ot MUS BURN TOO KD and DOLVVAI STON, lying upon che Water of Jed, wirhin ihe _hirt Roxburgh, and belonging to the M_ft Honourable Marquis of ZOTH I ...

Published: Tue 13 Oct 1747
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 284 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. Edinburgh, Juris ?„, 1746. This is to f.g-p.ifi* to ali NON COM Ml *o.Cu . OFFf.i CFRS and SOLDIERS

... of the Honourable Lieutenant General GUISE's Regiment o! Foot chic have been take-l Piifoners at Pieftonpai.s or tlfewhere, thar they are M repair, within Thirty Days from the Dace hereof t;l BERWICK, -he Regiment's pef_nt Qaartco;, oeiu-I wife they *i I be profecuted as Dcfcrters. At the Wa/ehoufe of GEORGE and JAMES MUM Merchants in Leith. Ouality Stieet, a fold. Fine CHESHIRE CHEESE, at 2S ...

Published: Thu 05 Jun 1746
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 363 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

AL L Perfjns who have sny Demands on the Eftate or Etffts of Mr. John Kendal, Faimer, late of Ardley

... in thi Coun y ofEflax, dece.fed, ar: deliied te. fend a Ace aunt thereof to M-. J,>hn Sp;!! , ot Shelley-Hall in the- County of S. flu>lk, Ms Adm ni- ftr 1 1 ; or 10 Francis Jove jat the Whi ?? in Ardley, on or beiore thu 16th e>f thia Inftant December. To be LETT and Enter'd uptn immediately, THE HOUSE late Mrs.Gißßs's,' known by the Name of Hori:eslt Park, betwem Colchefter, ...

Published: Sat 03 Dec 1748
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5663 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISE M E N T S. Strayed from Dundee tn Sunday the \%th current, A SPANIEL WHELP, 8 Months old,

... brown coloured,' long docked, hfs Belly, Flank and Legs white, with hxown Spots on his Feet, a L^ather-coflar ?? with a 4>r3fs Plate on it and fhe Owner's Name; he an- fwers to the Name Tippler. Whoever gives Account of him to P.3ulFa--quharfon Vintner in Dundee, or the Own- er, fo as he may be lecovered, Rial] be fufficiently re- warded. To be SOLD by publick Roup at Nevtbottle on Friday ihe ...

Published: Mon 26 Dec 1743
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1432 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds